SRP: Dislike/Like , Want/Do Not Want Discussion.

Started by jaik, 06-11-2012

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Quote from: Spades_Neil on 06-11-2012
Passive RP

What I liked: Opportunities to passive RP at bars.
Why I liked it: STALKERs are human too. A little music, a barkeep selling nothing but vodka and bread, and a few STALKERs having conversation or gambling creates more entertaining roleplay than any STK fight I've ever been in.

What I didn't like: Sitting on my ass with everyone in the bar in dead silence doing fucking nothing.
Why I didn't like it: The admins can't help this. This is just players being boring and not understanding how to passive RP.

I don't have time to read all of this at the moment, but I've got to stop here for a rofling session. I remember how gambling was still 'the shit' until Blake came around and won every single bet he made(I think he made around +1-2million with all that). Knife_cz put all of his money, suits, weapons and other gear on the stake and guess what... he LOST all of IT(which was over like 300,000 RU). What happened next is, a bunch of his mercs storm the bar and SLAUGHTER EVERYONE IN IT, except me and Blake(we both hid in the room with a safe, behind the bar). Fortunately my SPAS-12 managed to save us considering there was only a narrow corridor that separated me and the raging knife_cz. Pic related: the screenshot of the ultimate bet.

The point of the story is that anyone can turn a completely innocent activity into an act of aggression and drag everyone else with him. Just like IC homicide, which is actually absolutely innocent at its core in story development, is now permanently associated with gearwhoring and minging.

You're right about passive RP, but unless the administration takes something against the chronic gearwhore syndrome, nothing is going to change.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 06-11-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 06-11-2012
Passive RP

What I liked: Opportunities to passive RP at bars.
Why I liked it: STALKERs are human too. A little music, a barkeep selling nothing but vodka and bread, and a few STALKERs having conversation or gambling creates more entertaining roleplay than any STK fight I've ever been in.

What I didn't like: Sitting on my ass with everyone in the bar in dead silence doing fucking nothing.
Why I didn't like it: The admins can't help this. This is just players being boring and not understanding how to passive RP.

I don't have time to read all of this at the moment, but I've got to stop here for a rofling session. I remember how gambling was still 'the shit' until Blake came around and won every single bet he made(I think he made around +1-2million with all that). Knife_cz put all of his money, suits, weapons and other gear on the stake and guess what... he LOST all of IT(which was over like 300,000 RU). What happened next is, a bunch of his mercs storm the bar and SLAUGHTER EVERYONE IN IT, except me and Blake(we both hid in the room with a safe, behind the bar). Fortunately my SPAS-12 managed to save us considering there was only a narrow corridor that separated me and the raging knife_cz. Pic related: the screenshot of the ultimate bet.

The point of the story is that anyone can turn a completely innocent activity into an act of aggression and drag everyone else with him. Just like IC homicide, which is actually absolutely innocent at its core in story development, is now permanently associated with gearwhoring and minging.

You're right about passive RP, but unless the administration takes something against the chronic gearwhore syndrome, nothing is going to change.[/spoiler]

Good point... hm.

Then again you gotta admit that sounds kinda fun.


Quote from: Jake on 06-11-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 06-11-2012
Passive RP

What I liked: Opportunities to passive RP at bars.
Why I liked it: STALKERs are human too. A little music, a barkeep selling nothing but vodka and bread, and a few STALKERs having conversation or gambling creates more entertaining roleplay than any STK fight I've ever been in.

What I didn't like: Sitting on my ass with everyone in the bar in dead silence doing fucking nothing.
Why I didn't like it: The admins can't help this. This is just players being boring and not understanding how to passive RP.

I don't have time to read all of this at the moment, but I've got to stop here for a rofling session. I remember how gambling was still 'the shit' until Blake came around and won every single bet he made(I think he made around +1-2million with all that). Knife_cz put all of his money, suits, weapons and other gear on the stake and guess what... he LOST all of IT(which was over like 300,000 RU). What happened next is, a bunch of his mercs storm the bar and SLAUGHTER EVERYONE IN IT, except me and Blake(we both hid in the room with a safe, behind the bar). Fortunately my SPAS-12 managed to save us considering there was only a narrow corridor that separated me and the raging knife_cz. Pic related: the screenshot of the ultimate bet.

The point of the story is that anyone can turn a completely innocent activity into an act of aggression and drag everyone else with him. Just like IC homicide, which is actually absolutely innocent at its core in story development, is now permanently associated with gearwhoring and minging.

You're right about passive RP, but unless the administration takes something against the chronic gearwhore syndrome, nothing is going to change.
Actually, I seem to remember betting against Jake only one time, and winning about 200K worth or artifacts, and money.


I wonder how blake managed to roll 100 out of 100 like 20 times in a row...


Quote from: Nik3 on 07-11-2012
I wonder how blake managed to roll 100 out of 100 like 20 times in a row...

Okay, let me dispel a rumor right now. No matter what you guys think, admins can't change the faking dice roll outcome.

That's lucky is what it is.


I know theres no "admin dice" or anything. Its just unbelieveable how someone allways rolls 100/100


He indeed won atleast 10 times in row, and that got me really frustrated lol.
And about the mercs, yeah I hired 4 or three people, however as you hidden inside the bar, you pulled out a metal door in the back, and IC guards becoming alive (Blake switched character, claiming he was ICly the guard (Aka the NPC which said Don't just stand there, come here!' if you pressed on him)) And that really really pissed me off alot.
But yeah, even when I lost around 300k just to Blake, I still had 50 000 left, damn I was rich.

Edit; We did not shoot everyone in the bar, just threw a flashbang inside and forced the 'random' stalkers inside to face the wall, really.  Wouldn't shoot them just for the lulz.


Honestly that sounds like fun. A little gambling got out of hand. Why not? I see no problem there.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 07-11-2012
Honestly that sounds like fun. A little gambling got out of hand. Why not? I see no problem there.
I was actually planning to either
A) Successfully kill the trader, get out of the bar, pay the mercenaries and write PDA logs in IC section, reasoning why Andre done that. And then leave Zone, forever.
B) Be killed in the 'raid on the bar', write PDA logs (ICly found on the body) and let the character permamently die.

Then I  wanted to focus on my trader character.

But yeah, after this little miserable gambling thing, like week later it was annouced that there will be a wipe, so I just let it go I suppose.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 06-11-2012Passive RP
What I want to see: More initiative by players to passive RP between action-based RPs. Selectable guitar songs, harmonicas, radios, maybe even mini-games that STALKERs could play with each other to pass the time or to gamble. Hell maybe even some dispensers that sell vodka! They have those in Russia, right?! (I'm kidding about that last one.)

Why I want it in SRP: Admins, plonk down a radio or something. Give us something to amuse ourselves. Players, just do random odd jobs around the stalker camps or tell some stories or something! Exile, add more fawking guitar songs and an animation if possible! Maybe a harmonica! Make them readily available for us to use! It'll keep us busy while we're sitting otherwise idle, and it'll keep us online!

STK Zones

What I liked: STK zones.
Why I liked it: There was an inherit danger to the area and your combat abilities became usable.

First I'd like to point out: Yes, they might have vodka dispensers in Russia, but we are in Ukraina (hueheuhe) :P

About the Passive RP, I don't know how much time you spent on srp, you were mostly on FRP after all. But when I was in bar, there was always someone selling something, gambling - or even traders gave sometime a job 'clean the tables for 100 rubles', there was always something to do.
About the guitar, yeah it really needs some songs added to it, it was so annoying hearing the only one song ALL the time.

And with the radio, yes I agree, it is nice to hear a song, instead of that sound when somebody writes something. But with the animations... they are almost all useless except /sit and /facewall or something.

STK Zones./[size=78%]STK zones where players can kill each other freely.[/size]
I don't agree with that - the only STK zone where players can kill each other freely should be Arena, but nothing else.

Normal STK Zone for factions, should be only infront of Monolith and Military maybe, stalkers are not supposed to get that close around such dangerous place.