Roleplay 101

Started by Dug, 11-12-2011

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I never said it's a rule.

But it's a nice way to bring back the server up ;)
You all jump to conclusions too quickly.

Also, Jake explained best what I wanted.


Well you say you want it to feel like the single player experience so it should be auto-STK correct?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 24-12-2011
Well you say you want it to feel like the single player experience so it should be auto-STK correct?

I didn't say anything like that.
I just wish it to be more stalkerish.


It is Stalkerish atm.

Making bandits and other people wear certain uniforms won't do anything other than make banditry 10 times harder than it already is.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Dug on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Tom on 24-12-2011
Well you say you want it to feel like the single player experience so it should be auto-STK correct?
I didn't say anything like that.
I just wish it to be more stalkerish.

so basically

Quote from: Tom on 24-12-2011
you want it to feel like the single player experience
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Oh dear cannon. Why are you shat upon?


Quote from: Dug on 24-12-2011
Oh dear cannon. Why are you shat upon?

What are you even talking about?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Dug on 24-12-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 23-12-2011
Gear is not how you determine who people are in the Zone. This isn't a singleplayer game. A Merc might go around with a Spas 12 and a STALKER suit, that doesn't mean he isn't a merc because he isn't using an LR300.

You dissapoint me how much you ruin cannon and the general feel of the game.
The clothes made S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and in S.T.A.L.K.E.R, clothes did make a man.
You wear a bandit trench coat, you are considered a bandit.
You wear a mercenary suit , you are considered a mercenary.
You wear a sunrise, you are considered a stalker.
And that's how it goes in The Zone.

The server did die because of constant fucking with the cannon.
It doesn't feel like stalker. The cannon is there to be followed.
You can't shift it because you god damn please so.

Because every faction followed their dress codes. They had to.
Otherwise they couldn't tell who's on the red team and who's on the blue team.

If we were on a same team. (Red vs Blue)
But you wore blue colors.

How'd I tell it's you in the heat of the battle?

Quote from: Tom on 23-12-2011
I RP'd a rookie with a Skat and a G36

No comment.

That was PAINFUL to read. How does that make any sense at all? "You can't hire yourself out for money because you are wearing a green suit instead of a blue one and have a shotgun instead of an assault rifle". Also it's suicide to wear certain suits in server because people like to gang up on bandits so bandits have absolutely ZERO incentive to wear inferior gear and use inferior guns because they will just get buttfucked by everyone else in the server. So from both a practical standpoint "gear making the man" is a shit idea and from an OOC standpoint gear making the man is a shit idea.

You can still tell who the experienced people are by their suits and guns usually, obviously the dude with the G36 or AS Val probably knows a thing or two about the Zone that Mr. Brown Anorak/Makarov does not. But to say "You can't be an experienced STALKER because your gun and gear don't match" makes no sense at all.

Your "canon" definition makes no sense. Canon is LORE and BACKSTORY it is not "Everyone wears the same uniform they do in the SP Game". Under your stupid definition of canon Crussaria has no canon because it does not have a bunch of peasant player models so some people have to make due with the default Nexus ones. STALKER's canon wasn't raped because people weren't playing dress up to your retarded standards, it was raped when people decided to care more about gear and items (like you are now) than about STALKER and refused to act realistically. It's awfully hard to bandit when robbing one person leads to metagaming from the other 15 on the server. It's impossible to be a loner when there's no jobs or artifacts to find. STALKER's problems rest with idiots in the playerbase not with "issues in the canon brought on by people wearing the wrong in game suit"

You are asking for permission to metagame bandits is all I am reading in these posts. Since bandits already get the shit metagamed out of them when they AREN'T acting overtly bandit, that implies your idea will not help.

Also INA7HAN who the fuck are you? I've played and beat SoC and CoP both with the best endings and was running the STALKER server before you even heard of HGN. I know the canon pretty well. I guess the difference between you and me is that I am smart enough to understand what is important in the canon while you and Dug are shitting bricks about stupid details that exist because STALKER is a GAME and enemies are copy pasted. I guarantee you in a real Zone if such a place existed there would be plenty of rich bandits running around in Exos and SKATs if they could afford it and Mercs wearing Sunrise suits (since in SoC the STALKER suit is superior to the Merc suit in terms of protection). They'd probably have other identifying marks on them (ie patches for the Mercs, paint jobs on the bandit Exos, etc) but that's what /charphysdesc is for. Or are you one of those kids who needs the script to do everything for him?


Thank you have a nice day.

* Dug walks out of the thread.


Quote from: Dug on 24-12-2011
I never said it's a rule.

But it's a nice way to bring back the server up ;)
You all jump to conclusions too quickly.

Also, Jake explained best what I wanted.
Obviously if we want to bring the server back up we need to restrict the players to using shitty armor, and weapons unless they're in a major faction, because that's fun right?


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Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22