The Zone.

Started by Royz, 28-08-2010

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The Zone is not full of a bunch of morbidly obese faggots who can't go 12 seconds straight sprinting. (Just throwing that out there.)



The Zone's not:

-Full of Stalkers that act like High school students.
-Full of Mutant-Human's
-Full of Monolith Assassian's Ex...thing...
-Full of Aliens
-A place for underage kids
-Full of Tamed Mutants


Lol Royz and pawx:

also pawx I think you are thinking of freedom when it comes to highschool rp (examples shown in Paintcheck's ic pdas)

Sowy Goose and Mkraster.



FEAR and Injury RP, just throwing that out. Haven't seen it in a while.


Whining is present in SRP.
When I started to play SRP and got pwnt by Mili while defending Freedom, when they got pwnt, NOBODY, NOBODY bitched.
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Quote from: Dug on 30-08-2010
FEAR and Injury RP, just throwing that out. Haven't seen it in a while.

We did some Fear RP when a pair of Freedomers and my Mercenary went into the train tunnels. It was going well, until the server crashed.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


The Zone is not full of bandits. Wait.. Oh.. It IS..
Once a great man said: "I Said Cum In, don't just Stand there" -Some great man

Meaning of "Cum": When you give a fuck/Masturbate your penis releases sperm. That's the meaning of "Cum". One more protip: Blondes are hot.


Quote from: BBruno on 30-08-2010
The Zone is not full of bandits. Wait.. Oh.. It IS..

Bandits = Donator only, you can be accused of being a 'lolbandit' if you have regular stalker flags and bandit somewhere in your title.
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window


Quote from: KillSlim on 30-08-2010
Quote from: BBruno on 30-08-2010
The Zone is not full of bandits. Wait.. Oh.. It IS..

Bandits = Donator only, you can be accused of being a 'lolbandit' if you have regular stalker flags and bandit somewhere in your title.

Lemme get this straight.

Lolmerc - IT CAN BE A DONOR, it's a merc who bitches or asks for a job.
Wannabe merc - stalker flags merc.
Lolbandit - running around and robbing everyone.
Wannabe bandit - robbing while being cool.
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The aliens happened once, and only once.
They also were later revealed to be illusions.


Fucking aliens?
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


The zone is not full of Supa1337coolguysandgalswhodosn'tafraidofanythingwhotrytobelikeactionmoviestarsandothershit

Its also not full of Pamalaandersonwhoreslutdicksuckingbisexualswholiketottakeitintheassandloveitwhenadudefiststhem.

Not to mention supa1337dukenukeemsoapmctavishmasterchiefgordonfreemanalyxvancewhateverthefuckthatchicksnameisfromunderwordlauracroftkasumisniperwolfesqeugalswhodosn'tfuckingafraidofjackshit!

It is also not full of folks who are apparently all of the above and morbidly obese.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Hey, if somebody is cool enough to be funny while being an arse, then leave him alone (obviously me).
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Fix the run time
