Started by Silver Knight, 06-09-2011

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Silver Knight

I have been thinking about making a new srp map, ive got a fair amount of time right now and i am just in the mood for making something new. Not related to my previous maps.

I am trying to avoid the flaws of my previous maps (Not being too big - Sector 42, not too gridlocked - Redemption and hostel's  Not too empty - Chernobyl and any of the rather ugly third party maps floating around.

The plan so far is 3 sections.

Farmland - Cordon like.
Cityscape - Pripyat like.

As well as 3 instances:

x? - Lab
Train Tunnels (Which appeared in sector42)
Sewers (Of sorts)

Each sector is connected to each other via various ways, sewers, tunnels, road, paths. Much more different and creating more choke points. Each sector being different compared to each other.

Freedom\Duty\Military will have their own main bases and i would like you to talk and debate here about what those places are, they should mimic a post-chernobyl building like a waste sewage facility, warehouse complex etc which has been converted to meet he factions needs.

To Note, what keeps me motivated is a steady flow of comments on feedback\idea's to map.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

El Presidente

Sounds good, can't wait to see it.


"Cityscape - Pripyat like."

This caught my eye. Good luck with this, I'll provide some feedback once I have something to go on.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Yorty on 06-09-2011
"Cityscape - Pripyat like."

This caught my eye. Good luck with this, I'll provide some feedback once I have something to go on.

Well a direct question, how would you like freedom base to look like what? What was it's previous use? What do you feel freedom need? How can the  building meet your needs? Answer those questions.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Freedom base? Well what sector would it reside in (along with the other faction's bases)?


Any plans for a Garbage or Garbage-like area?
During the course of the last fiscal year minimum wealth was earned, and dismal tears were shed for critical health concerns.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Yorty on 06-09-2011
Freedom base? Well what sector would it reside in (along with the other faction's bases)?

Debating does not mean rely on me for all answers, it means talk about the subject in hand. I don't know what section it will be in.

Quote from: Dvs!lverwing on 06-09-2011
Any plans for a Garbage or Garbage-like area?

Maybe but mapping is a bitch for stalker, i need to play the games more to input the design features into my head. I might start on the cityscape area first, i am not sure yet.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Steven :D


Add more ideal places for stalker camps, bring back the awesome construction site from Redemption, use the eco-base from gm_nuclearwinter_v2 (Or whatever, since its large and awesome) and so far thats using stuff you already have access too (or so I think) I would love to see all the faction bases in one major sector so it would be constant tension against others, encouraging faction raids and such which almost never happens nowadays. Having an underground system to be able to get through sectors without being aboveground would be cool, but mutants should spawn in them for easy access to whichever place they need to get, include a swamp as well please.


QuoteI would love to see all the faction bases in one major sector
No. This hurts more than it helps.

To start, the map needs some damn new lighting. If the same tone that we saw in Chernobyl, Redemption, and S42 is used again... Ow.
One thing that I think should be avoided with all faction bases is fort-like structures. We've had goddamn radiated moats, elevators, and chokepoints. Faction bases should resemble pre-existing structures modified to suit a factions needs, as you stated. Freedom in particular? I don't know to be honest. The village on Redemption is rather nice, but it has so much unused potential. Useless buildings, inoperable doors, etc. I don't know your plan for the cityscape, but a hub building could very well act as a major faction base, possibly a hospital.


If you'd make Pripyat as canon in SRP, Rov could always place Monolith there. I guess there'd be LOTS of artifacts but the Monolith would always guard Pripyat. That'd give the more experienced and the better equipped stalkers something to do, for a risk of losing weapons. And a way for admins to "recycle" gear.
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No, no 'hub' shit for the Pripyat place. It's not an amusement park and Monolith forces would destroy the place an anyone in or near it before it fully established itself. I know you people want to have an uber awesome base in 'Pripyat' sooooo badly, but no. You're destroying a major thing of mystique and legend with some of that shit.

I won't go into faction bases, because I don't know how to meet their needs. However, we DO need some underground to be all spooky in and to host events every so often.

What I will say about the 'Pripyat' is it may need to stay event only, have a tunnel that leads up into it and have it lockable by admins to keep the kids at bay, and it'd be a Monolith playground. Maybe add a few other pipes to crawl through to get in, but Monolith could guard, making it an EXTREME danger to try and sneak into the area.

All I can think of for now, I'm going to bed...


I heard 'cityscape', not Pripyat. Cutting out a third of the map for something no one has access to is a bit extreme, where was it stated it was Monolith territory? While it would add that sense of 'mystique and legend', would it really be Pripyat? It'd certainly be nice, but it shouldn't be a Monolith playground either.
Once it becomes "STK territory" the whole joy of it is removed. Exploration and adventure, not gear and bases. In other words the cityscape should be designed as a wild territory rather than an inhabitable array of buildings for every Stalker and Faction to claim.

If that's the case, a compound of sorts would suit a major faction in the industrial sector, while the cordon could be left to the loners. Think abandoned factory.


I wouldn't mind having that trader bunker again from Occult.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


I was thinking about what place could be faction base and came up with some ideas.
I dont suppose that urban area will be "safe" so Im not gonna suggest some kindergarden, hospital or apartmen. Neither Im gonna copy games so no Laundromat, boat or things like that.

Also to every place I also have written reason why it could be base.

Sawmill - Lot of buildings for use, old sawmills have often generator so no worries about energy. Also theres plenty of material and they can make much more if they would use saws to make some barricades.
Workshop / Old manufacture - Big building with enough free space for small army and possible usefull material.
Village - Problem is its hard to defend without fence or good watch. Otherwise it have lot of free space and probably enough material. I can bet you can find some bottled pickles there too in some basement, yummy!
Farm - (I know it was used as base in game, but still.) Its awesome place as you could see in Clear Sky, shame its really, really small for faction.
Abandoned mine - This place could be good base if could get some generator in there. Its easy to defend and may have lot of free space. Problem is it could be already full of mutants or irradiated.
Church - This place can be small, but whats better than having well covered watchtower already builded?
Bomb shelter - This might sound silly but during cold war everyone was scared of bombs so they builded shelters all around the place. In my city theres plenty of bomb shelters everywhere. This place is very, very well protected (You can say good-bye to blowouts.) They have some supplies already inside. Medical equipment, gas masks, fillters, food, etc. (But no guns, they were strictly forbidden in shelters.). And you could probably seal the entrance if you dont feel safe. They have all sort of rooms. Living room, meeting room, communication / control room with radios, kitchen and everything you can expect from place which was builded to hold some months in case of war.
Only problem is: You must know the area or be really lucky to find one of those. You can see cover of canal and dont even know its actually emergency exit of bomb shelter.
But if some stalker would go into town hall and find communal map in archive he could find them pretty fast.
If I would be stalker, bomb shelter would be first place where I would want to build base, even with risk of cleaning it of mutants.

Also suggestion for future map:
Blowouts, dynamic weather and day / night cycle. (I know they might be hard to make or time consuming, but its only suggestion.)


Quote from: Yorty on 07-09-2011
I heard 'cityscape', not Pripyat.

Pripyat is the ONLY city in the exclusion zone you twit. So saying 'cityscape' MEANS Pripyat, or in this instance. a very small edge of it. Maybe Exile didnt mean an actual "city scene", but still I had to get that point flattened out. (And Ace mentioned Limansk, which is a -town-, not a city.) I agree with avoiding the cityscape idea, and maybe going for a Wild Territory approach for that section.

I like the mine suggestion, perhaps it could be linked somehow into a small underground lab, as in having been dug into a wall or ceiling. As for the faction bases? Ill get back to that.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Quote from: irondeity on 07-09-2011
Quote from: Yorty on 07-09-2011
I heard 'cityscape', not Pripyat.

Pripyat is the ONLY city in the exclusion zone--
Since when did SRP maps ever replicate actual locations in the zone (for the most part), a cityscape doesn't have to be Pripyat. You and your technicalities.
I like the idea of a church as well. Don't know why, it's appealing to have an abandoned church in the zone. Dusty and filled with cobwebs, somewhere in the cordon.


Another thing, give Monolith an actual place to base. The tunnels are not a fucking place and they're shitty base wise. What ALWAYS happens on Redemption will just repeat itself: A faction camps the tunnel entrance, trapping Monolith inside. In CoP the Monolith held a few buildings in the city, the Theater being their main place. IF, and I mean if, they get an underground it needs to be an X- lab like the Radar Installation that they protected in SHoC. With again, a door admins can lock to keep the kids out when no Monolith are on.


We need a brain scorcher for the admins.


Quote from: Khorn on 07-09-2011
We need a brain scorcher for the admins.

This could work. A point_hurt perimeter that could be toggle-able in an admin room. Easily done, and no way around it unless an admin turns it off for some reason.


I think it would be cool if the transition between the farm/swamp to the city scape be something like in CoP where there was like an underground roadway loaded with anomolies and cars and would require a guide to lead you through it. An alternative to getting into the city could be a sewer system. Also you should make like a mini sector for events, kind of like sector 2 in Sector42.


Silver Knight

Quote from: Duranblackraven on 07-09-2011
Quote from: Khorn on 07-09-2011
We need a brain scorcher for the admins.

This could work. A point_hurt perimeter that could be toggle-able in an admin room. Easily done, and no way around it unless an admin turns it off for some reason.

The brain scorcher only gets turned off once in stalker lore and does not come on again. It would be uncanon to have such a thing if you think about it.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 10-09-2011
Quote from: Duranblackraven on 07-09-2011
Quote from: Khorn on 07-09-2011
We need a brain scorcher for the admins.

This could work. A point_hurt perimeter that could be toggle-able in an admin room. Easily done, and no way around it unless an admin turns it off for some reason.

The brain scorcher only gets turned off once in stalker lore and does not come on again. It would be uncanon to have such a thing if you think about it.

The BrainScorcher was a highly modified antenna array that was part of the mind control experiment. There are multiple facilities that house such antenna arrays (Not to the extream that the BrainScorcher was) so no, it wouldn't be uncanon to put our own facility in protected by such a thing.


Make anomaly field like areas, sorta like the ones in CoP

Also unrelated to the map. . . Make it so admins can delete ents (Items) and make it so that anoms don't kill artifacts.

Make a monolith base that isn't smack dab in the middle of everyone else, also make it so that its defendable.

Anouther thing to consider is, make it so that even if a faction Cordons off a choke point, make it so that there is a way around it, or just avoid choke points. I find that when we make it so that the only way into an area is through a Choke Point, a faction cordons it off to the extent that the other factions, cannot attack that faction without risking a substantial loss, so the factions do not interact.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 18-09-2011

Make a monolith base that isn't smack dab in the middle of everyone else.

This. It's incredibly annoying in Redemption to have Duty vs Freedom fights if monolith (or mutants) are on, cuz the attacking faction is going to get his ass raped by mono and/or mutants.
Also when monolith is on Loners get scared to go through the tunnel, thus taking away customers from traders.

Other improvements could be a better eco bunker, underground sewers and tunnels, maybe some areas that are hard to get to because of anomalies (Like there's a path through them but only some experienced guides could show you the way through them.) And really some places where loners can make their camps, like the manor in occult. And yeah no chokepoints. Monolith base should be in its own sector with no major faction bases.

Thats all I could come up with for now.


Why Not have all faction leaders Make a list of What they NEED for there factions rp. Such as armory, Medbay, Ect.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive