S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay Population

Started by Dug, 10-10-2010

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I'm not one. My friend has an abakan. My other friend has an AK74U. Most stalkers I know have guns.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
I'm not one. My friend has an abakan. My other friend has an AK74U. Most stalkers I know have guns.
Most stalkers I know have absolutely nothing, which is the majority, and why did you make a thread like this, if you will not accept criticism on it, you are not right about everything dug, and contrary to your belief, you are not the messiah of the community come to take only the good players in the rapture.


I think all this threads dont explain much but the obvious things. Until the script gets sorted out economy, admin commands, and other shit. Then shit might work out ok. It is the hgn's Great depression almost.


Quote from: Ravanger on 10-10-2010
I think all this threads dont explain much but the obvious things. Until the script gets sorted out economy, admin commands, and other shit. Then shit might work out ok. It is the hgn's Great depression almost.

HGN has seen worse times.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Silver Knight

Quote from: Alucard on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
I'm not one. My friend has an abakan. My other friend has an AK74U. Most stalkers I know have guns.
Most stalkers I know have absolutely nothing, which is the majority, and why did you make a thread like this, if you will not accept criticism on it, you are not right about everything dug, and contrary to your belief, you are not the messiah of the community come to take only the good players in the rapture.

That's because you just started playing again today.. I will be adding some starter gear for stalkers (Makarov, kabar, pda and rookie suit)

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

Quote from: Jake on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Ravanger on 10-10-2010
I think all this threads dont explain much but the obvious things. Until the script gets sorted out economy, admin commands, and other shit. Then shit might work out ok. It is the hgn's Great depression almost.

Yeah, some people need to take their hand out of their arse and start doing things, i develop, it's not my job to admin or create events, it's the admins job and it's the players job to get on, enjoy that and take part in roleplaying.

HGN has seen worse times.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I placed 3 Mp5s and a few markovs today around the map... Out of my own doom fort military paychecks. I try to do events, but always ends up with not enough help or a server crash.


Yeah, Paying for events out of pocket is annoying, Admins need commands for spawning shit so we CAN do our jobs.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Dug it's great you and your Sanctioned friends have guns from Midnight's constant stash farming, but clearly that is a minority. I don't have a gun on my "bandit" (in quotes because there are no STALKERs to rob since I won't rob new players for obvious reasons and there aren't any old players with anything worth taking/aren't metagaming my bandit group from 9 miles away, although now that shipments got removed I could actually afford a gun finally), Bto didn't have a gun on his stalker, the 3-4 new players who tried the server for 3 days and left all didn't have guns (which is why they left). "Narrow minded thinking" is one thing "Being bored" is something else. Even with stashes to find it's not any fun. You still end up wandering around doing nothing but looking for stashes as opposed to wandering around doing nothing. It's still boring. Plus since The Sanctioned guys find all the stashes it's very likely the stash any loner would find would also be found by a Sanctioned dude with a gun who might claim the stash as his own. Then you're SOL.

I'm astonished there's 21/45 players on the server right now.

And it could be that maybe I have the wrong attitude but I've spent 887 hours on Gmod. ALL of that is in STALKER RP, either from the old ZoneRP.net server that predated HGN (which is why I bought Gmod, to RP on that server) or from HGN (which is the vast majority). A lot of that time has been spent admining so maybe I feel kind of like I should be entitled to more than I am currently getting after all the work and time I have put into this server. Is that the wrong attitude? Possibly, but 887 hours is about 5 weeks of time as well as the 16 and a half days I've spent logged onto these forums. So you can see how I might be upset by this I hope.


It's OrangeReal and Midnight that get our guns. OrangeReal is a trader. Other than that. We did great today guys 20+ , lets keep it up. Paintcheck , my stalker clan , simply indicates you need to organize your self a bit better. 

Midnight I just lucky I suppose that he finds stuff.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
It's OrangeReal and Midnight that get our guns. OrangeReal is a trader. Other than that. We did great today guys 20+ , lets keep it up. Paintcheck , my stalker clan , simply indicates you need to organize your self a bit better. 

Midnight I just lucky I suppose that he finds stuff.

Which is great for you but saying "sucks to be you" doesn't fix my boredom problem. "Midnight is lucky" also doesn't fix my boredom problem. Saying "Do better" doesn't fix my boredom problem either.


You are doing that slavering buisness. Need guns? Get your guys to donate paychecks, like everyone else. Scrap trash.


Except we don't GET paychecks, or didn't until very recently. And there's no one to slave/rob/sell slaves to (and robbing always sucks because like Pawx said people whine or metagame or powergame and my group will not rob new players for obvious reasons). And being a loner is boring because there's no mutants/bandits/anomolies/artifacts to interact with. Being in Duty is boring, I have been in Freedom for 90% of my time here so I don't want to do that, and military is just as boring as Duty.

I don't think you can call this "closed minded".


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
You are doing that slavering buisness. Need guns? Get your guys to donate paychecks, like everyone else. Scrap trash.
Because we're the fags who will sit on the computer for a week straight in order to buy a single AK, I don't think so. Oh right there are one dollar scraps! Big fucking deal.


I think you should actually get on the server now, because 90 RU is actually helping. I made a lot by those paychecks. But if you want to stay in denial then go ahead. I've been only playing for the weekend I managed to get a lot.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
I think you should actually get on the server now, because 90 RU is actually helping. I made a lot by those paychecks. But if you want to stay in denial then go ahead. I've been only playing for the weekend I managed to get a lot.
And you managed to abuse admin a few times to.


Dug Gmod Past 2 Weeks: 28.5 hours and most of that was this weekend right?

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah see that's not realistic.

Granted my past 2 week time is 29.something hours but that was mostly the previous week before paychecks and shit.


Quote from: Alucard on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
I think you should actually get on the server now, because 90 RU is actually helping. I made a lot by those paychecks. But if you want to stay in denial then go ahead. I've been only playing for the weekend I managed to get a lot.
And you managed to abuse admin a few times to.

Lol. How can an SA abuse his powers when he can't spawn anything?
Oh and yes, I punched someone in order to warn them(two times, it's like an equivalent to a slap command).
Health regenerates and no harm was done.

Either way, stop being a moron.

Also for Paintcheck, I get on during the evenings and I've been on during the weekend.
Not my problem you can't earn jack shit and don't want to even try to do so.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Alucard on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
I think you should actually get on the server now, because 90 RU is actually helping. I made a lot by those paychecks. But if you want to stay in denial then go ahead. I've been only playing for the weekend I managed to get a lot.
And you managed to abuse admin a few times to.

Lol. How can an SA abuse his powers when he can't spawn anything?
Oh and yes, I punched someone in order to warn them(two times, it's like an equivalent to a slap command).
Health regenerates and no harm was done.

Either way, stop being a moron.

Also for Paintcheck, I get on during the evenings and I've been on during the weekend.
Not my problem you can't earn jack shit and don't want to even try to do so.
You flamed me.
You picked me up with a physgun, and slammed me into the ground killing me.
You punched a player twice and said it was a, "Warning", even though it's DM.

None of that is how an SA should act.


I did  try to do so. But there's no way to do so. Farming paychecks? Yeah real fun, I think I'll go watch the grass grow outside next to complete my weekend. Or maybe argue with people on the forums instead. So much fun to be had doing that...oh wait no. And I couldn't even do that if I wanted to 2 weeks ago because there were no paychecks.  And I also tend to be busy on the weekends when Silver would be on at a time that coincides with mine. Last week I was in Virginia playing water polo all weekend and getting drunk with the team. This weekend my parents came 3000 miles to see me at school. Real life is more important than Gmod and it shouldn't require such a sacrifice of my time to achieve anything.

Finding stashes? Stashes only exist when Silver is on. Silver wasn't on when I was. So yeah not my problem. Don't act like it's somehow my fault that no money was had when I was on for a comparable amount of time over the last two weeks as you were, I just happened to have the bad luck to do it when there was no point to.


TBH I wonder if any of you guys have lives

Silver Knight

Tonight was alright 25 people on, several faction events and lots of stalkers on.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Like it would ever happen again


Im taking a break, when RS3 came out I just needed a break, dealing with so much monolith bullshit along with my busy IRL schedule could not be done... I hope to return soon.


Everyone should think positive and follow my advice. Get on the server, take initiative, Exile is fixing things.
There are discussions about SAs getting their powers to spawn stuff. Economy is getting back on it's feet.