The leninkovs /w Short story (Incomplete, 3/5 done.)

Started by emperor bobby, 12-07-2010

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emperor bobby

I wrote up some backstories for my Leninkov characters, the first is boris, that smart ass Bandit/freedom rookie who always gets himself in trouble, and the 2nd is Belinda leninkov, his daughter he long thought dead. Enjoy, constructive criticism is welcomed, and ill try and correct any mistakes, i wrote these pretty quickly, so dont be surprised if thiers an error or two,
Boris "The comrade" Leninkov
New Bad ass Boris, In his Old KGB outfit

around 19 years ago, Boris had a  Wife, a newborn child and Job at his town's radio factory.
one day, Boris was coming home from a long day of work, and saw the front door open. curious, he walked up and entered the house to see the reason. when he walked into his living room, he saw 4 men in black coats and gasmasks attacking his wife. he ran over to help her, but the 4th man knocked him out with his rifle. a day later, boris woke up in a ditch somewhere in moscow. dazed and confused he wandered the streets, till he saw a gathering of people in a window front of a tv store, he pushed his way throught to the front and saw a newsreport. apperently, 4 kgb officers now being hailed as heroes had killed a known terrorist, Natascha leninkov.(his wife incase you didnt know) boris ran and ran, untill  he ended up in a small bar. sometime in the middle of the night he stumbled out of the back, drunk as can be, when he was leaving the alley,
a man in a suit and briefcase aproached him, he shoved the suitcase into boris's arms, and disapeared into the shadows. inside the suitcase boris found a Rifle, 8 rifle shots, a map of moscow with different roads highlighted with pen, and on the back, 4 names... a few days later,
Boris was arrested for the murder of 4 recently praised officers. he was sent to a gulag in siberia, and eventually Someone somewhere in a High place, called for his release, and immediate recruitment for the KGB. by now, boris is 36, and a junior officer, and his daughter, who
he still wasnt aware had survived the attack on his home was 11, and still travelling across russia avoiding the same organisation her father had joined. Nikolai was just starting to get into crime, and Dmitri was being the good lad he had always been. flash forward 4 years
to an unremarkable cabin, Boris, now the 2nd in command of a small 4 person squad, was being sent to kidnap/execute some local peasants who had started to question the Soviet union. as he sat in the back of the car, he thought he saw something move in a bush. he dismissed it as probally just an animal, and readied his weapons, for the house was in sight. when they reached the house he stepped out of the car, and pulled out a large handgun. and walked over to the door, he heard a locking mechanism from behind and growled in anger as he shot the
Hinges and kicked the door flying backwards into the small house. his C.O. barked oorders at the two other squadmates to take care of the farm hand, and told boris to help him with the farmhand's wife, when boris saw his commander...doing naughty things to her, he knew what he had to do. when his commander was, uhm, done, he ordered all 3 of the peasants against the wall and was about to order them to Open fire, when a bullet from boris's pistol silenced him forever, boris turned on his heel and shot both his comrades in arms, and they crumpled in a lifeless heap, he quickly turned and dived through the window, and out to the car as fast as he could, the farmhand and his family waving their gratitude as he drove off, on his way down the road, he KNEW he saw something in the bush, what it was he didnt know, but disturibingly enough, it knew him... he spent the next 3 years as a Bandit in the Zone, but held strict to the Code they All followed, he had a gang of close compatriots, including his cousin he found, in the bandit bar. Nikolai became very close friends, and
stuck together through the worse of thier ordeals, Boris doesnt know what happened to Nikolai, but tries to remain positive, or atleast as
positive as a cranky old man whose wife was murdered by a country he Loved. nowadays, Boris has Become a member of freedom, where his Uncanny lack of self preservation and Smart mouth get him in plenty of interesting situations, including getting his ass kicked by Goose,
Getting his ass kicked by goose again, Being held at gunpoint multiple times by every major character, and being kidnapped by almost every
faction, including, Monolith, Bandits, Military, Duty, and the odd loner group.

Belinda Leninkov
about, 30 years ago, My main character, Boris leninkov, worked in a small
town near moscow. he worked at the local factory, making radios.
he was married to a woman, named Natascha Leninkov, and they had a child.
one day boris came home from work, to see the front door open, he walked inside,
and found several Masked men (who he later found out worked for the KGB)
attacking his wife, as he rushed for to help her, the fourth man, knocked him
uncouncious, and when he woke up,he was in a ditch and it was a day later, he
stumbled through the streets till he found a small store front, with a teleivison
with the news on. apperently, for 4 kgb officers were being praised as heroes for killing
a known terrorist, his wife, the news report also stated his daughter had been murdered
by his wife, and he was missing, presumed dead. this is where Boris's Back story
Branches off from his daughter's. His daughter was not actually dead. Boris's Neighbor
had seen the agents coming down the walk way towards boris's home, and had ran over to
thier backdoor, and told natascha about what he had seen, she had then given thier daughter to him and told him to keep her safe. he left town that day with two babies in his hands, and never returned. Boris's daughter Grew up on the run, her adopted parent always wisking her away when the KGB got too close thankfully for her, he had been the best teacher in boris's Hometown, and she grew up to be a very intelligent the time she was 12, the KGB caught Her, her best friend Pavell and Her Guardian, and Her Papa (what she calls boris's neighbor)  gave his life to Let her and pavell escape. sadly, they were seperated, but promised to meet again in the zone. she travelled all across Russia, and taught herself how to handle basic weaponry.
she also learned how to use her wits to turn the tide of almost any scenario, a skill that would help her greatly later on in her life. one day, she was travelling along a dirt road, hungry, and looking for shelter, when a black Car drove by. she had ducked into the bushes as she heard it, and rightfully so. for it had the markings of the KGB on its flank. she cursed the driver and all in it with a slow and painful death, but the words caught in her throat as a man in the back turnded
and looked at her, or atleast where she was hiding. and when they had passed, she reached into
her pocket, and pulled out an aged photo. it couldnt be. It was impossible, but no denying it, she had just witnessed her father In the passenger seat of a KGB automobile, and without and restraints... and one of thier uniforms... she couldn't comprehend what she just saw, and trailed behind the car, using the forest and bushes along the road to remain undetected. eventually, the car stopped infront of an old house, and her Father, and 3 other men got out of the car.
and walked to the front door. with a thunderous kick, her father broke the door of its hinges, and walked in. the masked men followed him, and as she strained her ears to hear what was happening indoors, she winced as she heard 3 loud bangs. and wept bitter tears at the horror her father had done to a family much like thier own. but the sobs and curses caught in her throat, as she saw her father jump through the window and break into a run towards the car. a farmhand and his family looked through the window with a look of awe and gratitude and Boris drove off in the car as fast as it would go. she was shocked, numb. dumbstruck. everything, she had just seen the worst, and the most relieving thing in her life. she sat in the bushes, and waited an hour, before she walked up to the door and asked for some bread, the farmhand gladly gave her some
clearly, being saved from death by a KGB agent will make you generous. and she thanked him before leaving. a few years later, she found herself in the zone. and from there, who knows what will happen...

Nikolai "The Nationalist" Leninkov
(not done yet)
Dmitri "The Bourgeois" Leninkov
(Not done yet)

Oh hey, Story time, This is a short story based off of an Event Featuring Emperor Bobby (The B.L.U. Guy) as Belinda Leninkov, Ace as Brother 'Brace', Negative Zero as Nikolai Leninkov, Rook/DTRZ as 'Claymore' And Rg4 as Leonyd Mikhail. I'm Not finished, and it will PROBALLY be completed soon, But i dont want to rush it and make a shitty ending, seeing as the Event's ending was Amazingly Good. Also, the Event was voided of Any meaning, and was instead, a dream shared by all participants...
The Dream Chapter 1 "Confessions
"Niko!" Belinda called, panting as she caught up to her Uncle.
He turned, and for a split second she saw a look of confusion on his face, it melted away quickly and he smiled as his niece ran up to him. "It is good to see you, Dear." He said, his smile widening further. "I got your P.D.A. Message, Is something wrong, Belinda?"
Both their smiles faded for an instant. As Belinda looked down at her feet. "Did..." She began, but stopped, Nikolai Looked at her and waited for her to continue. She looked back at him, and he saw she was Clearly Embarrassed with what she was about to say.
"Can I tell you something?"
Nikolai's Nod was Reassuring. "I'm your uncle... I think." He said scratching his head. He had lost all his memory When he had made a wish on the wish granter a week ago, and still wasn't sure it wasn't the 80s... Belinda snapped out of the somewhat comical Memory, and blushed. "I have a crush on someone..." she said quietly. Nikolai Looked around, Clearly thinking this was a trivial Confession, and not sure how to approach it.  "Ok..." he said Neutrally. She Looked at him, and spoke again. "It's not Leo..."
She said. Nikolai was still unsure of the urgency in this, and let it show with an impatient "Ok..." Biting back her frustration, because she couldn't blame him, He had no idea what she was talking about. Belinda Continued.  "It's not claymore."
"I don't think its you."
Nikolai Leninkov Screwed up his face in surprise " I sure hope not." She giggled at his sudden off-footedness. And finally let it Slip. "It's Pavell."
"Who's that?" he asked, Confused. She was surprised at this answer, but decided to enlighten him.
"Remember? You, Dmitri and Boris's Old drinking buddy? It's His son, our old next-door neighbor.
Nikolai was clearly unaware he even tasted vodka before yesterday. But nodded slowly. Belinda swallowed up her Sadness as she reminded him. "When my mother was murdered..." she Began "Serghei, Our next door neighbor was walking down his driveway and saw a Black Car with the KGB Emblem on the side. He Had dropped his things and ran to our backdoor, begging my mother to open it, when she opened it he told her frantically what he had seen, and she gave me to him to protect, he packed his bags, and set off in his car quickly, with a 1 year old Baby girl, and a 9 year old son in the backseat, he drove off into the countryside."
Nikolai regretted not knowing such a brave man, " don't remember him." He Admitted. She looked up, and took off her gasmask, he saw that she was Distressed, the harsh cruelty of the story having not worn off, even after 18 years. "For 18 years, he was my only friend" she Said weakly. Nikolai was beginning to get uncomfortable but stood firm, listening closely. She looked down at her feet as she spoke. "We got split up, and I never heard from hi-
M again." She said Coldly. Nikolai Nodded Slowly. Wish granter or not, He knew what was coming up next. "Until Recently..." she said. She looked up at him, a look of helplessness mixed with bitter Hatred. "He goes by the name of Brace," she said. Nikolai Stiffened He Knew that name from somewhere. "Sound's like some sort of Cultist." Belinda looked up at him, and he thought she was going to slap him; instead, she spoke one word that would have rivaled a punch in its power. "Monolith."
"Fuuuuuuuuck." Nikolai said, despite the severity of the issue.
Belinda looked up, on the brink of tears. "Please, I need to go see him." She Whispered. Nikolai Sighed. And for a moment she thought he was going to say no. When He finally nodded. "Ok."
Her face Lit up like a flare, Her sour mood evaporating in an instant. He smiled, all to aware of what could happen in the next few hours. He pointed towards the Monolithian tunnel entrance, just across the field. "Right, let's not keep him waiting." He said.
And began on a Steady walk towards the tunnel, Belinda quickly Caught up and said "Thank you." And they headed for the tunnel

The Dream Chapter 2 "The Tunnels"

She was scared.
The door had slid shut so fast, She couldn't remember it. But now, the Blast door was closed, her gun was empty, though she would never use it on Pavell regardless. Her uncle was on the other side of the door, banging frantically on it with his fists, and approaching from the Darkness, came a Man clad in a White Stalker suit, with a green vest and the emblem of the Holy Monolith on his shoulder. She banged on the door and screamed for help, she needed to see Pavell, but preferably when he wasn't in a position to kill her. "Niko!" She Screamed, Banging on the door and looking frantically between Pavell and the door for an exit.
On the other side she could hear curses and shouts as he tried to break down the door. She turned back to see Pavell, or who used to be Pavell raise his Weapon and Growl, as he Stepped closer...
She backed against the wall and stood Frozen with fear as Her best friend was staring her down with a Loaded Rifle. He motioned with his head and said blankly. "Get on the ground... Outworlder..." She heard Niko Shoulder check the door, and a muffled "Assclown!" as he most likely fell backwards.
She glanced around nervously and her heart sank when she saw no way to escape. She had only two Options.  Brace, as he was known as by his fellow monolith. Put away his gun and walked up to The Stalker trembling in the corner. On the other side of the door he could hear the Muffled Curses as another outworlder attempted to break the door down. He turned back to the stalker and growled as he walked up to her. She looked at him, and at the Necklace Dangling At chest height and Said slowly "Oh, It's you." Brace. Stopped Growling. He Recognized her, Not from 18 years of friendship, but because he had seen her in these tunnels before
Brace Spoke, His voice a blank slate, apart from the questioning tone at the end off his words. "You...Again...?" The Stalker Kneeled before Him, but he did not care. "I count this as... Your Fourth Capture..." Her face Reddened, He did not know it was a sign of Embarrassment. "Please, Listen to me." She said, Still Trembling with fear, on the other side of the door he could hear the Outworlder Throwing Insults At the door as if he thought it would open up if he did. "Brace..." the Word caught his attention and he turned towards the Stalker again. She was Looking up at him, Her Mouth and Nose Concealed by her gasmask, but the rest of her face looked up at him through the Clear lenses with a look of... He did not know. He Ignored the Facial Expression on her face and said Coldly "I see you have... Learned my Name."
Belinda Ignored him set in forward her Plan. She calmed herself and tried to keep a Straight Voice. "Brace, Do you see that necklace around your neck? The other outworlder's Loud Mouth had grown quiet until just now, and more insults were hurled at the door. She Continued, Not giving him the chance to say "No."
"Does that Necklace Mean anything to you?" This time he was able to answer Her. "It is just... A necklace..." He said Coldly. She Winced, As if he had just struck her. But Continued Her plan.
"Brace... You gave me that necklace 4 years ago, before you found the monolith." She winced as a Battle cry was heard from the other side of the door, then, a loud thud. Followed by a Massive Litany of Curses.
Brace Turned back to face her. "I do not... Remember that..."
Belinda shook her head. "Of course not. The Monolith wiped your memory. She looked up at him again with pleading eyes. "Tell me, what is the last thing you remember." Brace paused. And answered "I remember... Awaking in the chamber of Knowing...
Belinda's eye's lit up she pressed on. "What happens in the chamber of knowing?" Brace Looked away from the door. The Outworlder still outside had paused for breath "We educate... The outworlders..." He said. Belinda Cocked her head to side, and could hear a new voice outside. "Stop right there for a moment." She said, to anyone who had not been brainwashed, it would be obvious she knew she was walking on thin ice with her plan. "Now, let's just say, Hypothetically, You were an outworlder, and you were put in the machine.  You wouldn't remember anything from before, would you?" Brace stood there, and slowly calculated a response. "No..." he said. And Belinda was overjoyed, but brace crushed her hopes when he continued. "Why would I...Want to?"
She could hear Niko say something outside, it sounded awfully excited for someone whose niece was trapped in a cultist-infested tunnel.  Belinda yelled at him "Because you had an entire life, Full of excitement, of happiness." She could hear mumbling on the other side of the door, and Then Niko's voice clearly. "Belinda! If you can hear me get away from the door!" she could hear the other voice again, and recognized it for Leo's. "You might want to go."
He said. She heard Niko Shout at him."The Hell I will! That's my niece!" Leo responded Surprisingly calm given the fact he had an insane 50 year old in a 25 year old's body Roaring at him like a wild bear "I'm better equipped for this. Your out of ammo Niko."
Niko's Voice boomed loudly from the other side "Then I'll Beat that Bastard to death with my bare hands!!!"  Belinda turned back towards Brace, and looked up at him again. He met her gaze and said "The truth..." Belinda cut him off and let it slip again. "The truth." She faltered for a moment, but pushed the words out. " you..." As she turned as red as a Tomato. Brace Looked down at her and she thought she saw a twitch of the brow, as if even brainwashed, Pavell was surprised. Brace spoke again. "Good for you... Outworlder..." Belinda was caught off guard. And tried to rephrase it. "No, uhm..." she began " I mean I like you, like you." Brace's voice showed slight confusion, and she remembered he had zero social skills from the Monolithian Capture. She was about to explain it to him, when he spoke. "I do not know... what you are trying to do. I do not care..." Belinda started to choke out a response, but he continued. "You must see the truth..." from the other side of the door she could hear Niko shout something, but whether it was an insult or a warning, she did not know. Belinda Sighed deeply. This was it. She looked up at Brace And Began to speak "Can I stand, please? I want to talk to you." Brace stared at her coldly. "Don't try anything, Outworlder... Belinda bowed her head. "I won't, I promise. I just... Want to talk." She said hesitantly. She could vaguely Hear the beeping of the breach charges, but the effect was lost on her, the sound being pushed from her mind as she thought about more pressing matters. Brace nodded slowly and said, "Then rise..."
Belinda Leninkov slowly Rose from the ground, and eyed Brace reaching for his rifle. He pulled it from behind him and stared at her. She took a deep breath, and began. "I know you don't remember any of this. But you grew up in a small town near Moscow. Boris Leninkov, and Natasha Leninkov were your neighbors. I am their Child. Your father, Sergei saved me from certain death at the hands of the Committee for state security, also known as the KGB." Belinda could hear Niko ask something about Boris's trench knife, apparently, the fact it was named Natasha donned on him, and he found the thought slightly disturbing.
Belinda continued the story. "Me, you, and your father fled to the countryside, on my 11th birthday, you gave me that necklace."
Brace reached towards his neck, and Belinda thought he was going to touch the necklace, but instead he tucked his thumb under the rubber of his gasmask, and took it off, and clipped it to his belt.
Belinda continued again. Desperately hoping her plan would work.
"It was the First present I ever received. When I was 14 we were separated, when your father gave his life to save us... We had promised, weeks before, to meet in the zone if we ever got separated. And now..." Belinda made a motion between her and brace. "Here we are." She looked at the door, it sounded like Niko was arguing with Leonyd on the other side of the door. But for all she cared they could be on the opposite side of the world. "Ever since I was 13, I admired you, your bravery, your cleverness, your sense of humor, your strength. Belinda Blushed again and admitted "Eventually that admiration turned into something else... Brace Stared like he had since he had noticed her in the tunnel. Belinda could hear Niko shouting a warning through the door, that the blast was ready, and to get out of the way. But she ignored him. Brace sneered and said coldly "If you are trying... to flatter your way out of capture... It will not work..." Belinda stared at him, much the way he had stared at her. "No." she said with utter clarity. "I am not." Belinda reached up, and brace tensed his grip on the rifle, but relaxed slightly when she took off her gasmask, and pulled down her hood, revealing her long blonde hair. "Brace..." she said, it was almost a whisper. Brace Replied devoid of emotion "outworlder." It Sounded like Niko shouted another insult, but she couldn't tell. "Look into my eyes, and tell me you don't remember me." Belinda stared into Brace's eyes, and forced down a shudder at the sheer wrongness of them. They were almost completely white, and betrayed no amount of Emotion. "I do not... Know your name..." Belinda felt tears forming in the corners of her eyes, and whether Brace noticed or not, he certainly didn't care. "Belinda. Belinda Leninkov, Daughter of Boris and Natasha Leninkov."
A loud Boom startled them both, and they turned towards the door. As well as hurried footsteps as Niko and Leo Ran up to the door. She heard Niko spew out a Curse and Demand Leo get more c4.
Leo replied, "That was a Breaching charge, we are going to need some Military Grade explosives." Brace was oddly silent for the moment and finally spoke. "I understand what you want to hear... Though I am not capable of saying it... I do not remember you outworlder..." Belinda's heart sank; it took all her strength not to Just Beat herself to death with her gun. " I know..." she said weakly.  But brace continued. "Nor do I want to... I know only the Truth." Belinda winced, the words a physical blow. Outside, Niko was shouting something at them again, but she didn't notice.
"I can't make you feel the same way I do... I only have one choice..." Leo on the other side of the door was furiously assaulting it with his fists, running them raw on the dented steel.
Belinda Was only Partially aware of her P.D.A. Buzzing frantically, Claymore was trying to message her. She ignored it. Nothing else mattered. She gazed at brace and said with Determination stronger then any blast door. "Brace... I wish to see the Truth." She heard Leo Yell clearly "NO! DON'T!" But she didn't care.
Brace Nodded slowly. And slung his rifle again, She could kill him right now. She could run forward and bring him to the ground, wrestle his weapon from him and end it all. But to do so would be just as impossible for her as if she was physically bound. The corner of Brace's mouth twitched, and Belinda could swear she saw a splinter of a sneer. "You too, will hear its voice..." Belinda barely heard the Shotgun as Leo tried to blow a hole in the door.
Belinda clipped her gasmask to her belt. And nodded slowly "I wish to serve." She said. And Brace motioned down the hallway.
As she walked down the hall, her P.D.A. flashed again. Claymore was trying to message her again. She looked up and saw a lever, she pulled it and quickly caught up with Brace and together, they descended towards The Inner tunnels...

The Dream Chapter 3 "Descent"

The Door opened. Nikolai fell over, having been slamming the door repeatedly with his shoulder. And cursed as he hit the cold ground, he stood up and dusted himself off in a Comical act of wounded Dignity. Leo either didn't notice, or much more likely, didn't care, and stepped past him into the tunnel, weapon held ready. "Come on Niko, Something must have opened this door, Be Alert" Niko pushed him to the side and Unsheathed a Large Combat knife "If that Cock sucker Lays a hand on her I'll cut a smile into him..." He growled like a cage animal and kept to the side of the tunnel, up ahead their was a small room with a table in the center, and beside it was a door leading to the lower levels, Leo and Niko approached it slowly, and Niko Motioned for Leo to stop. Quiet footsteps could be heard approaching from around the corner, and the Mumbling of a Monolithian Deep in prayer. Niko braced himself against the wall, an when the monolithian approached, he gutted him savagely, Smiling coldly as the Dying Monolithian scratched vainly at his legs with his final breaths. Niko wiped the blood off on the Sleeve of his coat and motioned for Leo to follow him. Niko pointed at the lone room in front of them and motioned for Leonyd To enter it, wile Niko stood next to the corner leading into the lower levels. Leonyd entered the room to find it empty, Apart from a table, and a Valve connected to a large pipe that ran the length of the Room, the entrance tunnel, and split to go down to the lower levels. Niko walked in and motioned towards the pipe. Leo was confused at what he meant, and with an impatient sigh Nikolai forced him out of the way, and Began turning the valve. Leo went to the end of the pipe and saw a faint distortion in the air. "Gas..." he said. "Not gas, Kid. Steam." Niko replied. And pointed downwards into the lower tunnels. Inside, gathered around a small fire, were 3 monolithians, as well as several pieces of debris. Niko pointed towards the steam pipe, the part that went behind 2 of the monoliths, and grunted. "Do you know what to do, Kid?" he whispered to leonyd. "I shoot the pipe behind them, and we jump down?" Niko smiled again "Guess you're not as dumb as you look, now. On 3. 1. 2. 3!" And with that Niko leaped down onto the lower levels, Leonyd's Gun was raised in an instant and he fired 2 shots into the Pipeline behind 2 of the monolithians. A scalding burst of steam hit one directly in the face and he screamed as he stumbled backwards blindly. Right into the fire pit. The 2nd Monolithian received burn wounds to his back and cried out in pain before raising his gun to shoot leonyd, He didn't even Get a chance to see the crazed Russian bandit who Ripped his throat out with a Subtle flick of the wrist as he passed by. the third monolithian remained seated. And Niko was about to Decapitate him, when Leo, who had jumped down as well. Calmly lowered his knife, and Said, "Not yet, it may know where Belinda is." Niko grunted and went to stab it, but halted as it spoke "Yes...I know where your outworlder friend is..." Came it's reply, and the sheer wrongness of its voice made Leo Feel sick. "Where is she you little Piece of shit?!" Niko demanded with the ferocity of a mad wolf. "She is... In the Machine of knowledge..." Came its reply, and Niko sent its head rolling with a quick swipe of the arm. Come on then, Freedomer, Let's Not keep these Scum waiting. Said Niko as he turned and began sprinting towards a Darkened Tunnel, And Leonyd ran to keep up with the Bandit. As they ran down the tunnel, a duo of monolithians walked around the corner, the first didn't even get a chance to see It's death as niko threw his knife with deadly accuracy, the blade forcing its way into his exposed neck. The 2nd one brought his gun up and managed a quick burst of fire that would have sent any sane man diving for cover, Sadly for him, Niko was far from sane and was upon him like a hunter, And began beating his face until his Skull collapsed, grinning With the thrill of a close quarter kill. "that's About... 3 For me, And 1 for you, correct?" he said coolly as He walked over and yanked his knife from the gurgling corpse of the first monolithian. "I haven't been keeping track, to be honest." Leo Replied as he scratched the back of his head, Uncomfortable with the Cold heartedness Niko was dispatching The monolithians. Nikolai grunted and stepped on one of the dead Monolith's Gun, And with a snap of the heel, the gun was in his hand. "Let's go save my Niece, Shall we?" He asked As he ran down the hallway Not giving leo the chance to Reply. Leo Sighed as he Followed Him, Checking his weapon as he ran. They Continued through the old, dark, and decrepit tunnels, and Leo found himself wondering How old these Supports and arches must be... the thought wasn't the least bit reassuring. And he drove it out of his mind. Every few feet he would notice a discarded gasmask, old spanner, Bullet case, Rusted Bolts and Discarded Scrap that Peppered the otherwise bare hallways.
The Sense of abandonement was a physical force that pushed in on him, as he felt the very walls closing in on him. "we are close..." said niko. And leo wondered if he could sense the Walls like he did. Niko paused infront of a small Wooden door, That looked to be made off an ancient wood, rotten and Expendable. Niko walked up to it, and Smiled, He took his knife, and stabbed at the hinges, using the blade like a lever, the bolt's of the door's hinges popped out of their holdings, clattering on the ground, Niko turned to look at the door, and coughed. With a Creaking of wood, the door clattered to the ground, Splintering down the center from the collapse. Niko rushed in as the sound rang through the air and Quickly dispatched 2 cultist guards. At the other end of the room was a row of screens, their black and white snapshots of the facility the only light in the Dark room. Before niko could close the gap, Several Monolithians who had been working at the station were out of their seats, and aiming their weapons. Leo Shoved past niko and Brought his Rifle Up, and Fired Into the monolithians, They exploding like Ripe fruit as the Hollow point Bullets ripped their Unarmoured bodies apart. Niko Glanced at leo, who still held his rifle aimed at the bodies. "Well, Perhaps you know what your doing afterall..." Leo Ignored him and slowly lowered his rifle. Niko walked past him and over the dead monolithian members who had been monitoring the Screens. He frowned as he stared at one of the larger screens. "what is that?" Leo Asked. On the screen, Was a Massive Machine, like a gaint Drill aimed downwards, Thousands of cables snaked and suspended it above the ground, and its surface was cluttered with Blankwhite Monitors. "The Machine of Knowledge." Niko said.

Extra tidbits:
Pavell Is actually in the zone, and is one of  Ace's characters, but thier a monolith named brace.
The trenchknife that boris carries has Natascha, Boris's dead wife's name carved into the knuckles. (he's Totaly NOT crazy)
Nikolai Leninkov (Not my Char.) Needs to look at porn, or He gets the urge to kill.
Boris has a tendancy to yell out "NIKO! MAH COUSIN!" whenever he see's niko.
Boris Still has his Old KGB uniform, But rarely takes it out of his footlocker in freedom's base, because he doesnt want it to get dirty.
Boris also has An old Mp3 player with a bunch of old communist songs. Not surprisingly, It's Crimson with a Hammer and sickle Decal next to the play button.
Boris has a secret stache of "The Crazy Commisar" an old favorite of his, Vodka that make's your courage like RUSSIAN STEEL! UNBREAKABLE!!!!!!!!!
Boris has Multiple Personalities, And they all are aware of each other.
Dmitri is a goody too shoes who nobody likes.
Nikolai has a daughter, but since he visited the wishgranter, he doesnt know anything about her.
Belinda, Following in Dear old dad's footsteps, picked up her own Unique melee weapon, an old Farming sickle, After she became a military merc, her Callsign became 'Sickle'
Belinda is A good medic
Belinda Has a Newly formed sadistic side. 'Scalpel' That has a tendancy to show herself during times of Great stress, or when Sickle is Interrogating Rookie stalkers in the base.
Sickle doesnt liek to hurt people, and heals everyone she can, however, "Scalpel" enjoys torture, so be careful.
Scalpel, started out as a tough girl act Sickle needed to use whenever she Interrogated Rookie stalkers, to Make the grunts afriad of her. however, repeated shows, each one more dramatic then the last has caused a disturbing split personality.


Did you draw the avatar for him?


Please write it normally.

(Format is all messed)


I am about to cry, because I am laughing so hard looking at the pictures typical Russian nose, beard, and eyebrows.

Other than that, it looks pretty good, just get a grip on the grammar and the format, yo'.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)

emperor bobby

yes, i drew his picture. not on the computer though,
and ill fix the format right now, and pingpong, he is russian bear from motherland, what kind of beard nose and eyebrows would he have?


One like all of the others in Russia, not stereotypical. <3

Anyhow, your picture put a smile on my face, I'm not complaining.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)

emperor bobby

I updated them Finally, New picture for boris (His Beard is supposed to look like karl marx.) and a new picture for belinda. And im adding some more info to the bottom ill get to niko and dmitri later.

emperor bobby

Update Update Update, Massive update, Story ive been working on, and some new up to date info on Sickle, or Belinda. once i finish the story, ill try and write Niko and Dmitri's storylines.

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

emperor bobby




Ace of Hearts

Quote from: RG4ORDR on 01-08-2010
This be turning out good

^ This.

And a bit of constructive criticism; You need to fix the random capitilizations with your writing. It makes the writing look sloppy and unprofessional.

emperor bobby


Statement: Bobby finish this I would love to see how this ends even thought I know how it ends.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 12-08-2010
Statement: Bobby finish this I would love to see how this ends even thought I know how it ends.

Statement: Get yo' redneck ass back to SRP RG4 <3 Turkey.

Statement: I like those photos can you make one of a seva trader for me <3 Turkey


Statement:1 month Turkey I have school,Football practice and shit.


Bobby, I want to see a section about my dude coming to you...sorry for the bump by the way, this is vary important.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 13-08-2010
Statement:1 month Turkey I have school,Football practice and shit.

Statement: I have school also, But that doesn't stop me!


Statement: Bobby will never finish the story :P .

emperor bobby

dont be so sure...
It's just that i started on ANOTHER story, About warhammer, And i'm finding it to be a very fun story to write, If anyone cares, I'll Copy pasta it here. i wasnt sure if i could/should because it's based of gamesworkshop shit and they get angry over this i thought. I -WILL- finish this story. It's just i got that other story, AND i'm on my first year in grade 10, so i got higher priorities.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 11-09-2010
dont be so sure...
It's just that i started on ANOTHER story, About warhammer, And i'm finding it to be a very fun story to write, If anyone cares, I'll Copy pasta it here. i wasnt sure if i could/should because it's based of gamesworkshop shit and they get angry over this i thought. I -WILL- finish this story. It's just i got that other story, AND i'm on my first year in grade 10, so i got higher priorities.
That made my head hurt.

emperor bobby

what, too many words for you? also, Update time, But its a small one. just finished chapter 3.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 12-09-2010
what, too many words for you? also, Update time, But its a small one. just finished chapter 3.
No just i cought a swift cough mista.And yayyy.