S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay Population

Started by Dug, 10-10-2010

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Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Everyone should think positive and follow my advice. Get on the server, take initiative, Exile is fixing things.
There are discussions about SAs getting their powers to spawn stuff. Economy is getting back on it's feet.
Discussion =|= absolutely happening, and as much as I want SRP's economy to do better, admins spawning stuff is nt going to fix it.


Quote from: Alucard on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Everyone should think positive and follow my advice. Get on the server, take initiative, Exile is fixing things.
There are discussions about SAs getting their powers to spawn stuff. Economy is getting back on it's feet.
Discussion =|= absolutely happening, and as much as I want SRP's economy to do better, admins spawning stuff is nt going to fix it.

Instead of sitting around on the forums and being so god damn negative, why not throw out some ideas and actually say somthing useful for once dude. How about instead of everyone complaining that no one has anything, get up and do somthing about it. Lone stalkers may not be doing so well becaues of the sole fact they are alone. Dug's group is doing decent because its a bunch of guys helping each other out. Major factions are doing decent because there helping each other out. My idea is  to get people to work together. Groups need to be made or stalkers need to join groups. Or hell, you don't even need groups you can just have a buddy with you at all times. 2 heads are better than 1, and with 2 people you can accomplish much more. 2 people are attacked less, get more done and often stand better chance in combat than a loner. Also, major factions such as Duty or Freedom can give out minor recon jobs or ask stalkers to aid them in a fight and pay them. Just because major factions are still getting money to buy themselves exos and FN's doesn't mean you can't dish out some cash to the loners. Besides, the major factions all atleast have some sort of weaponry. Loners do not.

Im on the server atleast a few times every week and i've got all I want. My point is, sitting around complaining isn't going to get you anything and it isn't going to aid the economy.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Another thing it doesn't hurt to do is actually ASK if anyone is up for Loner RP, too get a reaction. Whenever Im on, I split my time between my Stalker and my Militant. When using my Militant, if Im up and asked "Hey would you be up for switching to your Stalker?" I do it unless Im -actually- busy, which with so little going on, isnt very often. Which means 'Oh hey, Deity is always ready to RP with people.' And its true. I might be one person, but one can lead too many. So use that thing in your skull a little more from now on.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Guys, do you hear that?! It sounds like this topic is nothing but a post whores paradise! Think about it, if you dislike the servers population, you ask people through SF to hop on so you can role-play with them. Making a topic on the forums about this shit has never gotten anything done in my opinion. Honestly, how many topics are exactly like this?

Edit: Also, if you aren't on the server and you are complaining about this, stfu. I'm not on the server currently because it is my break time. My small vacation... With Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Everyone should think positive and follow my advice. Get on the server, take initiative, Exile is fixing things.
There are discussions about SAs getting their powers to spawn stuff. Economy is getting back on it's feet.
Discussion =|= absolutely happening, and as much as I want SRP's economy to do better, admins spawning stuff is nt going to fix it.

Instead of sitting around on the forums and being so god damn negative, why not throw out some ideas and actually say somthing useful for once dude. How about instead of everyone complaining that no one has anything, get up and do somthing about it. Lone stalkers may not be doing so well becaues of the sole fact they are alone. Dug's group is doing decent because its a bunch of guys helping each other out. Major factions are doing decent because there helping each other out. My idea is  to get people to work together. Groups need to be made or stalkers need to join groups. Or hell, you don't even need groups you can just have a buddy with you at all times. 2 heads are better than 1, and with 2 people you can accomplish much more. 2 people are attacked less, get more done and often stand better chance in combat than a loner. Also, major factions such as Duty or Freedom can give out minor recon jobs or ask stalkers to aid them in a fight and pay them. Just because major factions are still getting money to buy themselves exos and FN's doesn't mean you can't dish out some cash to the loners. Besides, the major factions all atleast have some sort of weaponry. Loners do not.

Im on the server atleast a few times every week and i've got all I want. My point is, sitting around complaining isn't going to get you anything and it isn't going to aid the economy.

Uh I have been, Silver's already said he'll look into some of the ideas I pitched him, which will help the economy, and boost RP.

Dug group isn't doing well because they are grouped together, but because they just sit on the server all day whoring weapon spawns since Dug can observe, and camping known scrap spawns. Clearly Dug's group is full of expert RP'ers.

[sarcasm]Oh, and I like how you think, "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP", should focus more on the faction, then the actual stalkers.[/sarcasm]


First of all ,stop making stuff up, because clearly you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Second. I'm never whole day long on the server. I get on during the evenings along with the rest of my stalker clan.
Third, I have never abused noclip so far and I'm not planning to.
Forth. We have a trader and Quake. The trader buys stuff for us, and Quake finds shit because he's a lucky bastard.
Fifth, if you can't organize some people to work together to a common goal, you should have your brain checked.

EDIT: Ping Pong this thread worked , 20+ players on the server yesterday.


Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
First of all ,stop making stuff up, because clearly you do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Second. I'm never whole day long on the server. I get on during the evenings along with the rest of my stalker clan.
Third, I have never abused noclip so far and I'm not planning to.
Forth. We have a trader and Quake. The trader buys stuff for us, and Quake finds shit because he's a lucky bastard.
Fifth, if you can't organize some people to work together to a common goal, you should have your brain checked.

EDIT: Ping Pong this thread worked , 20+ players on the server yesterday.
None of whom had read this thread.

And Dug clearly flying out of observe to punchwhore someone for insulting you, and physing me to death while in observe are not abuse. Clearly.

Dug, why so arrogant. Your claiming that by making this thread, you single handly are saving the servers population, even crediting the 20+ players we're only on because they gazed upon this threads contents.


Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
And Dug clearly flying out of observe to punchwhore someone for insulting you, and physing me to death while in observe are not abuse. Clearly.

Well, I guess you'd need some proof to back it up.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
And Dug clearly flying out of observe to punchwhore someone for insulting you, and physing me to death while in observe are not abuse. Clearly.

Well, I guess you'd need some proof to back it up.



Quote from: Jake on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
And Dug clearly flying out of observe to punchwhore someone for insulting you, and physing me to death while in observe are not abuse. Clearly.
Well, I guess you'd need some proof to back it up.
Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Jake on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
And Dug clearly flying out of observe to punchwhore someone for insulting you, and physing me to death while in observe are not abuse. Clearly.

Well, I guess you'd need some proof to back it up.



Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


It was a nice gambit Dug, but unfortunately I had taken screens of it.


This is getting pathetic.


No names. My name isn't on it. I did punch him, and I admitted that. Who actually physed you all the way was Ravanager. Because I was on my bloodsucker, next to you along with Kieck. I actually tried to put you down. It is also funny how you think it was all me, because no one can see admins name if they are in observer. Hell, no one can see players name unless they recognize them with F2.


Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
No names. My name isn't on it. I did punch him, and I admitted that. Who actually physed you all the way was Ravanager. Because I was on my bloodsucker, next to you along with Kieck. I actually tried to put you down. It is also funny how you think it was all me, because no one can see admins name if they are in observer. Hell, no one can see players name unless they recognize them with F2.
So dug how come when I asked if you physed me you said ravenger did but rave said you did it to which you replied damn rave. Sorry for the bad grammar im using my phone


I didn't rage at all. I said "Lol I didn't." And was standing right next to you with my sucker.


I would consider punch whoring someone for simply calling you a tard is raging.


Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
I would consider punch whoring someone for simply calling you a tard is raging.

There was no other way of warning him or punshing him so, I just did it.
When I do rage, I leave the server and steam off.


Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
I would consider punch whoring someone for simply calling you a tard is raging.

There was no other way of warning him or punshing him so, I just did it.
When I do rage, I leave the server and steam off.
You could have

And be ready for this

Said don't insult players or admins through a textual warning like your supposed to do.


I remember telling him OOCly to stop it. But he kept on going. Besides, I could have kicked him for spamming ooc according to the rules, and basically kick didn't work, so the punch came in handy.


Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
I remember telling him OOCly to stop it. But he kept on going. Besides, I could have kicked him for spamming ooc according to the rules, and basically kick didn't work, so the punch came in handy.
Just because you don't agree with what he is saying doesn't mean its spam.


Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
I remember telling him OOCly to stop it. But he kept on going. Besides, I could have kicked him for spamming ooc according to the rules, and basically kick didn't work, so the punch came in handy.
Just because you don't agree with what he is saying doesn't mean its spam.

He also disrespected by insulting so, that's an other rule which is kickable and bannable.


Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 11-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 11-10-2010
I remember telling him OOCly to stop it. But he kept on going. Besides, I could have kicked him for spamming ooc according to the rules, and basically kick didn't work, so the punch came in handy.
Just because you don't agree with what he is saying doesn't mean its spam.

He also disrespected by insulting so, that's an other rule which is kickable and bannable.
After multiple warnings dug you should reread the rules


I really see no point in this anymore. You are being annoying for merely two punches. So keep on spamming and making this whole thread lolzy. I won't post a single thing in here any longer. Because this is pathetic as Bielecki said.


This thread was on topic. And now it isn't. Take it to SF like normal people please or to the proper admin complaint forums.