Those who already have an Exo, F2000, or Unique Suit.

Started by Blake.H, 04-09-2010

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Please post here using the format below.

You have until the 19th Sep 2010 to post here or your items Will Be subject to removal!

Steam Name: <Your Steam Name>
Steam ID: <Your Steam ID>
The Item which you have: <FN2000/Exo/Modified Suit>
Auth: <Person who authed the Item>

Character Name: <Your Char Name>
Faction: <Your characters faction, if any>

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Steam Name: DuranBlackraven
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5729706
The Item which you have: FN2000
Auth: No one, Master Merc.

Character Name: Araym Aldrean
Faction: Master Merc



Steam Name: |HGN| Pawx
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:13778615
The Item which you have: FN2000, and Exo.
Auth: Strelok Holmes And Either Celtic or paintcheck (Can't seem to remember.)

[IC]Character Name: Austin 'Powers' Creed
Faction: Mercenary (Contract Killer)



[OOC]Steam Name: |HGN| Goose ΓΏ
Steam ID: (Will grab tommorow its 2:30Am and i have work ;_;)
The Item which you have: Exo/FN Both
Auth: Ummm No one as no auths were required for factions
[IC]Character Name: Goose Chesnikov
Faction: Freedom Co leader
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Steam Name: Predu (maukuva)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16901706
The Item which you have: FN2000
Auth: Noone authed, since yeah, same as with Goose. Did not need an auth when being a faction member.

Character Name: 'Hound'
Faction: Monolith, Faction Leader



Steam Name: Doomburger
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18152738
The Item which you have: Modified Suit
Auth: None, you know how I obtained it.

Character Name: Nikolai Yurdansky
Faction: Military, faction leader.


Ace of Hearts

Steam Name: Ace
Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:17863683 44:13 101
The item which you have: Monolith Exoskeleton
Auth: Faction Member

Character Name: 'Brace' (Formerly Pavell Mihailov)
Faction: Monolith, Officer



Steam Name: Mr. Khorn
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10475251
The Item which you have: Modified Suit
Auth: Plunger, through one of his events.

Character Name: Stren Koric
Faction: None



Steam Name: |HGN-STSA|Killabreu
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:3293266
The Item which you have: Flower Suit (Modified Exoskeleton)
Auth: Layton. He was handling the old unique suits.

Character Name: Faust
Faction: N/A

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.