
Started by Smirnoff, 07-08-2011

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*A man wearing a dirty costume steps into the room, holding a microphone*

Welcome, most welcome! Ladies and gentlemen.. to the most fabolous of shows!
My name is Dealer, and I will be your host for todays entertainment.
You have waited patiently.. oh I can see the lust for blood in your eyes.
You want blood.. you want betrayal.. you want it all dont you?
Well fear not, todays game will satisfy all your needs, and a little bit more.

*The man gestures to the door*

The door slowly opens, and the crowd gasps loudly at the sight.
Before them stands a man in a bright white painted exo suit, holding a light machine gun in his hands.
'Dealer' grins widely.
My honored crowd, may I present to you my latest game.. Valkyria.
*The crowd applauses, and the man in the white exo bows his head slightly*

This man, is no other then the valkyria himself, a decider of fate, of life.. and death.
*Another gesture at the door*
The door slowly opens with a creek, and out steps 10 men of varying age and looks.
They line up infront of the crowd, with a tense look on their faces.
'Dealer' speaks into the microphone once more.

All of these men have chosen to participate.. for several reasons, some have debts, some want a ticket home, some.. probably have a death wish.
Each of these men will be given a red collar, and will then be allowed out into the sector once more, but so will the valkyria.
Their objective is simple, gather as many red collars as you can, the deadline is one day.
The one with the most red collars wins the competition, and takes the entire reward for himself.. the rest, well.
Lets just say they probably wont make it out of this room again, if they're not lying in a ditch somewhere already.
There is only one rule, there are no rules.

Obtain the collars in any way you want, what will happen ladies and gentlemen?
Will we see cooperation? A gang teaming up to kill the others, take their collars and split the reward?
Or will we see backstabbing? Pretending to ally with someone, only to shoot them in the head?
Only time will tell ladies and gentlemen, who will survive, and who will die?
I am not one to decide, and.. one more thing.
The valkyria will shoot anyone with a red collar on sight, but he carries 5 red collars himself.

'Dealer' grins widely again.
Now.. let the games.. begin!

// It is still kind of a work in progress, but this is the general idea of how the event will work out.
// I am going to be asking the admin team to provide a decent reward to the winner, but I cant promise anything.

// I will be going to roleplay as Dealer, which means the position as Valkyria is still open, if you want to participate, please send me a PM, reply to this thread
or talk to me over steam.

// And one more thing, feedback! Csontructive criticism is always welcome.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."


I got to 'The man in the White Exo' and couldn't read on without laughing my ass off...


Good for you that you find it amusing.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."

Steven :D

I like it. Sincerely.