Server Economy or "What the fuck are you smoking, Silver?"

Started by Paintcheck, 07-10-2010

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The fact is, the Similodons are so confused as to what they are they are on a constant rotation of pretending to be mercenaries, loners, a cult, and now because they have no source of regular income (Partially from some traders not doing that many missions, although I'm not saying they haven't done any before.) I know maybe two or three of them or maybe even the whole damn group resorts to banditing just to keep up with the economy, I hate when people retort that they don't leave people they rob with nothing left. If you even think about it, why the hell are you going out and robbing the new playerbase, like your asking them to fall over die and leave.

Figure out who the hell you guys are, it's confusing enough hearing stories of what you guys do, sometimes in contradiction to your group backstory and even at that some things are a bit bogus, especially the ' the suicidal ninja ' crap you said was meant as a metaphor, but really how many people in your group are really willing to go out either shooting or even risk fighting a man who has a gun while your unarmed.. really what stalker in his right mind would risk his life just because he follows some feral caste system with others stalker, which in my opinion I doubt half of you do most of the time (Seriously, who would want to walk around acting like a pack of wolves, look where that got you already..)

QuoteThis is why bandits should only rob 1/3 of the victims money, some bandages and medkits, and spare weaponry.
You still get money, but you don't make people ragequit. Simple, isn't it ?
Also, Sunrise, Abakan, and he robs ?

I do agree with only taking a portion of the stalker's stuff, but my main concern is just robbing rookies who are still trying to get used to SRP and then get robbed of what they have, I know sometimes bandits don't have the luxury of knowing " Oh, this guy just joined for the first time today." when they find an oppurtunity to rob this lone stalker by himself in the woods. But asking bandits to leave spare weaponry, medkits, and bandages, ect..  It's hard when people are strapped for cash and weapons themselves and go on and take it anyways just because they THINK they can.


My bandits stick by a code.

1.) Do not rob for more then 50 rubles.
2.) Take the ammo from their current gun, but not the gun itself (Safety Precaution).
3.) Never, under any circumstances, rob the same person multiple times in a single day.
4.) Stay neutral to all factions.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 24-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 24-10-2010
4.) Stay neutral to all factions.

How do you manage that
And not wearing a bandit trench, or bandit patch near people who hate bandits.