
Started by Silver Knight, 05-10-2010

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Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Silver Knight

For anyones thoughs on the matter we are testing this for a week or two, if people enjoy it that much we will keep it on for a even more extended period.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Yer, i cant even manage to get on.


Quote from: Steel on 05-10-2010
Yer, i cant even manage to get on.

Saame D: It says downloading graphs then that finishes then it says its doing it again but it gose no where.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Lots of problems for people on this map x-x Someone cant see any textures and it makes me crash every 5 minutes. Guess Im not playing on any HGN servers for a week or two.


The map doesn't feel very Stalkery.
Its a mixture between Fallout and Borderlands.
I chill quite often.

Silver Knight

If your having trouble connecting, load the map up in single player and then join the server.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I don't like this map. Sector 42 feels much more STALKERish, Apocalypse is too wooded and desolate to look like the Zone.


Your seriously suggesting to use this map for Stalker but not for Fallout?


Yeah, this map doesn't match STALKER at all, it is however, perfect for Fallout.

Silver Knight

Quote from: Dude on 05-10-2010
Yeah, this map doesn't match STALKER at all, it is however, perfect for Fallout.

It will be used for Fallout, but it's more of a "change of scenery" and test away from sector 42 for now.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 05-10-2010
Quote from: Dude on 05-10-2010
Yeah, this map doesn't match STALKER at all, it is however, perfect for Fallout.

It will be used for Fallout, but it's more of a "change of scenery" and test away from sector 42 for now.

tbh it feels far more darker than fallout, it feels like the scenary in The Road. If we are doing The Road rp I will gladly be Cannibal roasting baby over the fire A



I dont know about anyone else, but I can't seem to join the server, even after I've downloaded the map. It just refuses to load. After flying around in singleplayer for 10 minutes I noticed something about the map. There apears to be random "holes" in it, and I can also see a glowing white wire-frame in a few areas. I don't know if it's just Gmod going fuckey on me or what?
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


I lol how most of my Messages are people saying "This map sucks for SRP" or "Fuck this Map"...

And I do agree, This is the wrong map for the wrong Scenery, Maybe Redux or something else besides a Fallout/Borderlands type Map.

Maybe we can vote on it?


Voting? At HGN? Now now, Pawx, don't be dumb.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


Great, when I join the cache file wont download, so the gamemode is broken for me. :( Any help with this?

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


You sure it isn't Dling? Sometimes it takes a while to dl that, for me its taken 5 minutes before. Just let it sit.


Quote from: Killabreu on 05-10-2010
Voting? At HGN? Now now, Pawx, don't be dumb.

Hey, we let 12 Billion Americans vote for a President, I'm sure we can handle a simple vote for a map...


Those who download the graps for the map forever, place a copy of the rp_apocalypse folder to the addons.


Quote from: Pawx on 05-10-2010
Quote from: Killabreu on 05-10-2010
Voting? At HGN? Now now, Pawx, don't be dumb.

Hey, we let 12 Billion Americans vote for a President, I'm sure we can handle a simple vote for a map...

The population isn't the issue, it's the president.

SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


Right now Most people are agreeing this is better for fallout or the road so Why cant we just go back to sector42 I cant even roleplay anymore because all this rp's I go on are shitty. This is the only rp I can actually play without so much bullshit going on really x-x Can we get the map back already!!


It's also really hard to trade since no one knows where anything is and I don't want to sit around for several hours while people scour the map trying to find me.

Although since most loners are broke and I can't sell anything other than ammo or medicine no one would want to trade with me anyway so I guess that doesn't matter.

Quote from: Killabreu on 06-10-2010

The population isn't the issue, it's the president.

Sounds a lot like the current server situation. Except there isn't much of a population.


Quote from: Pawx on 05-10-2010
Quote from: Killabreu on 05-10-2010
Voting? At HGN? Now now, Pawx, don't be dumb.

Hey, we let 12 Billion Americans vote for a President, I'm sure we can handle a simple vote for a map...
There's not even 12 billion people in the world. There's like 6.5 billion or something. Around 300 mil in America.