The Short Version of the New Rules

Started by Paintcheck, 11-07-2010

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Alright so here's some new rules for the server. Most of them are common sense, nothing here should be mind blowing. These are just place holders until I can talk to Welshy and we can make sure his more detailed rule set is complete before letting it loose on you all.

Forum Rules

1. No trolling (either on our forums or on other communities' forums)
2. No Advertising other communities on our forums/advertising us on other communities' forums.
3. No necroposting
4. No bigotry, racism, or other stupid shit outside of the GVC (this includes calling people "Jew", "Nigger", "faggot" etc).
5. Only post if you have something useful to add to the topic

Server Rules

1. No DMing. DMing is defined as killing someone for no in character reason
2. Use proper English in character and out of character, or at least make your best attempt at it.
3. Prop DMing is an excellent way to get banned
4. OOC spam is bad. This is an RP server, not a chatroom.
   4.1 Do not use /ad, /bc, or any other chat command to circumvent the OOC Delay
5. No trolling , advertising other servers (other server tags are fine, spamming their website in OOC is not), bigotry, or racism OOC in server (and keep it to a minimum ICly too, please)

Character and Flag Rules

1. All "special" characters MUST BE AUTHORIZED BY A SUPERVISOR. Special characters include: characters not from the Ukraine, female characters, young characters (ie under 18), and other "nonstandard" characters
2. You are allowed as many characters as you want HOWEVER sharing items between different characters is not allowed
3. Be afraid, this is the Zone.
4. Don't be a powergaming idiot. Your character is not the baddest thing in the Zone. Paintcheck's is. If you are not him, you do not get to be a badass.
5. User titles are for appearances or FACTUAL information only. Do not write "Handsome" in your title as that is an opinion, not a fact.
6. Bandits, mercs, and mutants are all donor flags. Do not RP as one if you have not donated. This rule is currently being debated in the admin forum.
7. All other factions other than the above can be applied for on these forums in the relevent topic.
8. Your flags will be removed if you abuse them.

Faction Rules

1. You may only belong to 1 major faction at a time (even if you have more than one character). Major factions are Freedom, Duty, Military, and the Monolith. You can be in as many minor factions/player created groups as you want
2. Faction leaders have the final say in accepting/denying applicants.
3. Faction leaders may PK any character within their faction without an application as long as they have a valid reason
4. The Major Factions are all supposed to be hostile (or barely neutral) with each other. No forming alliances between major factions.
5. You may raid other factions only when your numbers are as close to even as possible (1 or 2 soldier advantage at most, up to admin discretion)
6. No going "undercover" in rival faction bases. It's stupid.

PK Rules

1. If you're PK'd ALL of that characters items and money is to be turned over to a neutral admin.
   1.1 You do not get a PK'd person's items for PK'ing them.
   1.2 Transferring items to another character or player to avoid losing them in a PK is also a great way to get banned UNLESS...
   1.3 ...If both parties and an SV allow it, the PK'd party may change their character's name and lose their flags in exchange for keeping items. This new character is just that, a new character and may not take revenge on the player who PK'd them.
   1.4 In some situations, even if both parties allow it, admins will still remove all items. This is up to admin discretion, but typically will be done to players whom admins feel should start fresh for whatever reason (exos, having a billion rubles, being a dick due to their lack of a life, etc)

2. Faction leaders may PK anyone in their faction without an application.
3. PKs require an application found in the "PK/PK Appeal" forum section. Or you and the other party can both man up and agree to a PK.
4. If you are trying to PK someone and they kill you in your attempt, you are now PK'd as that is the risk you are running. Hired guns are exempt from that rule.

Admin Information


TA: Trainee Admin. A player who is being considered for admin duties. May kick and ban and that's about it.
BA: A standard admin. Can kick, ban, and setflags/models. Can reccommend for tooltrust
SA: Senior Admin. Can authorize in game events and can be used to authorize some character traits
SV: Supervisors. In charge of in server RP. Can authorize everything and generally win at life. Their word is law.

1. Use /ar to speak directly to admins. DO NOT USE OOC
2. Admins can authorize events with /ev. DO NOT USE /BC, /AD, OR ANYTHING THAT ISN'T /EV to do events or long range RP attempts. Let admins handle those to avoid powergaming.
3. Respect all admin decisions. If you disagree with a decision speak to an SV. The SVs are the ultimate authority in all disputes and will do their best to ensure a fair decision.


Wait, this is the short version?


Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-07-2010
1. No trolling (either on our forums or on other communities' forums)
5. Only post if you have something useful to add to the topic

What will the kinderguardians do now? Forum activity will surely die out (as if it isn't already)
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

My Profile[/b][/size]


Quote from: Afromana on 11-07-2010
Wait, this is the short version?

We told you we were busy. Or rather, Paintcheck was busy.