S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay Population

Started by Dug, 10-10-2010

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay Population

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Guitar tracks

It came to my attention that fewer and fewer people are roleplaying on the server and going off to other servers not telling what is the problem or giving any feedback. It is not Exile or us the admins that have to do something to make it better. We can make it better and we have the power as long as you, the players, give feedback and actually play on the server. There is many members in HGN. Many people on the forums. But somehow most of them I never see on the actual server and I don't understand why.

There used to be always about 10-20 people on the server and you would always find things to do. But what is happening now HGN? What is the problem?

Sure donor flags might not be ready, but we will get there eventually. It's a new script, a good script, with many possibilities. If we actually got on the server and roleplayed then we would solve problems. By populating the server people spot problems, issues, things that need changing.

We have the feedback thread and all of your issues and things that should be changed can be posted there. As Exile said he depends on the feedback you give him and giving some won't hurt anyone. You might wake up one day and see your idea in work and on the actual server.

Once we had an issue of too many mercenaries, then we had the issue of too many bandits. But in a way better that we have those issues than to have no one on the server.

Roleplay what you want people. You want to be mean overall and steal from other people, make them pay for passage or just want to be a sadistic bastard? Then be a bandit, form a gang. Passive with each other, fight with stalker clans and run away from major factions when you piss them off.

You want to be payed for fighting? You like to sit back relax and wait for a contract? Then be a merc.

Hate bandits? Hate mercs? Want to have fellow stalkers who survive day after day in the zone? Want to sit around the campfire sing songs and talk about how you are going to kick bandits ass? Do work for ecologists and find artifacts? Then be a stalker.

Don't want to be either of those? Then we have the major factions. But, the major faction leaders need to become active. If they don't want to, then why lead the faction? Take a look at our military leader, Doomburger. The guy is doing a fantastic job, there is always military on the server. Others are rare to see and in small numbers.

Want to kill mutants? Think the zone is a cursed place that will spread over the world? Hate bandits? Want to be a soldier who might save the world one day? Join Duty.

Want to smoke weed? Drink alcohol? No drills, no work, just relax and easy life? Join Freedom and kick Duty and Military ass.

Want to be a weird, brainwashed guy who worships the wishgranter and strikes fear into everybodies hearts? Join Monolith.

Want to stop people entering the zone , kill and capture everyone in the zone? Protect the people from the zone? Join the Military.

Or perhaps you prefer to lead your own men. Then make your own faction.

Don't forget about the ecologists, traders and mutants!

If you like to study mutants and artifacts, send people on jobs and stimulate the economy, then join the ecologists.

Want to supply the zone, give everyone the weapons to kill each other and get out with a lot of cash? Become a trader.

The main thing is, complaining won't get us anywhere. There's a person, editing the script. He's not doing it for him self. He's doing it for us. We, need to take the initiative and make the server a better place. Together admins and players can do it.

Don't tell me how you haven't got the time. I'm sure all of you can dedicate at least half an hour and at least try. And now that stalkers have 90 RU paychecks aka "Salvaged materials" things have been made easier for them. Also the major faction paychecks have been cut down.

I said come in! Don't stand there!


I am just tired of the SRP Scene.. not what interests me anymore.


Quote from: Dave The Zombie on 10-10-2010
I am just tired of the SRP Scene.. not what interests me anymore.

Well from my experience with you, you mostly played as a merc. Maybe it's time to try something else?
Like I said, taking the initiative and making it fun for everyone else is the key and all of you that are reading it at the moment , could be on the server populating it. That would make about 10-20 of us on it.


Out of my 344 total hours of playing Gmod, about 334 of them have I spent on SRP. In my opinion, it is an absolutly amazing server, with great people. However, as Dug said, with fewer and fewer people playing on the server, it can get boring to play on the server, since there is no one to RP with. Doomburger is also the most active player and faction leader on the server, I have ever seen. He should be a bright example to everyone. And yes, sure the new script has it's flaws, but complaining about won't help. For all I care, Exile is working on improving the script 24/7 and, as Dug stated, giving feedback would help him improve it even more.

One of the main issues that people stop playing on the server, is probably because of bad RP'ers. There are so many that don't fear RP, and act like a "super l337 ex-spetnaz soldier" that cannot be killed. I have so many times seen people leave the server, because people start acting like that. Come on people. Where is the good old RP, that I saw when I joined? Where are the friendly players, that would help new players? All those are gone now. Everyone has become selfish and aggresive towards other players.
It's no wonder why HGN has become such a hated community.

My point: Stop whining about the script, about the new players and for once be nice to each other. People constantly fight about even the most simple things.
That's all I have to say for now.


I loved playing the server and everything, but I just can't really serious roleplay. So i have moved to just regular Rp (Dark RP, Naval RP, Etc..)


Quote from: Reorp on 10-10-2010
I loved playing the server and everything, but I just can't really serious roleplay. So i have moved to just regular Rp (Dark RP, Naval RP, Etc..)
Perhaps it's the influence of dark rp your used to other things than what serious role play is.


Quote from: Reorp on 10-10-2010
I loved playing the server and everything, but I just can't really serious roleplay. So i have moved to just regular Rp (Dark RP, Naval RP, Etc..)

SRP isn't about passiving all the time, join Military, shoot everything on sight.
Or monolith in that case.

You can aswell as make a raid on bandits or whatever, you're not always bound to passive.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Dug's right. It us the community that has to help ourselves by giving feedback, I mean look at the bulk packages issue ( aka costco epidemic) everyone didn't like it and for a week the admin's told people to go on the forums and write a complaint. No one did, silver had to figure it out from the people complants on other complaints threads. Also Dug i have disagree the server mid day has about 10-20 people but after that not many.

ps. the music makes reading this calmer.



SRP is only populated by HGN members it kinda shows something about the sever.


That first post is all great and stuff but

"You can spend at least half an hour on the server" will not help you when paychecks are 90 rubles every hour.

"Be whatever you want and have fun" falls short when you can't afford anything.

"Be a bandit and piss of the factions" doesn't work when military has Skats, Grozas, and Vintorezes and you have at best an AKS74U (or more likely nothing at all)

The reason people complain is because they can't do any of this.

Look at who's on the server right now: They are ALL factioners who ALL have gear and armor.  Every new player we have gotten recently has played for like a week and left, I know this because I helped 2 of them get the content pack. After a few days of playing they both SF"d me and said "Wow this server really sucks there's nothing to do" and left for good. And then I did that because it's boring as fuck and 99% of the time I get on and then get off to do homework because that will be more entertaining. Which is truly impressive that I have more fun doing homework than playing a computer game.


Quote from: Dave The Zombie on 10-10-2010
I am just tired of the SRP Scene.. not what interests me anymore.

As what Rook said, Nothing's new or different, Unique, Nothing...

It's just the same over and over again, back then SRP used to be pretty Unique with many Various Events and Nice Characters, since the Economy Crisis and Sloppy Characters, it's not even worth getting on anymore. I still get on, but not how I used to, Every-day, now it's to once in a Blue Moon...

As what Paint said too, There's nothing to do anymore. The First time I got on a few days ago, All I did was walk around and stare at rocks...

Pretty much what I'm trying to say: SRP is falling and everyone knows this...


There are bout 5 stalkers now and my stalker has 1k RU and an LR300. You are not doing it right. We also just had a nice event. Also If the military has too much crap, don't you think you should find out why?


Yeah, thats nice that older players are getting items and such, but Paint saying it should be easier for new players to get shit in a quick fasion rather than a "Wait for 1-2 weeks to get a simple makarov" sort of thing we got going, Since SA's cannot spawn shit and do events, Not to mention that Traders can't do missions AND afford to buy gear in 3-5 in bulk to sell to people at the same time, so theres 2 sources of money gone. The only way to make money or get shit is to either Farm for 5875892357 Hours. . . Which hounestly. . . Who the fucking hell does that? OR you can dedicate ALL your time to stash hunting and not RPing in order to get weapons, Which is also no fun. SO in short we have a HUGE map with mainly factioneers on, who won't fight due to wanting to keep there gear and not loose it and they end up passiving all day long, OR we have people like Quake who spend 24/7 stash hunting. . . End resault? No interesting RP
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Well, you start of with 500 RU. And earn 90 RU by scavenged materials, not to mention junk laying around which you can get 1 RU for.


SRP = Walk around being poor doing jack shit, Faction = Hiding in their Megaforts with Army of tanks and soldiers hording pay checks. Bandits can't even be bandits.


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 10-10-2010
SRP = Walk around being poor doing jack shit, Faction = Hiding in their Megaforts with Army of tanks and soldiers hording pay checks. Bandits can't even be bandits.

Yes they can, but no one wants to put any effort.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Quote from: RG4ORDR on 10-10-2010
SRP = Walk around being poor doing jack shit, Faction = Hiding in their Megaforts with Army of tanks and soldiers hording pay checks. Bandits can't even be bandits.

Yes they can, but no one wants to put any effort.

I would be a Bandit but I don't like the Bitching that Players give me that follow's, It's not worth the effort...


Quote from: Pawx on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Quote from: RG4ORDR on 10-10-2010
SRP = Walk around being poor doing jack shit, Faction = Hiding in their Megaforts with Army of tanks and soldiers hording pay checks. Bandits can't even be bandits.

Yes they can, but no one wants to put any effort.

I would be a Bandit but I don't like the Bitching that Players give me that follow's, It's not worth the effort...

Ignore them.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Pawx on 10-10-2010
Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
Quote from: RG4ORDR on 10-10-2010
SRP = Walk around being poor doing jack shit, Faction = Hiding in their Megaforts with Army of tanks and soldiers hording pay checks. Bandits can't even be bandits.

Yes they can, but no one wants to put any effort.

I would be a Bandit but I don't like the Bitching that Players give me that follow's, It's not worth the effort...

Ignore them.

Not Complaining, but BITCHING. Where a Player has to take it to a Admin, then that Admin posts a Bunch of Shit about you in the Admin Fourms, then you have Two Children up your ass for as long as your in HGN, Story of my life. Wanna Switch Lifes?


No thanks, I like my admin. You should also stand up for your self, not let everyone else walk over you.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Roleplay Population

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Guitar tracks

It came to my attention that fewer and fewer people are roleplaying on the server and going off to other servers not telling what is the problem or giving any feedback. It is not Exile or us the admins that have to do something to make it better. We can make it better and we have the power as long as you, the players, give feedback and actually play on the server. There is many members in HGN. Many people on the forums. But somehow most of them I never see on the actual server and I don't understand why.

There used to be always about 10-20 people on the server and you would always find things to do. But what is happening now HGN? What is the problem?

Sure donor flags might not be ready, but we will get there eventually. It's a new script, a good script, with many possibilities. If we actually got on the server and roleplayed then we would solve problems. By populating the server people spot problems, issues, things that need changing.

We have the feedback thread and all of your issues and things that should be changed can be posted there. As Exile said he depends on the feedback you give him and giving some won't hurt anyone. You might wake up one day and see your idea in work and on the actual server.

Once we had an issue of too many mercenaries, then we had the issue of too many bandits. But in a way better that we have those issues than to have no one on the server.

Roleplay what you want people. You want to be mean overall and steal from other people, make them pay for passage or just want to be a sadistic bastard? Then be a bandit, form a gang. Passive with each other, fight with stalker clans and run away from major factions when you piss them off.

You want to be payed for fighting? You like to sit back relax and wait for a contract? Then be a merc.

Hate bandits? Hate mercs? Want to have fellow stalkers who survive day after day in the zone? Want to sit around the campfire sing songs and talk about how you are going to kick bandits ass? Do work for ecologists and find artifacts? Then be a stalker.

Don't want to be either of those? Then we have the major factions. But, the major faction leaders need to become active. If they don't want to, then why lead the faction? Take a look at our military leader, Doomburger. The guy is doing a fantastic job, there is always military on the server. Others are rare to see and in small numbers.

Want to kill mutants? Think the zone is a cursed place that will spread over the world? Hate bandits? Want to be a soldier who might save the world one day? Join Duty.

Want to smoke weed? Drink alcohol? No drills, no work, just relax and easy life? Join Freedom and kick Duty and Military ass.

Want to be a weird, brainwashed guy who worships the wishgranter and strikes fear into everybodies hearts? Join Monolith.

Want to stop people entering the zone , kill and capture everyone in the zone? Protect the people from the zone? Join the Military.

Or perhaps you prefer to lead your own men. Then make your own faction.

Don't forget about the ecologists, traders and mutants!

If you like to study mutants and artifacts, send people on jobs and stimulate the economy, then join the ecologists.

Want to supply the zone, give everyone the weapons to kill each other and get out with a lot of cash? Become a trader.

The main thing is, complaining won't get us anywhere. There's a person, editing the script. He's not doing it for him self. He's doing it for us. We, need to take the initiative and make the server a better place. Together admins and players can do it.

Don't tell me how you haven't got the time. I'm sure all of you can dedicate at least half an hour and at least try. And now that stalkers have 90 RU paychecks aka "Salvaged materials" things have been made easier for them. Also the major faction paychecks have been cut down.

I said come in! Don't stand there!

Uh no, it actually is partly the admins fault, mostly because the the best admins are inactive, leaving only the shitty ones who care more for power, then actually helping the players, and posts by Duran in the hidden admin room about a, "1337 Speak" translator so he can understand the playerbase is so elitist, and not to mention fucking dumb, that it makes the admin team look like of bunch of posh asshats. Nobody is ever on because the economy is so fucked up the ass that it becomes a scrap hunt instead of RP, people would rather search the map for a 1 ruble worth scrap in order to buy a single after a week, that they don't even attempt to RP. Which I for one do not blame them for that, because honestly, what loner would want to RP with factions when all the factions act like elitists because they all get massive amounts of guns, suits, and money compared to the stalkers. The name of the server is, "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP", but there are no Stalkers RP'ing which I find to be incredibly ironic. The script is so focused on the factions that it could be called, "Flying Nigger Banana Shit", and still have the same relevancy to stalker that it does at the moment.

That's completely incorrect, I've joined five times this week, and everytime the server was full of AFK's farming paychecks to try and get a gun, or people being completely seriousness, and fucking around. Three stalkers were RDM'ed by a Dutyer yesterday because he got, "Bored", after finding nothing else to do.

It's an overused worn out script that is currently being used by everyone, and their grandma, and Last Exile, being the hypocrite he is, did the same thing Infusion Gaming's Fallout RP did. Rename some items, add some stats, change some models, and factions, then immediately rename the script, and say they developed, and designed it.

We have a Dev Server for testing things out that has never been used since Porcupine left.

We've all suggested Fallout, and Curssaria RP to Last.Exile, the only ones that actually kept people on the servers, but instead of just saying, "I can't do those", he says he will, then just ignores it forever. Which by the way, has happened three times for FRP.

Mercenary, and Bandits are fucking obsolete because of the economy, what the fuck is a bandit going to steal when no one has any fucking money, or items? Same with Mercenaries, who is going to pay them for jobs if no one has money?

Same as above, bandits can't be role-played until the economy is fixed, and items start to actually circulate through the server.

Be a stalker? More like be a target dummy for all the factions that STK on sight like Military, and Monolith. How are you going to, "Kick bandit ass", without any weapons.

I won't even talk about the faction parts, because they are what's killing the. "Stalker", aspect of the RP.

Freedom - Soap Opera of E-Drama, and the child RP, a fucking baby in the zone that everyone QQ's over? That's stupid, a baby in the zone would be dead of radiation poising in the blink of an eye because of their body mass.
Duty - Militarized, and piss boring, and not to mention to much like a real military, it's not about fun anymore it's about drills, and guarding the base for six hours straight while you farm paychecks.
Monolith - STK on sight, no actual RP with enemies, and not to mention some of them don't even know Stalker cannon thinking the guass gun is a laser, and that the monolith all dream of being bloodsuckers, and get this, they actually RP starving, and having to cannibalizing stalkers, and raid stalker bases just for food. That is fucking dumb as hell, the monolith shouldn't be RP'ing as fucking beggars.
Military - Pretty good if they RP with their enemies


About Bandits, I loved banditing, but you can't even be one without faction interference.


And that sort of narrow minded thinking ruined SRP.
You guys have to try something before you give up on it.
Stashes are being placed lately.

Stalker being target practice? No.
My stalker has an LR300 and a stalker clan.
The stalker clan is well equiped and doing fine.

Also, who would bother you while banditing when there is duty in completely an other sector, military doesn't care, mono doesn't care and freedom is rare.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
And that sort of narrow minded thinking ruined SRP.
You guys have to try something before you give up on it.
Stashes are being placed lately.

Stalker being target practice? No.
My stalker has an LR300 and a stalker clan.
The stalker clan is well equiped and doing fine.

Also, who would bother you while banditing when there is duty in completely an other sector, military doesn't care, mono doesn't care and freedom is rare.

Oh big man has an LR300, one stalker, with one weapon. Clearly the economy is saved.


Quote from: Dug on 10-10-2010
And that sort of narrow minded thinking ruined SRP.
You guys have to try something before you give up on it.
Stashes are being placed lately.

Stalker being target practice? No.
My stalker has an LR300 and a stalker clan.
The stalker clan is well equiped and doing fine.

Also, who would bother you while banditing when there is duty in completely an other sector, military doesn't care, mono doesn't care and freedom is rare.

Military apparently cares, Duty has interfered randomly at some times, and freedom happens all the time.