
Started by Bucky, 03-08-2010

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Hey guys, Buck here, just wanted to give everyone a pat on the back for all the attacks we stood up to today... I belive it was 4 waves of mercs and STALKERs and one massive military attack.

It was very, VERY fun and I enjoyed the RP alot. I also want to thank Predu and Bielecki for being great eladers and keeping cool throughout the whole thing, without you we would ahve been assraped...

Once again, good job guys, Monolith is finnaly coming back.

Ace of Hearts

I think we held off attacks on that rooftop for a good 3 RL hours or more, without any real rest.

Predu and Bielecki were awesome, kept shit organized despite the near-impossible odds we had against us.

Only downside to this whole day was when Arex/Ralazo attacked us on their Traders. ><

Excellent work, Brothers! Glory to the Monolith!


 I missed it due to real life responsibilities T_T
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Ha... I joined near the end, and killed whoever was the mono sniping. Was fun, since that character of mine just left the Exile's Mono event.


Lol, Khorn i think that was wait...twoards the end I was camping in that little house thingy helping Rov deal with the injured, maybey somone stole my SVD I ICly dropped and was using it, who knows but yeah anyway, awesome event.


You all did a great job.
Best bit was when we snuck around to the Military base and raided them, killing all inside.


I dunno, I think I would have called that move a desperate bumrush...but that was awesome I have to admit. Predu got killed lamley and it made me sadface.

Ace of Hearts

Honestly the bumrush on the Military base was my favorite part. :V


Me and Rov were setting in that little house and all of a sudden we hear F2ks and AKMs plus a g36 blazing and all those dying sounds that sound like people having orgasms...and we were like "Shit!" but then mili in OOC was like: "NO WAY, THATS NOT FAIR!" then Beil was like shut up, it is too. And then we all went into teh base.


That was fun.The end.End of story.Dr.Phil visited doomburger and asked a funny question.Is it about typhoon ?

Lol good job


I was busy slowly bleeding out in that little house receiving no medical care lol.


Good for you.In reality the monolith just walk by wounded monolithians.For instance:Ones head blows up they just walk by it.However if it is a higher rank like a preacher or patriarch or kafka and they were on a patrol.Then this would happen:RUN AROUND LIKE ZOMBIES SHOOTING THERE GUNS ALL AROUND BITING EACH OTTER FREAKIG OUT. i would too if pwedu got hurt <:3




You'll matter if you get up to Brother liturgist acoylte preacher shtuff like that.

I'll continue this conversation later.Good night mr. UHHH who are you ? oh that guy btw your insurance plan just got denied


Honestly ICly I was trying to keep my guts from spilling out, and as I recall I stuck a tube down your throat to help you breathe.


but then two seconds after you did that you got shot in the face and died.


No, I went off sniping then dropped my SVD some dude picked it up and HE died...I was in the house fixing Zombie.

Ace of Hearts

Quote from: NikkoBlob on 04-08-2010
No, I went off sniping then dropped my SVD some dude picked it up and HE died...I was in the house fixing Zombie.

Think it was either Prey or Hammer that picked it up. I know one of them died and we looted a sniper rifle from them.


Most likeley prey, impulsive bastard, I watched him stand out in the open, get shot in the head and ly off the building.

Ace of Hearts

Quote from: NikkoBlob on 05-08-2010
Most likeley prey, impulsive bastard, I watched him stand out in the open, get shot in the head and ly off the building.

LOL. I saw that too. Didn't his AK go flying off the building, too?


lol i must have not seen it. Must have been Epic.


Yeah he spun like nine times, he was typing too.


Now im sad cause i missed the spining T_T
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


K i totally missed all of that.And no i didn't have your SVD i didn't even know you had one.I don't pay attention to other people's stuff


I am comin back guys I need to fix gmod first.