Unban: >>Dark Scar<< [Approved]

Started by Dark Scar, 02-04-2010

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Dark Scar

Name: >>Dark Scar<<
Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:13385243
Reason for Ban/Unban: I, like many other HGN Srp players love to play on the server and dedicate time in helping people get to grips with it and help the HGN srp population grow, I did a childish thing in duping weapons giving an unfair advantage to me, but it was only meant to be once or twice until i met a certain person who was hungry for such stuff. He led me on, he told me to give him Akabans when he lost one or sold one, I admit i have sold 1 Akaban but that's all. You dident see me in any fancy SEVA or Stalker suits nor any suit except the Rookie suit. What im getting at is that if i get Unbanned i will change, theres more efficient ways of earning money and guns such as Rping Bandit or just doing jobs like a merc would,  So, please can you either Unban me or just reduce the ban to a smaller amount so i can continue to Roleplay on your great server and aid others, we all make mistakes, thats what makes us human. And also this is my 1st only ban on the whole of HGN and i understand fully that what i did was very wrong and i am truly sorry for what i did, but if i could have another chance i will change, i wont exploit nor even do anything else to harm the community or its members and the Roleplay on the servers, Please let me have another chance.
How Long: Permanent
|HGN| Szenti|Blake=2
|HGN| Headcrabs
Longlostblake [O.C. Reg

If you require any help in regarding S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay or any other HGN related business, feel free to ask me or any other member of the HGN staff.

SF : |HGN-STSA| Dark Scar


Duping weapons..hmm..I feel a warning would have been sufficient.



Dark scar you have annoyed me but you know i dont think it was on purpose or anything. Also that isnt that bad. Also i believe you will change after the threat of a ban.


I'm sure you won't do such a thing again.

Dark Scar

Thanks for all of your support so far

If you require any help in regarding S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay or any other HGN related business, feel free to ask me or any other member of the HGN staff.

SF : |HGN-STSA| Dark Scar



Ive weapon duped before ofcourse my friend forced me to help him and when an admin came he lied that i was an idiot and he was just teaching me how to knife. (he can be a jerk.) But anyway i dont think that deserves a ban :)


For all you people who say "Oh it's just weapons duping, no big deal" and then bitch when we need to wipe the economy you guys are hypocrites. That being said a month is probably long enough.


When is Darkscar getting unban may i say because i has been a long time now.
Quote from: Paintcheck on 25-04-2010
That being said a month is probably long enough.


I do believe that you may deserve a second chance, but having permanently banned people support you such as IcE fIrE doesn't count for much.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile

Silver Knight

Alright - Approved.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period