SRP Skills and Crafting

Started by Silver Knight, 02-12-2010

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Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010

Don't use them

Now your getting it!  ;)

Some of us want Cool Things, That's great that you want to RP, But can't we have Skills too? And to think, Skills can be used to RP your Characters Adaption in the Zone. (Cooking Boar to eat and survive, Repairing Old weapons  that are in terrible Condition.)

The point of this sever is to roleplay learning these things. we don't need another way for players to go, "Late NIGHT GRINDING!"

and next thing we know, We got some level 99 techy who's new to srp.

Skills/roleplay <Oxymoron.
I could roleplay on normal gmod sandbox script. I don't even know why we need this massive script with all these little features.. again, This is pulling exile away from our FRP.

Actually, FRP is pretty much finished and is being realsed before Christmas Day, The skills isn't go to harm your Precious FRP Turkey.

Your also not getting the point of, If you hate/Don't Like the Skill Feature, DON'T.USE.IT.  Exile doesn't care if you hate the Skills, he'll still contuine to make them, cause other Gratful Members like RP and Skills equally.

What you don't see. Is some players don't want to have others to have a unfair advantage because they decided these skills would be great to level, While others prefer to roleplay


Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 07-12-2010
Quote from: Turkey on 07-12-2010

Don't use them

Now your getting it!  ;)

Some of us want Cool Things, That's great that you want to RP, But can't we have Skills too? And to think, Skills can be used to RP your Characters Adaption in the Zone. (Cooking Boar to eat and survive, Repairing Old weapons  that are in terrible Condition.)

The point of this sever is to roleplay learning these things. we don't need another way for players to go, "Late NIGHT GRINDING!"

and next thing we know, We got some level 99 techy who's new to srp.

Skills/roleplay <Oxymoron.
I could roleplay on normal gmod sandbox script. I don't even know why we need this massive script with all these little features.. again, This is pulling exile away from our FRP.

Actually, FRP is pretty much finished and is being realsed before Christmas Day, The skills isn't go to harm your Precious FRP Turkey.

Your also not getting the point of, If you hate/Don't Like the Skill Feature, DON'T.USE.IT.  Exile doesn't care if you hate the Skills, he'll still contuine to make them, cause other Gratful Members like RP and Skills equally.

What you don't see. Is some players don't want to have others to have a unfair advantage because they decided these skills would be great to level, While others prefer to roleplay

I'm not seeing how Cooking Meat and Fixing Weapons is a 'Unfair Advantage', What happened to Roleplaying Everything? Sad cause you don't get OOC Items from it?

If you don't want to feel Left Out, Then Roleplay using the Skills


*Creed knells down by the fire, inserting the Bird Meat onto the Stick.*
*Creed slowly rotates the Stick, letting the Bird Meat cook on all of the sides.*
*Creed takes the stick off the fire, taking the Meat from the Stick.*
*Creed checks the newly cooked meat, smiling "Perfect."*

Holy shit Turkey, I just used Skills in a Roleplay Manner, And I even leveled my Skill with Roleplay.




Yes. You roleplayed. Why do you need a bar that says you can do that then? waste of time is a waste of time


Seeing this Weapon fixing perk/skill weapons deteriorate over time I'm guessing from use, if so then I would think having the skill/ability to repair them or have a professional weapons person to repair it for a cost would sound pretty good.
For Freedom


Why are these needed is still my question.. We don't need a exp bar that tells us, Congratulations, You've advanced to level two, You magically know how to make a makarov


Ok, get back to serious discussions. Turk/Pawx, take it to SF and don't use this thread to wage your little personal wars on.


Turkey, if you want to know why we need them ask Exile.

He is the one working on it, we are just making ideas to either help i along, or change it. Stop asking us why we need it, since it's basically all Exile's idea.

All in all, I would personally enjoy a crafting system. Skills, I don't care for too much. I get enough of that from D&D.

A craft system can actually useful. In the games, armor and guns broke. With crafting we can fix them up.
And we can repair Kevlar since last time I used it, it just slowly breaks. (Can it be fixed at all? Without any glitching?)


I agree fully with Turkey. The mere fact that I might have to even consider skill levels limits imagination and creativity. It doesn't add anything.

What would crafting be used for, exactly? You can't just take a pipe and some screws and make an assault rifle (since Silver likes to play the "realism" card when talking about his horrible ideas ala shipments). I mean I guess reinforced suits would make some sense but it isn't rocket surgery to sew kevlar onto a jacket so what do you need an actual skill for? Making stronger items? That doesn't work because stronger items need better materials, you can't just make an SVD out of scrap metal.


Not necessarily making stronger items, and of course no bullshit things where you can make a gun out of dirt.

I mean such things as repairing, making medical equipment, turning raw food(mystery meat) into cooked meals.
It add another profession to the game. Another way to raise money. Make a better use for mystery meat and other smaller items.

The salvage spawns could contain bits of stuff that can either be sold, or used. Like what salvage means.

Since STALKER originally had mechanics, doctors, and barmen(could be considered cooks). I mean, would could roleplay it all out, but with our player base, only so many actually have guns breaking.

Even if sewing isn't 'rocket surgery' as you put it, even though that doesn't make sense, not many people know how to sew. And just taking some string and sewing Kevlar onto a jacket is gonna be rather tough and time consuming. We don't exactly have that many tools out here for that.


Oh, one second. Let me take two peices of metal. A peice of paper. and build a makarov.. because thats how easy it is. again. I protest this -ever- being used in the sever. Infact. If it does. You won't expect to see me around 'stalker-scape'


I can see it now "Hey guis I haz 100 Gun smithing I canz maek FN2000 and PKM with 50 scraps and ((More Object here))" I did not start RPing to play WoW Stalker edition, If you guys want a stat building RPG then Play Runescape or World of Warcraft, Areia, Warhammer, Star Wars Galaxy, or any of those other RPG's. Its called RP for a reason, Bored of RP? Go play any of the listed above.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Did I not just state that we shouldn't have bullshit things like that?

Doesn't mean we can't have the abillity to repair stuff or cook stuff.
It was in the game. Why can't we have it?

Honestly, you guys reply like as if you don't read anything.


Where are you guys getting this gun building thing from?


We are heading that way, just you wait. I can see it happening soon.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


To be honest I'm not that keen on the skills myself. I like the abilities that are available, like being able to cook, but I can see the downsides of skills attached to them.
I suggest we just have some special classes, like a technician or fraction cook. Obviously they shouldn't be given out like candy though, need applications and such.


Quote from: Bielecki on 08-12-2010
To be honest I'm not that keen on the skills myself. I like the abilities that are available, like being able to cook, but I can see the downsides of skills attached to them.
I suggest we just have some special classes, like a technician or fraction cook. Obviously they shouldn't be given out like candy though, need applications and such.

If we absolutely must have skills I agree with this.

Madran Lamont

im up for that it will keep every one and there mother from being a super technician and cook


Quote from: Paintcheck on 08-12-2010
Quote from: Bielecki on 08-12-2010
To be honest I'm not that keen on the skills myself. I like the abilities that are available, like being able to cook, but I can see the downsides of skills attached to them.
I suggest we just have some special classes, like a technician or fraction cook. Obviously they shouldn't be given out like candy though, need applications and such.

If we absolutely must have skills I agree with this.

-snip- I AM SAYING THERE Would have to be apps for it. DERP


Please Turkey, will you stop over exaggerating every point that isn't yours. If you're going to make an argument then please be a little mature about it.

You could say the exact same thing for the trader apps, but we all know if people were to say something similar like, "I rp'd once that I sold lots of guns to somebody, trader apps please" they would be denied.


What if adding stats to the characters you refined the stats of items.  Such as improving the weapons statistics, I've heard some have exceptionally low accuracy.  You could also add stats to say the suits and stuff, like the DUTY suits have more armor, but the Freedom suits can move faster.  Some suits could have more protection from explosives, while others could be more bullet resistant.  Stuff like that.  If the items have better stats it also doesn't ruin the RP for the players.


Well if you go by what the game does, suits should have different stats. Someare more physically resistant while some are better for anomalies and controllers psychic attacks.

Some suits even had built in night vision, and extra artifacts holder.

Problem with these stats are that they are currently mostly worthless, only bullet resistant would help. Since its the only thing coded, or I think so.


I for one want it to stay, as I've already gotten into it ICly, and it's given me something to do. Quite fun.
And one question. How the hell do weapons break? Fired off tons of round from a makarov, it's perfectly fine.


They don't. Unless you drop it into an anomoly, in which case the anomoly eats it (as in basically removes it like a toolgun does).


I thought this was cool at first, but now it's fucking retarded. I've stopped around five people now bunny hopping. Their excuse? "Sorry, was raising my agility level" or some bullshit like that.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 15-12-2010
I thought this was cool at first, but now it's fucking retarded.

Acrobatics was always in Nexus, your point?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway