Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Topic: New Leader
Author: Tyr
Message: First off I understand I'm no Ryan but my orders are to be followed regardless.  I was put here to lead this section of Freedom and I intend to do just that.  I will use stricter methods if I don't get some respect around here.


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

I'd like to apologise on behalf of the guys for the somewhat hostile greeting, but you have to understand our former leader had just been killed and some random guy from up north turns up to replace him, and most of us were still pretty angry.

So again, apologies and welcome.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA message from Goose Chesnikov

Tyr is a pretty cool guy so are half the people in freedom, but yes today when today when getting readyvto rescue Brandon I did send you all back to base for not following my orders I said get in your groups you sat there chatting and not listening so I sent you back I had a merc and veronika with so I was sure I would be fine also slot of other shit was going on at this time such as the military capturing Austin and contacting us via his radio asking for something about a cease which I later found out was complete BS anyway if sergei hadn't opend his big mouth and offer a 2k ransome I may had if been able to save us some money but shit happens and sergei gave me the money for the ransome wich I went with the merc and got Austin out, later Brandon can thank me and my dumb luck for getting him out I walked up to a group of dutiers about5-6 all lookin like they were sneaking around could have killed them all with one clip walked right up behind them and instead said "oh yea real sneaky duty right in the open running around " you should have seen their faces they were so confused any way the person in charge was Alexia she used to hang out at our bar snorting all the coc with Senka she took me to duty base and just gave Brandon to me this was after every thing went to hell and Ryan was killed... Got shot by military on my way back nothing to serious though had Seeker patch me up but I am in no condition to fight. 
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Well, I've been getting so very confused lately about what I really want in my life, about what is right for me and why I am even doing what I am doing. The other day I found my brother and he talked to me about the military and how good it is. Yet today, the military kill Ryan, unfortunately I was not there to witness it because I was getting back from my journey's. But then I thought about it and was wondering could this happen to me soon? I contemplated joining the military before they killed Ryan, but now I just do not know. I had a chat with Seth and Goose about it and they both told me to stay, maybe they are right, who know's. Well I need some time to think about this, so maybe I'll know tomorrow.

                                                  ~Seeker Sherble


Topic: Buddy System
Author: "Tyr"
Message: We're losing too many people to captures.  If you're going to leave the base leave with at least one other Freedom, and let the ranking officer know.


Topic: Cash
Message from Sergei
Losing to much cash. We gotta keep up with the donations, people.


*Radio Clicks on* *Laughing* Last time I speak to any of you freedomers again *Laughing* Fuckers *Radio Clicks Off*



PDA message from: Andrey Sergeyev


I see we will have a guy who will have a bounty on his head.
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Topic: Seeker
Author: Tyr
Message: There will be no bounty.


PDA Message from Goose Chesnikov
So its clear that i am not wanted im tired of these rooks not following orders when it needs to be done or when one of our boys is grabbed and them just saying let them rott... Splendor...Anyway that being said im taking time away from freedom lots of time so bye if you see me around fuck off unless you are a friend, AKA only Vik,Seth,Brandon,and Krawen.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

Anyone who thinks they could preform well in my recon team, come track me down and and lets have a chat.


Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA message from Shawn Golden


Now that we have moved off to the new area, I recommend taking over the whole sector 1 or S1 as some of you would call it. I also think we should fortify the entrance before military and duty notice our presence in the sector. Another good thing would be to control who goes in and out of the sector. Now I've been walking around and taking a good look what we have in sector 1. There is a building nearby the entrance which could server as an outpost, sleeping quarters for the guards at the entrance. Anyway that's the place where people guarding the entrance come to sleep and rest. Other than that reinforce the entrance if needed.

Now the base it self, the underground building is isolated and good shelter. We could use it as the medical bay and blowout shelter. There are two rooms down there. The bigger room should be used for that medical stuff. But the smaller one could be used for the trader. But I believe it is better to keep the trader in the other building. The two story one. First floor could be the armory and second could be the personal rooms of our members. Viktor suggested it to be cells for prisoners. Now the building that is accessed trough the window should be also freedomers personal space or well we could make it a meeting area or something. The rest is entirely up to you. But the whole sector should be used for something as it has many things in it, I shall be drawing a map soon probably and suggestions on it, I believe my message is a bit unclear right now. But when I have time I will do it.


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

If we want to not get our collective butts handed to us on a radioactive platter, I agree with Shawn that we need to take full control of our sector, and fortify the tunnel entrance.

This would stop alot of surpise attacks, and any suckers taking a look see in the sector.

It would take alot of resources and manpower to control the entire of the sector, but its bloody well worth the effort.


Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Topic: Fortification
Author: "Tyr"
Message: Making a checkpoint wouldn't be a bad idea at all, you'll just of course let most anybody in without much hassle unless they're known hostiles.  After all we don't want to scare STALKER's away.


Message from Krawen Fox, Freedom Network.

Appears Im the only medic around for the moment...oh well, I can manage, I'll be less bored anyway. In any case, I think most of you should atleast know the basics. I can also contribute with survival tips for the recon team.

On another topic: I now have blood plasma. The number of people dying from blood loss should be less now.

(ooc) Since Im the only medic around please contact me over SF if I'm needed.


PDA message with file from Shawn Golden


Gentlemen I present you a quick sketch of how we could divide the place and give certain roles to certain buildings. The outpost on the map is used by the guards at the freedom checkpoint, Unused buildings are welcome to be used however you want them to. Blowout covers are the sewers and the underground bunker at main base. The bunker is also a med bay and traders place, all other buildings in freedom should be personal quarters of freedom members. Any thoughts you have please add, also the execution area should be the place where we do the dirty work as it's the junkyard and full of radiation.


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

The junkyard could serve as a fallback postion, if we ever lose the town.

The sheer ammout of cover and anomiles will stop any attackers in their tracks, and we can easily map all the anomiles in that area to give us a futher advantage.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA note from Thomas Wainscott
The assignment Tyr gave me and brandon is still yet to be complete... but on a higher note I belive i could infiltrate the ranks of Duty if i try. I already have the trust of Alexia and a few other dutiers That is if Tyr would allow me to do a "Spy Ops".
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


PDA message from Shawn Golden


That is a good idea Seth. We should all work together to give certain roles to each building.
Everyone has a say, as ideas will grow into a bunch and the best will come alive. Other than that I've noticed on my sketch that I didn't put anything for the really small building east of the main base, which has a window overlooking the main base. We could make that a some sort of over watch bunker or tower.

About infiltrating duty, I do not think that would be the best idea right now as we need prepare our defenses first before we do anything else.


PDA Message from Thomas Wainscott
Shawn you are right about the duty op. though infiltration can be a smart idea, it can lead to us getting fucked if I were ever to be caught. For instance... Some how Krystal Winters found out that I was a spy. So now the duty ops would be high risk due to Duty and military being butt buddy's and all.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Message from Krawen Fox.

Contact me if you'd like some medic traning. If you dont want to join the med-team than thats fine but I'm always there to answer questions about basic things.


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

I'd like all recon members to get some training from Krawen, as we are often alone in the field it can be very handy if we all know some basic stuff.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA Message from Thomas Wainscott
Yeah... I had the shittiest day yesterday... heh... I think i'm more at risk for getting captured and murdered by the women of the zone than the Factions of the zone... Damn me and my devilishly handsome looks...
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

Maybe all the women of the zone have had their collective minds altered by the zone, to somehow find you attractive!

Unlike myself, with my charm and wit I already have a couple of stalker fans, which I call Seth Troop.


Regards, Seth.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Message from Krawen Fox.

I deal 'em special drugs and all of a sudden they are all's wierd.