Trader Complaint

Started by Wings, 20-10-2010

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   So, I was playing on the SRP server today. When I went to the "100 Rads Bar" To sell my default AK74u, and another one that I had picked out of a stash awhile back; Plus a Fort 12. When I went up to the counter the first time the trader "Pelican" wad there. I asked him how much an Ak74U would bring, plus the other one and my Fort12. he replied with: "Get the fuck out of my face." "Get the fuck out of here!" "I don't deal with your kind!" Then "Wolf 5", Raised his LR300 to my head; and I left.
  Awhile later, I came back in the bar and he started shit again, So I said "NLR" (Because I had died in an anomolie). So, I asked him "How much would an Ak74u Bring, Ru wise?" He then replied with "Why would I want that piece of shit?!" "Then he ignored me, so I asked again. He replied with "Get the fuck out!"
the Dutier "Alex" Escorted me out, and the trader said. "Fuck this base!" and left the base.

What kind of behavior is that for a trader? What the fuck? I wasn't rude at all, I just wanted to know how many Rubles I could get. I think this guy needs his trader removed, because this is not the first time that he has done this to me. I have also witnessed him being rude to other Stalkers. If you do not believe me, Check the logs, or ask Alex. I'm sorry, But I did not have Fraps running at the time.


Your selling a gun you spawn with? YOU should probably get your Flags removed. Also, He doesn't HAVE to sell to you if he doesn't want to, his business, if he wants to lose customers, then he will. Second, It's not NLR to the Trader if you run into a Anomally, that's your own fault...


Quote from: Pawx on 20-10-2010
Your selling a gun you spawn with? YOU should probably get your Flags removed. Also, He doesn't HAVE to sell to you if he doesn't want to, his business, if he wants to lose customers, then he will. Second, It's not NLR to the Trader if you run into a Anomally, that's your own fault...

Exactly pawx...

Anyway. He told me he ran into a anomolie, But that would have destryoed the gun he was holding
So he didn't nlr, He just lied,


You don't spawn with the flag guns (at least you aren't supposed to) you should get 1 and 1 only (unless you don't in which case yeah Wings that is abuse and stuff).

Despite possible abuse or not yeah that is not good RP from the trader since he just scared off a potential future customer. But there's nothing in the rules that says a trader must be polite to everyone (although that tends to help business a lot). Plus as a trader myself it is aggravating when all anyone wants to do is sell you shit gear and no one wants to buy anything, especially when they won't take a reasonable offer for it (I had someone demand 5k for an AN94 once).


Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-10-2010
You don't spawn with the flag guns (at least you aren't supposed to) you should get 1 and 1 only (unless you don't in which case yeah Wings that is abuse and stuff).

Despite possible abuse or not yeah that is not good RP from the trader since he just scared off a potential future customer. But there's nothing in the rules that says a trader must be polite to everyone (although that tends to help business a lot). Plus as a trader myself it is aggravating when all anyone wants to do is sell you shit gear and no one wants to buy anything, especially when they won't take a reasonable offer for it (I had someone demand 5k for an AN94 once).

Create new character.
Drop gun
Use the 500 rubles to delete


Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-10-2010
You don't spawn with the flag guns (at least you aren't supposed to) you should get 1 and 1 only (unless you don't in which case yeah Wings that is abuse and stuff).

Despite possible abuse or not yeah that is not good RP from the trader since he just scared off a potential future customer. But there's nothing in the rules that says a trader must be polite to everyone (although that tends to help business a lot). Plus as a trader myself it is aggravating when all anyone wants to do is sell you shit gear and no one wants to buy anything, especially when they won't take a reasonable offer for it (I had someone demand 5k for an AN94 once).
Thats what I meant, The one that I got when I made my character. I was going to sell it, then buy a different gun. Also thats fine that he wants to act that way, Next time I see him IC; I will act the same way that he did. RUDE.
Problem resloved...


Quote from: Turkey on 20-10-2010
Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-10-2010
You don't spawn with the flag guns (at least you aren't supposed to) you should get 1 and 1 only (unless you don't in which case yeah Wings that is abuse and stuff).

Despite possible abuse or not yeah that is not good RP from the trader since he just scared off a potential future customer. But there's nothing in the rules that says a trader must be polite to everyone (although that tends to help business a lot). Plus as a trader myself it is aggravating when all anyone wants to do is sell you shit gear and no one wants to buy anything, especially when they won't take a reasonable offer for it (I had someone demand 5k for an AN94 once).

Create new character.
Drop gun
Use the 500 rubles to delete
I have never done that, So don't jump to conclusions.


Quote from: Turkey on 20-10-2010

Create new character.
Drop gun
Use the 500 rubles to delete

You can't do that you need 500 rubles or more on a character to delete it. And Silver can see if someone has about 9000 chars from farming guns from them.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-10-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 20-10-2010

Create new character.
Drop gun
Use the 500 rubles  you spawn with to delete

You can't do that you need 500 rubles or more on a character to delete it. And Silver can see if someone has about 9000 chars from farming guns from them.

Re read it.. I fixed it


Silver can see when people do that so it's not like they would be hard to catch. Refusing to buy AKS74us for that reason is retarded.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 20-10-2010
Ah, you fucking idiot, Turk.

You can only make one whitelisted char, if you've a whitelist, of course.
There's no way you can "abuse" them.

Actually, You can make more then one Whitelisted character...


Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-10-2010
Silver can see when people do that so it's not like they would be hard to catch. Refusing to buy AKS74us for that reason is retarded.

Thats not my reason.. Lol. I never stated my reason


You can have two whit listed Characters. I have one bloodsucker, Which I do not want the responsibility of managing, and a my Stalker. I'm sorry to cause all of this, I just wanted to know if it was against the rules to be a dick to your customers, and refuse to sell to them. It's fine though, I guess I'll just keep my AK74U, and I might sell my other one to a loner. By the way Turk, Don't say that I'm abusing it, because I'm not. I only have 4 Characters, and I'm going to delete one anyway.


Quote from: Pawx on 20-10-2010
Quote from: Jake on 20-10-2010
Ah, you fucking idiot, Turk.

You can only make one whitelisted char, if you've a whitelist, of course.
There's no way you can "abuse" them.

Actually, You can make more then one Whitelisted character...

Hm, default is opposite.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


None of this "being a dick" attitude will matter if I become duty leader, I'm going to place a good polite trader in the 100 rads bar.


lol wow.. The reason i believe this trader never bought the 3 weapons off of him is because he believed he was a bandit. He walks into the bar and starts naming all these guns, and the trader got the idea he stole everything so he told you to get the fuck out. Wasn't at all bad RP in my opinion, it was someone who had a mind of his own.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Is this complaint even serious ? I mean if the Trader acts like a dickhead, no need to go bitching on the forums. That's his characther and he can decide how to play it.


Quote from: Aresty on 21-10-2010
Is this complaint even serious ? I mean if the Trader acts like a dickhead, no need to go bitching on the forums. That's his characther and he can decide how to play it.
No It's not, lock this thread.


Quote from: Wings on 21-10-2010
No It's not, lock this thread.

Do it yourself.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Oh I forgot I have mod for this. Trashed!