Stalker Torture. (Pics and Logs)

Started by Khorn, 29-08-2010

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Today, on one of the few days I have off to play now, I was ordered to torture an Eco.

First pictures are of a Loner that Ace watched me torture. Second are of the Eco.

So here is those pictures of the fun, plus the logs Ace wanted.

Preacher 'Brace': Kvik... See to this heretic. Garner what information you can, and then dipose of him.

** Initiate 'Kvik' nods
** Initiate 'Kvik' slings his gun and picks up the eco
** Initiate 'Kvik' takes him away
** Initiate 'Kvik' tosses the eco into the corner

** The room was bloody the whole time

** Initiate 'Kvik' looks at the eco

** Isaac Stevlark reaches to my head and groans from the pain of my throbbing head waking up more

** Initiate 'Kvik' looks back to the hook then the crate-o-fun
** Initiate 'Kvik' grabs the pipe
** Initiate 'Kvik' walks over to the ecoInitiate

'Kvik': Speak

Isaac Stevlark: What do you want?

Initiate 'Kvik': INfo.

Isaac Stevlark: On what?

Initiate 'Kvik': Everything.

Isaac Stevlark: I don't know much right now... I was just wa-ndering around military base and got capture and knocked out.

** Initiate 'Kvik' prepares to swing, unsatisfied with the answer

Initiate 'Kvik': Speak.

Isaac Stevlark: Im serious i don't know anything! I don't remember anything before that!

** Initiate 'Kvik' swings the pipe into your knee

Initiate 'Kvik': Info. Now.

** Isaac Stevlark shrieks as it hits my knee and groans
Isaac Stevlark: I DONT KNOW ANYTHING!!!

** Initiate 'Kvik' pulls the pipe back, now aiming at the ot-
her knee

Initiate 'Kvik': Why is Eco here?
** Initiate 'Kvik' is unsatisfied with the answer.

Initiate 'Kvik': Last chance, tell me everything

** Isaac Stevlark yells out, "faulk you and your retarded clan or whatever the hell it is"

** Initiate 'Kvik' smashes your other knee

** Isaac Stevlark my knees colapse under me and i scream in pain

Initiate 'Kvik': Names....Initiate 'Kvik': Locations...
Initiate 'Kvik': Plans...
Initiate 'Kvik': Tell all.

Isaac Stevlark: I know my bunker i know my name and i only know only one other persons name, No plans or anything.

Initiate 'Kvik': Bunker name, Roster. Locations of interests.

[RADIO] Initiate 'Kvik': Preacher, Eco continues to act blind toward the pain.

Isaac Stevlark: My bunker is just an eco bunker nothing special

Initiate 'Kvik': Roster.
Initiate 'Kvik': Roster of those in bunker
** Initiate 'Kvik' smacks you

[RADIO] Preacher 'Brace': Then dispose of him... The Monolith has no use for that heretic.

** Isaac Stevlark groans more as the pain in my knees doubles in time and starts grunting

** Initiate 'Kvik' tosses the pipe away
** Initiate 'Kvik' picks the eco up
** Initiate 'Kvik' tosses the eco onto the hook
** Initiate 'Kvik' watches as the hook penetrates the eco's chest

** Isaac Stevlark gasps and screams and shrieks as loud as i can as it pierces my lung and coughs up blood then trys to get off the hook

** Initiate 'Kvik' pushes the eco onto the hook
** Initiate 'Kvik' checks the box for some rope and then begins to tie him to the hook
** Initiate 'Kvik' Starts to tie up Isaac Stevlark
** Initiate 'Kvik' Tied up Isaac Stevlark
** Initiate 'Kvik' grabs some more rope and ties the legs down to the floor

** Isaac Stevlark gasps and grunts as i feel the hook threw my chest and lung and breathes heavily

** Initiate 'Kvik' ties the arm to stretch out
** to the walls

** Initiate 'Kvik' grabs a large blunt objectInitiate 'Kvik': Last chance

** Isaac Stevlark groans loudly and doesnt speak as i cough

** Initiate 'Kvik' smashes the pipe against a leg breaking it
** Initiate 'Kvik' walks to the other side

** Isaac Stevlark screams loudly as part of my femur shatters into bits

** Initiate 'Kvik' Talk

Initiate 'Kvik': Talk

** Isaac Stevlark coughs loudly and groans "I c-c-c-can't.."

** Initiate 'Kvik' takes the pipe and smashes it against the other leg

** Isaac Stevlark screams as my femur is shattered in that leg also and groans more

** Initiate 'Kvik' tosses the pipe into the crate

Initiate 'Kvik': Talk....

** Isaac Stevlark moves my hands trying to grab the hook but cant and coughs more blood up

** Initiate 'Kvik' heads over to grab the saw
** Initiate 'Kvik' takes the saw and swings at the outstretc-
hed arm

** Isaac Stevlark shrieks in pain as my arm as chopped in half and falls the the floor dangling by some small nerves

Initiate 'Kvik': It's over...

** Initiate 'Kvik' goes to cut the last arm off

** Isaac Stevlark screams and struggles as hard as i can dies from blood loss

** Initiate 'Kvik' grabs at your legs and pulls you down
** Off the hook

** Isaac Stevlark falls to the ground and rubs my stub arms around blood flying everywere and screams more

** Initiate 'Kvik' takes out his rifle
** Initiate 'Kvik' aims at the Eco's chest

** Isaac Stevlark points my arm at the mono and sprays my blood onto his face and laughs then groans as i fall to the ground

** Initiate 'Kvik' is masked
** Initiate 'Kvik' fires into the Eco's chest
** Initiate 'Kvik' inspects the body


That was some shitty RP with the eco, he didn't Fear RP.
And it made no sense anyways, how can you cut an arm in half with a saw? It's a SAW.
And why do you act as a superhuman, you're an initiate, also if you would cut his arm in half, he would lose consciousness.

Quote** Isaac Stevlark yells out, "faulk you and your retarded clan or whatever the hell it is"

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


I kept telling them that they should have lost a lot of blood, but first guy was deadeye382. Second was someone named Jackie. I think they are a bit new to the whole Fear RP thing.

Also, I had the Eco's arms stretched out(think T-Posed, but with his arms tied up tight) and used a sharp blade. Also, you can use a saw to cut an arm off. Not hard, I've seen it happen before in a workshop.

And how do I act superhuman? And it doesn't matter if I'm an Initiate, I was a veteran in Freedom not that long ago.

Have you never lifted a person about the same size as you? Not hard. Nor is taking a pipe to smash a knee in.


I wish I coulda been there...I was...sleeping...yeah, lets go with that.


You didn't picture the part where I pressed my self agaisnt the glass and masturbated violently before disconnecting?
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Comrade, thats my job...everyone knows that stain we cant get off is from me...Im just saying...:V


Quote from: Khorn on 29-08-2010
Also, you can use a saw to cut an arm off. Not hard, I've seen it happen before in a workshop.

What kind of fucked up Workshop were you at son?!


Quote from: Pawx on 29-08-2010
Quote from: Khorn on 29-08-2010
Also, you can use a saw to cut an arm off. Not hard, I've seen it happen before in a workshop.

What kind of fucked up Workshop were you at son?!

It's called someone not being smart.


I am so happy I kicked this tit out of the Ecologists.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Who, Reorp...I have to admit, no hard feelings Reorp but shes a bit of a minge...dosent follow orders well either. What'd you boot her for?


SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)

Silver Knight

I knew that room i made would find a purpose ;)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


... You missed all the good technique's like finger removal or sowing their eyes shut, or gutting them then playing with their intestines while they bleed out.... D:
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


I did that kinda stuff for the loner. I have the loner's hands in cans. And a pipe covered in his face.

The Eco, I kinda rushed cause I was gonna get off soon.


I love how you speak as like they were both peices of meat "Oh I was in a rush so I just smacked it around and tossed it in the oven..."


Well they were nothing but meat sacks to me. I mean, look, I used meat hooks on them.
Also, first guy was just a random trespasser. No need to keep him alive for long.

Second one was useless, so I was told to kill him right away.


It wasn't even that interesting, why do you continue to post, you didn't even include my part! >.<
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


BRITISH YOU BAFFOON SILENCE! True ture Khorn... mebeh one day we can haz barbecue with stalker meat? trollface.avi


Sorry Brit, I'm just not that interested in your wanking off to torture.

Also I'm waiting for a Freedomer to cut up, cause they tend to be baked on arrival.   :P
Should be good eatin'.

Duty probably taste like shit though...



YUS FTW, Duty tastes like a bunch of anabolic steroids and Freedom tastes like weed and... more weed. Somone just needs to roast one of them alive...


Hmm i wish i could have been there.. All i would have done is just stand there like "Sooo you going to tell us" and Make him watch CbbC Until he told me :D


Nah nah, You gotsta beat it out of him with a rusty spatula...


Naa nothing worst Than a bit of Shitty CBBC "TOday KIds......"


Meh, if he gets cut he'll get tetnus and die a slow painful death, then you should hang him by his testies and make him watch CBBC...


You guys can keep your ball wrangling to yourself...