The Freelancers.

Started by Son0fgrim, 23-07-2010

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There are No Gods or Kings, there is Just us

sub-group from our main group Freelancer Clan: (

We are the last freelancers, Freemen of a forgotten time. We know No king, No god, No leaders of any land. None command us but we, ourselves.
We traveled the land and struck down all the evil in our site, and fought back corruption with all of our might. But the evil of our enemy was great, so we retreated to our realm and watched and waited until they had left, then begun anew from the wasteland they had left us.
Many came to us and asked "what claim do you have to this place?" we merely laughed and said, "none! For we are the Freelancers who knows no Master!"

Backstory (just becuse you asked):
after the events of the Chernobyl Disaster, our leader wondered the zone. he turned to others for help, but none would as they were stuck in they're own petty conflics. soon he was wounded in a fight with bandits and as he wondered he was captured by Monolith. but as they draged him back to they're base a group of loners attacked them and freed him. When he awoke he told them of a revilation he had learned through his suffering. he told them that the leaders of this land had no claim to them, they only said they did and we were stupid enough to belive them. no, the only way to survive was to look after eachother and not trust those who tried to rule them. and so we The freelancers came into being.
We are a collection of Mercs, PMCs, and guns for hire. S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs are also welcome to join.
we may be free, but that doesn't mean we don't have rules:
1. Thou shalt not steal from his brother.
Don't steal from S.T.A.L.K.E.Rs, traders, or your fellow clan-mates. Bandits and any other faction is free game.
2. Honer your contract, always get paid.
If you get hired, don't run at the first sign of trouble. stay with the person or group that hired you untillthey are all dead or you are. If you do not get paid after, or befor, a job you are allowed to obtain the payment that was promised By any means. contact other clan mates if posible.
3. Honer the fallen.
if another Freelancer falls in battle, give his items to his next of kin. (as in if your buddy dies give him his stuff back when he respawns or makes a new person)
4. kill all mutants.
kill any mutants you see if you are provoked, or help those being attacked.
don't be an ass hole, follow server rules and don't troll or be a minge-bag.

Jay Keys-Leader
Jak Ralsh- Freelancer Jak
Maria Barret (Barret)- team sniper
Angila- medic

Faction Relations


If you wish to join send me a PM, or freind me on steam. If you wish to see me server side, come to the Eco/Swamp town, If i'm not there I'm at Freedom base.
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


- Support You have been here for a day.
And it looks more like a clan by your steam group page.



No backstory.
Extremely new member.
Looks more like a gaming clan, seeing the "DO NOT PISS OFF THE ADMIN" rule.
And it also seems like an attempt to make the official merc faction.


Quote from: Steel on 23-07-2010
- Support You have been here for a day.
And it looks more like a clan by your steam group page.
yes, and I'd like to actualy have people who are willing to help me, and others, in game. the server I played on all yesterday was pretty much a free for all, traders set retarded prices and I got stifed on 3 diffrent jobs.
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


-Support Why? You haven't been here that long at all, so we don't know if you're capable of running a group or just having it take up space on the forums before going dead. The back story and everything seems shoddy, agreeing with Pistolkid it seems like something you copy/pasted from the gaming clan, instead of something we'd see in STALKER. Though our - and + supports don't mean anything in terms of letting you start it, you'll be eaten alive by the people with actual merc flags and characters.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 23-07-2010
-Support Why? You haven't been here that long at all, so we don't know if you're capable of running a group or just having it take up space on the forums before going dead. The back story and everything seems shoddy, agreeing with Pistolkid it seems like something you copy/pasted from the gaming clan, instead of something we'd see in STALKER. Though our - and + supports don't mean anything in terms of letting you start it, you'll be eaten alive by the people with actual merc flags and characters.
I will endore, and this is the Gmod RP branch of the group. we are also in TF2 and CS:S. and didn't those other groups start out as small groups of people?
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


-suportYou do know these groups are all in-character, people in the zone dont just get up and walk to 2fort and dustbowl....>_>


Quote from: Mangoman on 23-07-2010
-suportYou do know these groups are all in-character, people in the zone dont just get up and walk to 2fort and dustbowl....>_>
am i going to have to say out of rp every time i post (out of RP)
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


Quote from: Son0fgrim on 23-07-2010
Quote from: Mangoman on 23-07-2010
-suportYou do know these groups are all in-character, people in the zone dont just get up and walk to 2fort and dustbowl....>_>
am i going to have to say out of rp every time i post (out of RP)
I'm just saying, you can't really take a steam community group, and turn it into a rp faction.


Yo i've got the rights to the word "free" gunna sue ya

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


-support TOO NEEWWWW plus you can't use free.Mr.Tasker has a point  (or does he ????)


Freelancer alpha one dash one, I'm going to commence a scan on your cargo hold.

There's nothing here I want.


PDA log: Freelancer Jak AKA: Jak Ralsh
well bin here awhile, found people who may want to join. Freedom seem's freindly, duty have bin polit but watch me like a hawk, military is incosistent in they're hostility.
end log.
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER

Silence) yell at you...That was just...Horrid...My eyes melted when i read that...

Learn to spell please.


-Support Just, Just no. Learn to spell. And RP for a week or 2 before making a group for you "clan".




Steven :D

As epic forum god i must say...

Please be more active and shit before you try making a faction, I mean look at other faction threads too. They set an example.


+Support Lets hope you can keep your group active.



Quote from: Son0fgrim on 23-07-2010
We are the last freelancers, Freemen of a forgotten time. We know No king, No god, No leaders of any land. None command us but we, ourselves.
We traveled the land and struck down all the evil in our site, and fought back corruption with all of our might. But the evil of our enemy was great, so we retreated to our realm and watched and waited until they had left, then begun anew from the wasteland they had left us.
Many came to us and asked "what claim do you have to this place?" we merely laughed and said, "none! For we are the Freelancers who knows no Master!"
Nice poem.


Lold, that generic LONER backstory.

(as in if your buddy dies give him his stuff back when he respawns or makes a new person)
You are encouraging others to break rules.

4. kill all mutants.
kill any mutants you see, or help those being attacked.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 29-07-2010

Quote from: Son0fgrim on 23-07-2010
We are the last freelancers, Freemen of a forgotten time. We know No king, No god, No leaders of any land. None command us but we, ourselves.
We traveled the land and struck down all the evil in our site, and fought back corruption with all of our might. But the evil of our enemy was great, so we retreated to our realm and watched and waited until they had left, then begun anew from the wasteland they had left us.
Many came to us and asked "what claim do you have to this place?" we merely laughed and said, "none! For we are the Freelancers who knows no Master!"
Nice poem.


Lold, that generic LONER backstory.

(as in if your buddy dies give him his stuff back when he respawns or makes a new person)
You are encouraging others to break rules.

4. kill all mutants.
kill any mutants you see, or help those being attacked.



Well, I'm on the server every day. so i'm pretty active.

The rule is to give your buddy's equipment to his next of Kin. most people don't enjoy having the shiny new gun they just bought get minge grabbed. I'll remove it if a Admin PMs me about it.

The Back-story is Generic to be believable, theres no "we're ex-Spec ops and military and are a bunch of bad asses" bullshit. No, we are just a "friendly" group of STALKERs (holy shit nice people, thats crazy) who want to better the zone.

The "kill all mutants" rule come from me getting attacked and killed 3 times my first day in SRP by a Controller who camped the tunnel to Freedom base. I have met some nice bloodsuckers so I may retract that rule, but mostly they sneak up on me and PK my ass while I'm looking around for artifacts and doing events (I know in most events they're supposed to PK but I never get my stuff back afterwards, which is always guaranteed). I honestly Shoot first ask question later if I see a Mutant, because they're usually about to fuck me up.

My position on Military is a toleration of they're abuse. I have had 6 different cases of this scenario, Eco broadcasts an event to all STALKERs to go to Eco bunker, I go to S3 tunnel and find it blocked, when I ask to pass (both in LOOC and IC) to get to the event they Shoot the shit out of me and take all my gear. So yeah, I don't like them, but i'm not going to pick a fight I can avoid.

Thank you I wrote that poem myself, it is really the beginning to a Song. Ballard of the last Freeman

Oh, and in reply to that clip. Fuck you! i'm not Dutch! I'm a crazy Irish/Scottish bastard.
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


Glad you took it more maturely than I expected you to.
I'll change my mind and give you a +support.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Mrtasker on 23-07-2010
Yo i've got the rights to the word "free" gunna sue ya

Neugh yeuhhh I copyrighted that in 1394. Im going to sue yo so hard.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 30-07-2010
Quote from: Mrtasker on 23-07-2010
Yo i've got the rights to the word "free" gunna sue ya

Neugh yeuhhh I copyrighted that in 1394. Im going to sue yo so hard.

um well i'm a lawyer so i'm going to counter sue for defamation of something or other


why can't we all just get along?
Jak Ralsh: Freelance STALKER


Quote from: Nargotah on 30-07-2010
Quote from: meetdadoom on 30-07-2010
Quote from: Mrtasker on 23-07-2010
Yo i've got the rights to the word "free" gunna sue ya

Neugh yeuhhh I copyrighted that in 1394. Im going to sue yo so hard.

um well i'm a lawyer so i'm going to counter sue for defamation of something or other

Well I am a buisness guy so I don't know what you are talking about. -wkuk-
