Ukraine 2010

Started by meetdadoom, 05-08-2010

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 So I am at Ukraine for two weeks to visit my grandparents and cousins. Im going to be taking pictures starting tommarow for a few porpuses.
A. Silver made me :(
B. I usually do take pictures because every year it seems's like Ukraine is getting more high tech and it's kind of cool looking at a picture of Ukraine 2001 and then looking at how it looks now.
C. For people trying to create a backstory have a better understanding of how the setting is so they don't make a backstory of how they lived their entire life on the farm and never seen electricity or cars.

So I'll start taking pictures tommarow but I'm not sure if I can upload them until I come back to the states.



Oh yeah and the reason why I am posting this on stalker forums is because it can help roleplay alittle bit.



Ukraine is mostly filled with Soviet architecture.
Same with the other countries which were under Soviet occupation.
I can take pictures here and you won't make a difference between Ukraine and Estonia.

Good luck I guess and where exactly are you going?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


there's is a lot of technology, but there is still plenty of farms and agriculture, mostly growing wheat.


Sneak into the exclusion zone and take pictures of pripyat from a hill far away so you don't die of radiation.


yeah do that ^


It would be funnay if he took a picture of some dude in a Mono looking suit with a SVD...that means I exsist in real life.


To answer all the questions:
Jake-Burespavitch and Kiev
Mikhail: nailed it on the head, in kiev they kept alot of soviet union architecture and everyone in Ukraine LOVES technology, I went to an arcade with my cousin there where more adults playing the games then kids, also yeah there are still alot of farms, and hell yeah there is alot of wheat the best drink made in ukraine is kvac and that's like non-alcoholic beer, its really fucking good, they have kegs all over the city selling kvac as if it was an icecream truck,
Silence- I want to really badly and so does my cousin who lives in Ukraine however you really don't get to go far unless your part of the press, or if you hire a private tour (almost like the stalker in the movie :D ) so if I were to go I would only be able to get a small picture of a forest in the cordon.
NikkoBob- That can explain why this monotone guy came up to me and started l33t sp3ak1ng to me but then got shot on site by the military.

Also the place I am staying at is near a military base and my cousin and I want to ask one of the gaurds to say "Get out of here Stalker" as an inside joke however Stalker and the movie is pretty big here, gaming in general is pretty  big, hell my uncle is playing diablo 2 right now.

Also I think I found a usb wire so I might be able to upload pictures starting tommarow.



Quote from: NikkoBlob on 05-08-2010
That means I exsist in real life.

Wait, You don't really exsist?


does anything really exist?


Get the tour then.Make sure you get a gas mask and plenty of filters.Oh and that no skin is showing.


dont forget to bring home a souvenir


Bring us an artifact not a cheap one one of the really hard ones to find


Quote from: Silence) on 05-08-2010
Bring us an artifact not a cheap one one of the really hard ones to find

Sure, I'll bring a radioactive piece of scrap metal home and take pictures of it and put it on my facebook like yo.


Ace of Hearts

Quote from: meetdadoom on 05-08-2010
Quote from: Silence) on 05-08-2010
Bring us an artifact not a cheap one one of the really hard ones to find

Sure, I'll bring a radioactive piece of scrap metal home and take pictures of it and put it on my facebook like yo.

Great, now we can sell it on Ebay and be rich. :V


If you can find and take a picture of a women on your Ukraine trip, I'll give you 10 bucks, I'm curious....


Quote from: Silence) on 05-08-2010
Bring us an artifact not a cheap one one of the really hard ones to find
Quote from: Silence) on 05-08-2010
Get the tour then.Make sure you get a gas mask and plenty of filters.Oh and that no skin is showing.

I think it's that time, when we stop posting and forget about HGN.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Pawx he is probly going to take a picture of

A. A american woman.

B. A fat one.

C. One that used to be male

D.There is no D

Ace of Hearts

There is always a D.

Also, what Pawx said.


There are no "Tours" of Chernobyl as far as I know.


They are go
Quote from: Pawx on 06-08-2010
If you can find and take a picture of a women on your Ukraine trip, I'll give you 10 bucks, I'm curious....
They are god awfully ugly or fat,

Oh yeah and my camera's usb cable decided to renact the pearl harbor and was playing as both sides and at the end decided to kill it self so I'll uplad pictures when i get back on the 19.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 07-08-2010
They are go
Quote from: Pawx on 06-08-2010
If you can find and take a picture of a women on your Ukraine trip, I'll give you 10 bucks, I'm curious....
They are god awfully ugly or fat,

Oh yeah and my camera's usb cable decided to renact the pearl harbor and was playing as both sides and at the end decided to kill it self so I'll uplad pictures when i get back on the 19.

WHOA SLOW THE FUCK DOWN BRO. I know a lot of Ukie girls, and there are some really hot chicks.


Have a good time, and try not to get shot in the head. :o


Quote from: Paschen8r on 08-08-2010
Have a good time, and try not to get shot in the head. :o
*cough* Why would he get shot in the head ? Cough*cough*


Quote from: Silence) on 08-08-2010
Quote from: Paschen8r on 08-08-2010
Have a good time, and try not to get shot in the head. :o
*cough* Why would he get shot in the head ? Cough*cough*

Good question...  ::)