Re: |Freedom| OOC Announcments

Started by irondeity, 03-08-2011

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I have received multiple complaints and reports about Sgt-Spartans being mingish on-server, and have been given video proof. Needless to say, I dont care if "theres nothing to do" or "youre bored.", you will act mature while playing on the server, if you want to minge, goto DarkRP or singleplayer. As of this time and forward I am overriding the faction Head and will be emplacing a TWO strike policy on the Freedom faction members. If I catch you, or get word, and proof of you misbehaving, I will add a strike. Two strikes and you are barred from using your Freedomer, a third strike given for misbehaving on ANY OTHER character will result in removal and blacklisting from the Freedom faction while I hold a seat of authority within it.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


On another note, I'm back (for however temporarily).

But sadly, the point still stands. This system will remain in place until I work this out.


The "Faction Strikes and Blacklist" thread will be removed, it really serves no purpose but make private matters public.
I keep tabs on such issues, and a thread is a waste of space.

I've gotten multiple reports of Freedomers buying and 'finding' high-end weaponry. I'll make this simple - You don't buy yourself firearms, no matter what they are. If you come across 'extra' weapons you stow them away in your safebox and turn it in.
I grow tired of people claiming I hand out G36 rifles to Seedies.


I'd like to remind everyone that the three strike system is still in place, and multiple people are on the list. 'Nothing to do' is no excuse to play Mr. McDerpingston.
If there's no Stalkers to roleplay with, passive among Freedomers. If there's an officer on, organize a patrol, training, or event. If you feel like doing nothing but jumping, chatting in out of character, and/or shooting each other, hit disconnect. A bit of discussion doesn't hurt once in a while, but everything in moderation.

A note to [would-be] officers: It's your job to make sure things are happenings and people are occupied. Promoting mingery will lead to a demotion.