The Smilodon's Applications (Open)

Started by Joemoma, 13-10-2010

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The Smilodons Applications...

Out-Of-Character Information:

Steam Friends Name:



How long have you been roleplaying?:

How long have you played on the server?:

Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?:

Do you have any Real-Life knowledge of the way Mercenaries work?:

Recommendations from Smilodon Members:

In-Character Information


Skill set:


Faction Related Information
What is a Skill Set higher-rank Smilodons have?:

Why do you wish to join The Smilodons?:

Who is The Smilodons Leader?:

Roleplay Knowledge

Describe Injury RP:

What is Metagaming:

Describe RDM:

What is the Difference between RDM and S2K:

Can you take responsibility for your actions?:

Quote the above to apply, simply remove the picture from it if you want.

We also do IC interviews :D this is for the people with a more developed character.