Roleplay 101

Started by Dug, 11-12-2011

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Roleplay 101
What is Roleplay? That is rather, very simple, however mastering this "art" takes some time.
But if you are willing to learn and abide by the rules you will master it rather quickly.

Roleplay is like writing a book together in which the players on the server all take part in. In roleplay, you assume control of your designed character. Which has to suit the atmosphere/setting in which people are roleplaying.

But first things first. You need to know the rules of roleplay before moving onto roleplay.
I will make a list of rules and explain them.For your own sake, you should read all of these.

1. Everything must be roleplayed. If you think this is too much, well you shouldn't roleplay. But before you say anything else listen to my explanation. Sometimes that very little detail makes roleplay exciting. Informing your fellow roleplayers of what you are actually doing is a must. However this leads us to another rule which we will mention below. Even a simple climbing up the ledge or ladder. Reloading your gun, cleaning, eating, drinking and picking up items. It can often make things fun for you and others may follow your example.

2. Do not Metagame. So what is metagame anyway? Remember how I said you must roleplay everything? Well some players when they see one of your actions in their text, instantly turn around and begin looking for you as if they saw what you are doing. It's a good idea to keep an admin close if you are doing something like sneaking or sniping someone to avoid drama. The above usually happens in those situations.

Metagame can be applied to various situations. But generally it is taking OOC information for IC purposes.

OOC Player 1: Lulz there be stash in dat small little hole at the bunker.
IC Player 2 heads over there right away.

Doing what player 2 did is forbidden. So, no using OOC information for your own IC benefit. Even looking for it is considered metagame even tho you might be pretending that you aren't. Remember it is bad! Don't do it!

3. Do not RDM! This is one of the worst sins and usually most harshly punished action ever. What does RDM mean? It means random deathmatching. Which is forbidden on every roleplay server. You can not walk up to a person and kill him for no reason. Killing a person takes roleplay and you can't just kill him or her just because you feel like it. In roleplay you act as if in real life but in the setting of the given scenario. So in real life, you wouldn't walk up to a person you don't know and shoot him in the head. That's why you don't do it in roleplay. Killing a person needs strong IC reasons.

QuoteQ: What is this IC and OOC you speak off?! Giberish!

A: Actually these are commonly used shortcuts by roleplayers. IC means in character. OOC means out of character.
Q: What the hell does in character and out of character mean?

A: In character is when you character speaks and he is only linked with the in character happenings which is roleplay it self. Out of character is something of which your character will never know of. This is you the player. OOC is just there for player to communicate to each other. However there is something such as LOOC which means local out of character and is used by players to communicate between them selves locally, which means they must be in close proximity of their characters. This is usually used to discuss something which happened ICly or to explain something.

4. Do not godmode! Godmoding is when you give your character incredible powers , as in controlling fire and etc. This is forbidden and usually these people get in trouble by admins and get punished. You are a normal human. Act like it. Anything else MUST be authed by a high ranking admin or the owners them selves.

5. No offensive or inapropriate behavior. ICly this is allowed .OOCly this is forbidden. By offensive I mean racism and etc. Treat others how you want to be treated. With respect.

6. No exploiting the server and it's economy. If you find a bug report it to the admins you might even get rewarded. If not they will have better trust in you and regard you highly. Exploiting can be the killer of servers and it's economy which leads to wiping. Wiping means you lose your character and you have to remake him. You lose items, money and .. bah everything.
So don't do it!

7. Don't spam the OOC chat. Spamming annoys other roleplayers and causes trafic in the chat box. Which is not needed. Use it only for questions or something else which might be serious. Pointless spam is forbidden.

8. Obey the admins. Listen to what admins have to say and do as they command. They are here to make sure everything runs smoothly. Cooperating with them means having the server run even smoother without issues. You don't get a option in this matter especially if you did something wrong. Insulting an admin will result in punishment as will insulting other players.

9. DO NOT HACK , EVER. Using hacks, exploits & etc. Will get you permanently banned. Don't do it. This includes ESP and LUA scripts. Admins can easily notice you and 90% of the time you are most likely being observed by one. Admins tend to stay in observer to make sure everything is running smoothly.

That wasn't so hard now was it. But there still much more to learn. If you need a break go take one because this will be a long read. Got everything you wanted to get? Okay lets move on.

QuoteIn roleplay, not everything is about rules. There are certain things, which you must know.

You act as if a real person in real life.
But some people don't understand those words therefor I must introduce you to some terms in roleplay like:

  • Fear RP
  • Injury RP
  • Emotion RP

Fear RP or Fear Roleplaying is when you roleplay being afraid of certain things. Before you do something daring think about it for a minute, see if you would do it if you were that character. This implies you won't go rambo. What I'm trying to say, be afraid when you should be afraid. Don't act like a hero because most humans love their precious lives and wouldn't like to lose them. So remember that!

QuoteAn example of FEAR RP is when you are being robbed, you won't stand there and give your stuff to the bandits, they are waving guns bro! So you'd first beg for your life and even cry! However you would do as they say. Because they are the one with the guns. Or you could beg them not to rob you.

Injury RP or Injury Roleplay, if you get injured you must roleplay it. Whether it's being punched, shot, bitten or anything else to the slightest injury. You must roleplay it.

QuoteExample:  The stalker is bitten by the mutant. He screams due to the pain and falls backwards , retreating and holding his hand.

Don't do sadist RP! Most people affiliated with bandits faction , do these sorts of things. Or Major factions when tourchering another person. You have to understand that you are a human. Seeing another human suffer makes you feel bad. It's a simple instinct in humans. Only people with mental instabilities would enjoy this. No one, enjoys, tourchering another person.

This can be done to a certain extent. However going to EXTREME lenghts(burning a person, extinguishing a cigar into his eye, cutting of a finger, and so on) is retarded and probably is punishable for not acting as if a normal human.

QuoteIf you are a bandit, why would anyone go trough the whole proces of tourchering a person when you can just take his stuff, kill him or let him be and be done with it so you can take his stuff another day?

Note: Don't rob the same person over and over again. It will make him or her leave, forever, in some cases. It gives a bad experience on the server. Try to rob the same player per week.

Emotion RP. Every human to a certain degree displays their emotions! You character does too! So, if a friend of your dies or a tragedy happens, roleplay crying, being sad. Or if you are happy, roleplay being happy. And so on.

During roleplay it's preferable if one uses proper grammar. Any sort of internet slang is forbidden along with smilies.
Q:Blah blah blah! What about fighting! Any rules there?

A:There certainly are. You first must announce over OOC that you are going to attack, however the party being attacked must not meta.

There are different type of gun fighting in RP:

  • STK = Shoot To Kill, no rules, kill each other without RP.
  • STM = Shoot to Miss, the rule is not to shoot at the enemy, but rather around him for the more dramatic feeling and a longer fight.
  • STRP = Every shot is roleplayed, the  script helps with this because if you are looking at a player from distance you can see his /mes and roleplay accordingly.
The two groups fighting can change fighting types as they please.

Those were some main things about roleplay,
but now we will move on to HGNs specific rules and usage of benefits during your stay here.

Now the good thing about this community is that it doesn't charge you for a physgun or toolgun like other communities do. There for you can apply for it. However there are rules you should remember once you get those two and reccomendations from admins. The Toolgun is used only to build along with the Physgun. Under no circumstances should you use it to your advantage!

Things like:

  • Prop Surfing
  • Prop Dming
  • Doom fort building & etc...

are forbidden!

Every character has a right to PK,TK, PI or TI another character. However the reasons must be good. Reccomendations from admins must be gathered and a admin in charge of accepting or denying those applications must review it. Once your application is accepted. You can begin with inflicting pain upon said character. Remember, it is best if an admin observes the whole RP.

NOTE: This is a double edge blade. Once a PK,TK, PI or TI is authorized. The person you are trying to PK,TK, PI or TI can DO THE SAME THING TO YOU. The first who dies, is PKed, TKed, PIed or TIed.

You must be wondering what PK, TK , PI and TI means. I will explain...

PK means Permanent Kill, this means that the character is permanently killed and removed from the server. You can not roleplay with the character anymore , if you feel the PK was unjust take it up to an admin.

TK means Temporary Kill, this means that the character is temporary killed for a set duration of time which is determined by the applicant and the admin. You can not roleplay with this character until the set duration of time, runs out.

PI means Permanent Injury. If you are permanently injured then you can't use a part of your body. Having your legs cut off means you can't walk anymore. If it's a PI or permanenty injury approved by an admin. Then you can say goodbye to walking. Same goes for any other part of your character.

TI means Teamporary Injury. If you are temporarily injured then the same goes as for the temporary kill. You wait for a set duration of time until the injury "wears off" so you can continiue playing normally.
NOTE: PI & TI don't prevent you from playing on your character.

Stay tuned...there will be more....


Oh hey its you again.

hows the community going?


This is probably the most flawed part of this thread, because the amount of arguments that can be brought here is quite high compared to others.

9. DO NOT HACK , EVER. Using hacks, exploits & etc. Will get you permanently banned. Don't do it. This includes ESP and LUA scripts. Admins can easily notice you and 90% of the time you are most likely being observed by one. Admins tend to stay in observer to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Now, first of all. You can't use cheats(except SH), because Script Enforcer is always active on HGN servers. Nobody will be able to notice that one uses a cheat in Garry's Mod, unless the player that is using it is absolutely retarded and fyi; the player will see any admin in or out of observer, so he will simply act normal when there's an admin near him.

And work on your spelling, it's horrible.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Yeah nice guide.


Also weapons play a big part in rp in some aspects. Like for instance if you play stalker when you see a bandit what is he using? Most of the time they use cheap weapons, Hunting shotguns, AK74U's, Mp5, makorov's, Fora-12's maybe some Ak74m's. What you don't see is bandits running around with FN2000's or NATO weapons in general because they are expensive. Bandits get what they want not because of advanced weapons but due to the fact they attack in large groups.

Mercenaries use NATO weaponry mostly they use LR300's, G36's, L86 and Sig 550's. For sidearms they carry things like sig saur's, USPs. ALL mercs wear mercenary suits DON'T go around wearing a sunrise saying your a merc. It doesn't have the same effect. Mercs are always in it for the money don't expect them to be friendly or give freebies. If you buy a merc group to attack someone but the people that they go to attack pay the mercs more money to kill you, what do you think they will go for? The more money.

Rookies- The new people to the zone they usually pack light weapons and carry not much ammo. They use cheap weapons like hunting shotguns and makorovs. They wear simple clothes. They don't know much about anomalies and many rookies die.
Experianced- These people have been in the zone longer than rookies and have better gear and a understaning on the zone. They usually use Mp5's, AK74u's, Makorovs, Fora-12's and some AK74m's.They also may use Chaser 12 shotguns. Most wear sunrise suits which give them better protection in the zone.
Veteran- These people understand the zone to a higher degree, knowing more about anomalies and how to spot them. They carry Warsaw weapons and some NATO
Warsaw weapons- AK74m's, AN94, VAL, Dragonov SVD.
NATO- Mainly L86's but some do use the other NATO weapons, no FN2000. SPAS-12 shotgun
Apparel- Higher tier suits like modified sunrises
Master- These people have been in the zone along time, they know alot about the zone and how to survive in it.They can spot anomalies usually. They carry high grade and expensive weapons,gear and armour.
Warsaw- Groza, Val, Dragonov all other warsaw
NATO- Sig550 and all other NATO
Apparel- Exoskeleton suits and SEVA's.

Freedom- Freedom suits ranging from sunrises to exoskeletons. They use NATO weapons

Duty- Duty suits ranging from sunrises to exoskeletons. They use Warsaw weaponry

Monolith- Anything

I hope this helps you

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 23-12-2011

According to your guide Im veteran stalker, which Im not.

I have seen lot of experienced stalkers in rookie jacket for various reasons; To dont catch unwanted attention or just because its nice and warm.

Quote from: INA7HAN on 23-12-2011
"Master- These people have been in the zone along time, they know alot about the zone and how to survive in it.They can spot anomalies usually."
Bullshit, just look under your feets and dont run around paths you dont know. You just have to connect your brain to your feets and eyes.

Bandits use those weapons because they are ideal for close combat. They use often shotguns supported with automatic rifles. As they mostly hide until prey is close enough and they also prefer it smooth. They might just let you go or take you hostage if youre not smartass. Its more profitable for them. It would be silly if they would use Bulldogs and SVDs instead to rob somebody.

Monolith doesnt wear anything. They usually wear various modded Sunrises, SEVAs and EXOs in white and gray camo and brown vests.

Merc doesnt wear only merc suits. There are in general two types of mercs. Private service companies which are from outside of Zone and stalker-mercs which became mercenaries in Zone and both groups wear anything they want, they just most of times have similiar suits / armpatches with their logo for easier recognition. They also dont go only for money, but also notoriety and respect. If trader gives them job to kill some stalker and that stalker offers them more money they will probably refuse it as that trader is more respected and he might send another group to kill them instead for backstabbing him.

You have also forgot Mutant hunters which prefer most of times shotguns for obvious reasons.

(And yeah, Im pretty sure there is mistake or two which somebody could point out.)


Gear is not how you determine who people are in the Zone. This isn't a singleplayer game. A Merc might go around with a Spas 12 and a STALKER suit, that doesn't mean he isn't a merc because he isn't using an LR300.


I RP'd a rookie with a Skat and a G36
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Iam333 on 23-12-2011
Quote from: INA7HAN on 23-12-2011

According to your guide Im veteran stalker, which Im not.

I have seen lot of experienced stalkers in rookie jacket for various reasons; To dont catch unwanted attention or just because its nice and warm.

Quote from: INA7HAN on 23-12-2011
"Master- These people have been in the zone along time, they know alot about the zone and how to survive in it.They can spot anomalies usually."
Bullshit, just look under your feets and dont run around paths you dont know. You just have to connect your brain to your feets and eye
When i said they can spot anomalies i ment that they can spot disturbances in the area around them. For example if you see leaves floating around in one spot there is most probaly a anomalie and yes some of this stuff is wrong

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: Paintcheck on 23-12-2011
Gear is not how you determine who people are in the Zone. This isn't a singleplayer game. A Merc might go around with a Spas 12 and a STALKER suit, that doesn't mean he isn't a merc because he isn't using an LR300.

You dissapoint me how much you ruin cannon and the general feel of the game.
The clothes made S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and in S.T.A.L.K.E.R, clothes did make a man.
You wear a bandit trench coat, you are considered a bandit.
You wear a mercenary suit , you are considered a mercenary.
You wear a sunrise, you are considered a stalker.
And that's how it goes in The Zone.

The server did die because of constant fucking with the cannon.
It doesn't feel like stalker. The cannon is there to be followed.
You can't shift it because you god damn please so.

Because every faction followed their dress codes. They had to.
Otherwise they couldn't tell who's on the red team and who's on the blue team.

If we were on a same team. (Red vs Blue)
But you wore blue colors.

How'd I tell it's you in the heat of the battle?

Quote from: Tom on 23-12-2011
I RP'd a rookie with a Skat and a G36

No comment.


The "clothes make a man" type of gameplay can now be done because every faction (loner, bandit, merc) have their Sunrise-like armor. Mercs have Mercenary Armors, stalkers have Sunrises, bandits have Bandit Mercenary Armors.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 24-12-2011
The "clothes make a man" type of gameplay can now be done because every faction (loner, bandit, merc) have their Sunrise-like armor. Mercs have Mercenary Armors, stalkers have Sunrises, bandits have Bandit Mercenary Armors.

It's the way it always should have been done.
Because what you wore mattered are you gonna get shot or not.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 23-12-2011
Gear is not how you determine who people are in the Zone. This isn't a singleplayer game. A Merc might go around with a Spas 12 and a STALKER suit, that doesn't mean he isn't a merc because he isn't using an LR300.
Clearly you havn't played much of STALKER. No it isn't a singleplayer game but it is a roleplaying server based off it using its cannon etc. If bandits went around in sunrises, STALKERS in trenchcoats then you wouldn't know who the fuck is who spoiling the atmosphere of STALKER.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Stop misspelling "CANON", it's not cannon.

Quotethe term canon denotes the material accepted as "official" in a fictional universe's fan base
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: INA7HAN on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 23-12-2011
Gear is not how you determine who people are in the Zone. This isn't a singleplayer game. A Merc might go around with a Spas 12 and a STALKER suit, that doesn't mean he isn't a merc because he isn't using an LR300.
Clearly you havn't played much of STALKER. No it isn't a singleplayer game but it is a roleplaying server based off it using its cannon etc. If bandits went around in sunrises, STALKERS in trenchcoats then you wouldn't know who the fuck is who spoiling the atmosphere of STALKER.
This guy was a CSV, STSV before you even were in HGN, so don't play the "I know canon better than you" card.
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Quote from: INA7HAN on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 23-12-2011
[size=78%]Gear is not how you determine who people are in the Zone. This isn't a singleplayer game. A Merc might go around with a Spas 12 and a STALKER suit, that doesn't mean he isn't a merc because he isn't using an LR300.[/size]

[size=78%]Clearly you havn't played much of STALKER. No it isn't a singleplayer game but it is a roleplaying server based off it using its cannon etc. If bandits went around in sunrises, STALKERS in trenchcoats then you wouldn't know who the fuck is who spoiling the atmosphere of STALKER.[/size]
Just sayian.


sunrise model was added into bandit model tables by mistake, so nope.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 24-12-2011
sunrise model was added into bandit model tables by mistake, so nope.
If you read it. He was scripted to act like bait. So yep.


Quote from: Iam333 on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Jake on 24-12-2011
sunrise model was added into bandit model tables by mistake, so nope.
If you read it. He was scripted to act like bait. So yep.

Uh. No. Not only have I never encountered such situation (which only proves that the whole article is based on a single opinion which also makes it a speculation), having a few hundred hours on vanilla SoC myself also there's no reference to the actual script on the article. Also it's a wiki that anyone can edit.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Iam333 on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Jake on 24-12-2011
sunrise model was added into bandit model tables by mistake, so nope.
If you read it. He was scripted to act like bait. So yep.

Uh. No. Not only have I never encountered such situation (which only proves that the whole article is based on a single opinion which also makes it a speculation), having a few hundred hours on vanilla SoC myself also there's no reference to the actual script on the article. Also it's a wiki that anyone can edit.

I've encountered the guy, actually.  He was pretending to be wounded in the garbage, then when you came over a bunch of bandits popped out and he opened fire on you.  He's behind that big ruined building thingy.


Theres also a group of fags in Dark Valley in Stalker/Sunrise suits that rob you.

The "Cloths make the man" Argument is fucking bollocks and retarded. By your logic we should STK eachother every time we encounter and not RP at all. And if there was a "Bandit Uniform" I sure as hell wouldn't wear it! I would wear a stalker suit and bandit like that cause its smarter. So no the "Cloths make the man" argument is false.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Otto on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Jake on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Iam333 on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Jake on 24-12-2011
sunrise model was added into bandit model tables by mistake, so nope.
If you read it. He was scripted to act like bait. So yep.

Uh. No. Not only have I never encountered such situation (which only proves that the whole article is based on a single opinion which also makes it a speculation), having a few hundred hours on vanilla SoC myself also there's no reference to the actual script on the article. Also it's a wiki that anyone can edit.

I've encountered the guy, actually.  He was pretending to be wounded in the garbage, then when you came over a bunch of bandits popped out and he opened fire on you.  He's behind that big ruined building thingy.

He's wounded because there's a default mutant spawn in the swamps, the rest depends on his luck. In one of my playthroughs he has been simply idling there as a normal bandit would, never wounded.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Tom on 24-12-2011
Theres also a group of fags in Dark Valley in Stalker/Sunrise suits that rob you.

The "Cloths make the man" Argument is fucking bollocks and retarded. By your logic we should STK eachother every time we encounter and not RP at all. And if there was a "Bandit Uniform" I sure as hell wouldn't wear it! I would wear a stalker suit and bandit like that cause its smarter. So no the "Cloths make the man" argument is false.

A little ignorant of you to dismiss it in a 'your arguments are invalid' way. Dug was talking about Clear Sky faction wars, where bandits wore their symbolic uniforms with the intent to show their alignment with Garbage Bandits, because all of the factions were trying to gain control over certain areas.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Tom on 24-12-2011
Theres also a group of fags in Dark Valley in Stalker/Sunrise suits that rob you.

The "Cloths make the man" Argument is fucking bollocks and retarded. By your logic we should STK eachother every time we encounter and not RP at all. And if there was a "Bandit Uniform" I sure as hell wouldn't wear it! I would wear a stalker suit and bandit like that cause its smarter. So no the "Cloths make the man" argument is false.

I'm simply pointing out THE LACK of general stalkers and bandits. And that's what I'm trying to bring into SRP.
I don't want everyone to act out of the ordinary. There are TOO MANY SPECIAL things in SRP. We need to level that.
And put more general things which fit the stalker atmosphere. Now do you understand?

I want the whole feel of STALKERs VS Bandits.
I want bandits to have a base and not to hide in a rabbit hole.
I want stalkers to actually represent their faction.

Get it?

EDIT: I didn't state ANYWHERE that they should auto STK.


Quote from: Dug on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Tom on 24-12-2011
Theres also a group of fags in Dark Valley in Stalker/Sunrise suits that rob you.

The "Cloths make the man" Argument is fucking bollocks and retarded. By your logic we should STK eachother every time we encounter and not RP at all. And if there was a "Bandit Uniform" I sure as hell wouldn't wear it! I would wear a stalker suit and bandit like that cause its smarter. So no the "Cloths make the man" argument is false.

I'm simply pointing out THE LACK of general stalkers and bandits. And that's what I'm trying to bring into SRP.
I don't want everyone to act out of the ordinary. There are TOO MANY SPECIAL things in SRP. We need to level that.
And put more general things which fit the stalker atmosphere. Now do you understand?

I want the whole feel of STALKERs VS Bandits.
I want bandits to have a base and not to hide in a rabbit hole.
I want stalkers to actually represent their faction.

Get it?

Just because you want something doesn't mean it instantly becomes a rule and anyone who supports you, can metagame without consequences.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway