The Kranzer Project

Started by Ravanger, 07-08-2010

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(Most the shit is approved by Locke.)[This is a WIP since I changed a lot of the information.It is not gonna look the best at first but the important part is the ic part.Also I need to talk to ThY about approveing some parts so I will do that soon. 'course you got my approval! ~ThY]

The old bunker door is ripped open as light shines for the first time into this dank and dark place... The smell of rotting flesh rushes out as a young track suited man covers his face. Two lightly geared men in French mercenary outfits slowly go in as there flashlights penetrate the darkness. The man in the track suit walks away from the rusted bunker door on the soft grassed ground taking a few feet from the area.
His radio sounds as one of the mercs sends him a radio message," Donc, nous allons nettoyer cet endroit ce que vous voulez nous prendre?"
The tracksuited man rubs his face as he responds"Try to take books,papers and anything else of value. The merc responds back in his poor French, most likely using the language to hide there plans from anyone listening in" Oui maƮtre Loma."
The merc search around as a few stalker corpses lay mutilated along side old scientist bodies' most likely years old, The Stalkers only 3 weeks or less. One of them goes near old dirty medical bench, he finds a large number of papers tossed around on it as he gather them together flipping through them reading them as he calls his fellow merc over.

Patient: Hienrich Duplin
Crimes: Murder, Rape, molestation, * The others are mostly gibberish and to faded to read.*
Place of Birth: Ukraine,Cherkasy
*The rest of the page is blank and gibberish.*
*Only a few more words stand out.*
Has had a history of mental sickness. He has been held at*Gibberish* for about 3 years. We managed to recover him for study and to be our third patient in the kran*Gibberish*
If our planning is right we can find out if he is the person we are looking for to see if eternal*Gibberish and part of the page is ripped and smired.* The writing is hard to read as of how old it is and the horrid condition of the paper.

*The merc turns to another paper that is only a few weeks old but seems to be tattered as well and has several burns marks on it.*
We hope we can recover after these many years and take after how our fathers di*Gibberish.* We have found a way to possibly reverse the effects of Kranzer aka Hienrich's mutation. Since the bloodsucker mutation is impossible to reverse since it is more or less a new species. Kranzer has been basically infected with a virus that has developed into what it is now changing him into some completely different from a bloodsucker. I think we can ad mister the formula and slowly change him back into somewhat a normal person. It is unsure if he will retain any bit of himself at all. Me and my team speculate that he could be just trapped in that body and we could release him. I think in reality it will take years to get him to fully recover  if we managed to pull this off.. If not we have a feral man on our hands. I don't know much about this science stuff like my team does but I will continue where my father left off.*Gibberish* We found his old bunker and most of his old comrades but not him. We slowly picked up where he started but progress is slow.*Gibberish* first you must*Gibberish* insert into*Gibberish* the so called formula is in the fridge. Anyone who uses it must not get a single bit on them or inside them. This is very potent chemicals inside it; it will cause death instantly if got into the blood stream. Or at least that's what I am told in the old documents. There is a 50, 50 change that this could work. As it would either make him stronger and much larger and dangerous or it would work and he would slowly turn back into a human like state. Thing is we require a certain thing within the zone. There are rumors going around about a child in monolith possession. We think we could retrieve it.*Gibberish*

The other merc smiles as he sends Loma the message "The information is old Maitre, but we have the other puzzle piece of here. We know where the baby is and now we got the formula parts. We all set.

*Loma smiles as he knows what is soon to come."Hugo did his job,time for us to do our part."
Rammstein - Morgenstern


Yeah I edit this that much I am try edit it bit more. This is connected to child of the zone event secretly going on. I am hideing a lot of important details also. This is more or less a event page more than a mutant page in a way.

ThY mostly just approved it.


It made for an entertaining read
"Yes, we will be changed and we will march with him, then all the world will have his colour and his light and his madness."

Ace: Howdy-do, Killslim.
Paintcheck: Uh...
Paintcheck: Wrong window

Ace of Hearts

Quote from: KillSlim on 07-08-2010
It made for an entertaining read

That it did.

Eager to see how this will turn out. Good work, Rav.


It connects to Dug's thingy as well as Child of the zone event.


Was interesting. Explains a lot of stuff.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Kay, bend over under that guillotine.
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: ...
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Wait.
Sharrock: Homo
|HGN-STSA| Doomburger: Fuck.

Tom: Look at the roster
Doomburger: "110th Regiment Blood Company Reaper Squad Roster
Started by Doomburger"
Doomburger: get my name off
Doomburger: I beg you
Doomburger: I may have done some ridiculous things, but come on


I am going to update this and update the child of the zone event.


Baby was knicked by an Eco chopper, so this eventfulness is over, unless the baby comes back fully grown. . .
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Quote from: Comradebritish on 19-08-2010
Baby was knicked by an Eco chopper, so this eventfulness is over, unless the baby comes back fully grown. . .

It's probably dead already, you can't throw it onto a military chopper and expect it to be Okay for it's life.