The Diary of a Dragoness

Started by Dragon, 10-04-2012

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...The stalker peered her head around the doorway, holding a mere PM Makarov pistol tightly in her gloved hands as her eyes cautiously surveyed the room through the lenses of her gasmask. The filter on her belt wheezed away as she turned her head around and got a good look at her surroundings. There was very little in the means of equipment inside this small hideaway, simply a bedroll and a small bunch of charcoal and dried wood in the center of the room on a charred, darkened metal plate. The stalker slowly shifted herself through the doorway, staring at the coals as they threw up the occasional bright orange ember into the air. The stalker looked from side to side, noting that no immediate threat seemed to present itself. With her mind set that the room was safe, she turned about and grasped the edge of the door, giving it a gentle shove into place.

She stepped over to the bedroll, throwing down the Makarov onto the sheet and then falling onto it herself almost immediately afterwards. Her gloved hand reached up to the nozzle of the filter tube that was attached to her gasmask, and in a swift side-ways jerk, she detached it from its place and let it curl up on the ground as she let go. The hand drifted from the gasmask, moving down towards her chin before it curled up around the straps that secured her helmet in place. In one movement, she pulled it up and off of herself, and threw the dome aside, and next off was the Gasmask, merely thrown to her side as she laid back against the bedroll, exhausted from her long venture...

"Today has been a long one, full of one form of running or the other, but I think that I am able to quite happily reap the benefits of the seeds that have been sown. I've moved far through the zone and I am eager to rest, but it began with catching up with different people in that 'Cordon' place to try and dig up any information about Dimitri, or 'Dragon' as he is known in this region. I digress, I moved quickly up north with an excessive amount of running, I was hesitant to try checking up with passers-by to see if they knew anything about him though, I'm not exactly familiar with any of these people, but for all I know.. one of the people I saw could have been 'Dragon'. Or, so I thought atleast.. where I am now sort of depicts him living among this gang of stalkers who call themselves 'Freedom'.

Now, the unsubtle person who told me all this said that 'Freedom is the Clan, and opening the zone to all is the Plan.' or some shit.. It's not worth remembering, but that seems to imply to me that my Father is fighting alongside others to open the zone to other stalkers and stuff like that, you know how the terrible phrase goes... you just writ it down afterall. That makes me confused, you know? Why join a Stalker clan? Shouldn't he be chasing down the person who killed Mother, just like he said on the note? He said that he'd be coming back to me once the job was done. Why would he need to do such a thing? Or perhaps he has joined Freedom to help him get the person he is after...

This speculation isn't really getting me anywhere, though.. I'm going to be getting my answers tomorrow, and that's something to be happy about I suppose. I'd be up for getting them now if I wasn't worn out, since I know where Father is. (With those Freedom folk, as the unsubtle man said)
I guess that for now, I can just put my head down and begin to think up of what I could ask him.
Good Night, Dragoness."
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


This is good keep it up.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


...Sat down on a thin mattress with a plaid duvet strewn over the top of it, Dragoness fumbled around with the harness that she wore on a daily basis beneath the greatcoat that was now hooked upon a small notch embedded into the cracked wall around some flakes of wallpaper. It was a dank sight, as the room was illuminated under the feint glow of an oil lamp, the orange flame dancing around like an exotic apparition inside of its glass chamber, bestowing light to those who would take themselves as an audience to its beautiful strides

The Female stalker, Dragoness, propped up the harness and tore open a case, one which was located on the back of the harness, one which she very rarely opened. Her eyebrows creased at the sight of it, for it was one small case that she hardly recognized. Offset to the others, this was a larger case, one that wasn't used to store magazines or grenades, but rather to store something else. Carefully, she slid one bare finger underneath the button, and popped it open

Peeling back the lid seemed to reveal a small, leather bound book, the pages within were pure and crisp, an untainted white. It was most likely the best paper that one would find in the zone, which was a blessing. As Dragoness slid the book out of its container, her eyes scanned it over, and she saw it as her old diary, one that she had not touched for about one month. Her mouth parted slightly in awe, the sides of her lips curling into a thinly worn smile upon realizing that she had found what she had thought was lost.

Quickly, she prised the pencil out of the binding on the back, and flipped it open...

"Goodness gracious, I thought I had lost this thing ages ago! Oh, brother.. there's so much to catch up with in this whole ordeal, so much has happened over the past month, but I don't feel like detailing it all, for most if it is just the basis of time dragging on. However, there have been more than a few things that have certainly happened that are worth noting down, such as.. such as the parting of my father. God knows why he chose the Alias 'Dragon', for it's what the zone will remember his good spirit by, but maybe it's just as well. He will always live on in my mind as the man he was. God bless, Dimitri. May the Father of all forgive your atrocities, Father, and let it be known that I have forgiven you. I'll miss you, Dad. There won't be a single day that goes by where I will not feel pain for your departure.

Christ, my eyes are welling up.. Just rereading that. The burning pains of scars once buried feel like they're reopening, I'll move onto the events of today, for what it's worth. So, I heard from my folks in the suspects that the old base that served as 'Niko's' trading post, the Ranger's base and the Suspect's base was torn up by the Military, and that Hydra danced in front of the fourteen mil' gun that it used. Picturing that scenario seems to bring a smile to my face, so I'll stick with that I guess. Anywho, time moved on and we all decided to pay a visit to this trader called Denis, someone who would prove to be annoying, but at the same time, a great asset and a benefactor to my arsenal.

So, yeah. We went to this trader, and I asked for an SVD. I offered the Nugget and two artifacts that I had scavenged from- Oh, the Monolithian! Yeah, back at the train tunnel, the place where we had our new base set up, some Monolithian with a PKM decided to assault us. I sat in cover, shouting to the others for a description of the target so I wasn't shooting friendlies. I found him eventually, and I sat in cover until he was knocked down. I then ran out of cover, and ducked by a train, squeezing through the connection part and behind him. I ran up to him, but I lost track of what I was doing, what in god's name WAS I doing behind a Monolithian with a PKM?

Suddenly, I felt as if I lost the reigns of control, and I zoned out of myself, merely becoming a spectator as I felt as if a larger force took control of me. I heard a shout, a deep cry of fury, and a few moments later, I realized that it was myself, as I charged forward and plunged the Mosin's bayonet into the back of the Monolithian. He simply walked off of it though, and it was there that I completely lost it. I couldn't so much as see, it was if someone else was in control.. I awoke to feel like I had been kicked in the abdomen, and I had just stabbed said Monolithian in the jugular vein with the bayonet, confident that I had finished him this time. I collapsed, and quickly began to scavenge the corpse for anything that may of helped me regain strength, like food or an energy drink. Alas, there was nothing though...

There's more to my day, but I think I hear someone calling me. I'll finish this later.
G'bye, Dragoness."
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"