Tier 2 and Higher

Started by Recreas, 02-10-2010

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I've noticed that all the admins have a problem with memorising the Tier2 or higher command...
Anything we can do about this? Since I see people are already applying for Tier2 flags and getting accepted and now they won't be able to get that flag, it's also annoying for faction traders like myself because it has no use for selling AK47u's when almost every faction get's a basic kit of tier 1 weapons.....
Same for the suits.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Nothing that I can do about it. Why not ask exile for once..

Steven :D

I only applied for Tier1 Suits because I'm not just gonna do a massive jump from Tier 0 to 3 just like that. I mean what the flying fuck, Duran has tier 2 flags, even though I got tier one flags earlier, etc? I've been trading before the wipe as well, and I have my contacts as well, but I got denied at first, now after other shit, etc etc everything else, derp. Tier 1 suits wee. Then someone out of the blue flies past me and gets a higher tier. I dont really care but why do faction traders get more "starting" flags? They're traders just like us, just closer to a specific faction. This may seem like a gigantic LOLIMMAD post but really. What... lol.


Its not that we have trouble memorizing, Its that there is no 'Tier 2 weapons' Permission, And Factions will be getting there own QM permissions, Like Mono will get Mono weapons ((Lrs AKs and some pistol)) Freedom will get Freedom weapons ((Nato guns)) And duty and military will get warsaw like weapons.
Plus too the Tier system was kept to prevent everyone and Traders from instantaniously getting G36's and shit like that. And I made the dessision to give Duran Tier one guns because it would make NO sense for a faction trader to not have that abillity. Since, what is the point of faction trader if they can not arm there faction, its the whole point of having a faction trader, otherwise Factions would not have them.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D

He's a Bandit trader. Nuff said?

Silver Knight

Trader Tiers;

  • Base Trader (Traders who have app'd) - Dont get to sell suits/weapons - Flags T
  • Faction Trader (Players who are faction traders) - Sells basic trader stuff, and faction stuff) Flags T [faction trader flag]
  • Tier 1 Trader (Traders who have played for some time) - Sell tier 1 stuff) Flags T l r
  • Tier 2 Trader (Traders who have played for a long time) - Sell tier 1,2 stuff) Flags T l L r R
  • Tier 3 Trader (Traders who have played for over 6 months) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier 4 Trader (Traders who have played for over a year) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier Ultra Trader (Trusted players who have played for years) - Sell tier 1,2,3,4 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e E

Anyone who has more or less than these flags needs to be changed to the correct permissions

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 02-10-2010
Trader Tiers;

  • Base Trader (Traders who have app'd) - Dont get to sell suits/weapons - Flags T
  • Faction Trader (Players who are faction traders) - Sells basic trader stuff, and faction stuff) Flags T [faction trader flag]
  • Tier 1 Trader (Traders who have played for some time) - Sell tier 1 stuff) Flags T l r
  • Tier 2 Trader (Traders who have played for a long time) - Sell tier 1,2 stuff) Flags T l L r R
  • Tier 3 Trader (Traders who have played for over 6 months) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier 4 Trader (Traders who have played for over a year) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier Ultra Trader (Trusted players who have played for years) - Sell tier 1,2,3,4 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e E

Anyone who has more or less than these flags needs to be changed to the correct permissions

Tier Ultra would be given to players such as Paintcheck, OR Sharrock Or Killabrue or any other trader who has been around for eons before the new system?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Silver Knight

Basically people who we want selling exosuits... which would be very few people.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Steven :D

Quote from: Tom on 02-10-2010
Quote from: Last.Exile on 02-10-2010
Trader Tiers;

  • Base Trader (Traders who have app'd) - Dont get to sell suits/weapons - Flags T
  • Faction Trader (Players who are faction traders) - Sells basic trader stuff, and faction stuff) Flags T [faction trader flag]
  • Tier 1 Trader (Traders who have played for some time) - Sell tier 1 stuff) Flags T l r
  • Tier 2 Trader (Traders who have played for a long time) - Sell tier 1,2 stuff) Flags T l L r R
  • Tier 3 Trader (Traders who have played for over 6 months) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier 4 Trader (Traders who have played for over a year) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier Ultra Trader (Trusted players who have played for years) - Sell tier 1,2,3,4 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e E

Anyone who has more or less than these flags needs to be changed to the correct permissions

Tier Ultra would be given to players such as Paintcheck, OR Sharrock Or Killabrue or any other trader who has been around for eons before the new system?
How about earning it again. So yeah. ALSO...

Quote8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: Steven
8:03 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: hi
8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: for a simple reason I can't promote you now.
8:03 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: why's that
8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: Please wait 1-2 weeks, I need more Traders to be ready for it.
8:03 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: k
8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: That's not a denial.
8:04 AM - |HGN| Ares: Mostly I'd accept you.
8:04 AM - |HGN| Ares: But balance comes first.
8:04 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: k broski
Nuff said. /B/alance /B/efore /B/ullshit


I'm fine with the tier system. If only we couldn't buy in bulks, it's almost impossible to do business. I can't buy AK's if I'm not sure atleast 5 people will pay for them.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Aresty on 02-10-2010
I'm fine with the tier system. If only we couldn't buy in bulks, it's almost impossible to do business. I can't buy AK's if I'm not sure atleast 5 people will pay for them.

Ive edited what can be sold in bulk, lower tier weapons are mostly buy in bulks of 3 or 5, things like g36/f2000 due to their rarity are bought normally.

Ammo is now bought in bulk and so will other minor items. Suits are no longer bought in bulk anymore. (Some faction suits still are however)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Steven :D on 02-10-2010
Quote from: Tom on 02-10-2010
Quote from: Last.Exile on 02-10-2010
Trader Tiers;

  • Base Trader (Traders who have app'd) - Dont get to sell suits/weapons - Flags T
  • Faction Trader (Players who are faction traders) - Sells basic trader stuff, and faction stuff) Flags T [faction trader flag]
  • Tier 1 Trader (Traders who have played for some time) - Sell tier 1 stuff) Flags T l r
  • Tier 2 Trader (Traders who have played for a long time) - Sell tier 1,2 stuff) Flags T l L r R
  • Tier 3 Trader (Traders who have played for over 6 months) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier 4 Trader (Traders who have played for over a year) - Sell tier 1,2,3 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e
  • Tier Ultra Trader (Trusted players who have played for years) - Sell tier 1,2,3,4 stuff) Flags T l L K r R e E

Anyone who has more or less than these flags needs to be changed to the correct permissions

Tier Ultra would be given to players such as Paintcheck, OR Sharrock Or Killabrue or any other trader who has been around for eons before the new system?
How about earning it again. So yeah. ALSO...

Quote8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: Steven
8:03 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: hi
8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: for a simple reason I can't promote you now.
8:03 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: why's that
8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: Please wait 1-2 weeks, I need more Traders to be ready for it.
8:03 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: k
8:03 AM - |HGN| Ares: That's not a denial.
8:04 AM - |HGN| Ares: Mostly I'd accept you.
8:04 AM - |HGN| Ares: But balance comes first.
8:04 AM - |HGN| Steven :D: k broski
Nuff said. /B/alance /B/efore /B/ullshit

How about, It was only question!
Not only that but ICly they have been in the zone for Fuck tons of years, It would make very little sense for a Trader such as Hawk or Eastwood to Suddenly have NO contacts what so ever due to a new OOC system. Your trader however Steven is NEW there for would not have as many contacts as Hawk. So instead of going "LOL CAUSE I IZ NEW, OLD TRADURS WHO HAZ THESE SORTS OF STUFF SHOULDZ NOTZ HAZ MOAR POWER THAN ME." Think about length of time in the zone and time spent as a trader, Killa's and Paints trader have been around longer than I have, And I have been in HGN for like. . . almost a year soo. . .
Logic /B/efore /B/Itchy /B/ullshit.

And read Moar its only a suggestion. . .
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D

Actually no, I've been roleplaying under a different name for my trader before the script wipe. You may know of "Corona" yeah that was basically me.


Yeah, But was it the same character? I don't think it was. Hawk and East however have been around for a while under the same name, So either Corona left the zone or got PK'd and you made a new one therefore you would have to start all over, enless Corona is the same trader and Im just not getting it.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D

If I recall, Corona was Stefans Nickname, he never got pk'd and never left the zone either.


Ok? Hawk's been around since before you even joined the server (assuming your forum join date is close to when you joined) if we are going to argue this as 1 single character without any name changes or anything at all.

But with factions all getting their own quartermasters and paychecks Silver's basically rendered loner traders obsolete since being a loner is next to impossible and all new players who don't die of the boredom of being a loner will join a faction. So there's really no sense in trying to get to Tier 2 or higher if you aren't a quarter master, no one will be able to afford anything at that tier.


True dat, DOUBLE TRUE lol
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D

Unless SK Decides to make being a trader also a whitelist so we get even fatter paychecks.