Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject:  RE:New Veterans

Author: CC

Message: Had a run in with Duty today, shot 'em up good. Also we killed a stalker who was in kahoots with the Military/Duty. He was shooting at us while we attacked a Duty patrol, so y'know, did what we had to do.

P.S: That's code for "We dropped him down into the mutant sewers and god-knows-what took him! How fun!

P.S.S: Syfer is in cahoots with the Military and Duty. Our buddy in blue has informed me on the matter and it is confirmed.


Subject: Patrol

Author : Serhiy

Message : Well, a bloodsucker got him...Syfer, we need to deal with him..and i've a big feeling i will get yelled at.


Subject: Re: Patrol

Author: Thomas Wainscott

Message: SO it seems like with the coming back of Yurdansky, the coming of the bazillions of hired stalkers that are sent to "Spy" on us. . . No idea why the military is SO interested in Freedom. . . Or Rather. . . Why Yurdansky was so interested in freedom. Hell I remeber when i once aquired donation funds, by walking into the colonels office and basically saying "YO' Dawg, Freedom ain't nothing but Emo Cry babies" and he paid me like 10000 Rubles, offered me a cushy merc job, and told me he liked what he was hearing, I polietly declined and said I'd "Think about it" and I Turned around walked back to freedom base and gave it all to freedom. I say thats a mission well done.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


OCC: Sorry for inactivty been dealing with issues and school I'll be on when I can but not every night for 6 hours like I used too
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


Subject: The Bar.

Author:  Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika

Message: The left bar door hinges are missing.. Again.. We need to fix it... Again.

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


Subject: RE:The Bar


Message: Yep...  It seems to me that we've got someone who's got a thing for messin' with our doors.. I guess all we can really do right now is to wait and find out who actually did it!


Subject: Whoof... What a day..

Author: Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika.

Message: What a day, am I right, Yuri? ^?

(In other words, I have no quarrel with you oh glorious leader Babikov.)

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


Subject: RE: Whoof... What a day..

Author: CC

Message: Yeah... Whoof


Subject: Dog..Thing

Author: CC

Message: So how about that creepy changing dog bullshit that's been around the base? Anyone gotta idea on how to get it outa here? Any help would be appreciated. Contact me privatley on the matter..


Subject: Re: Dog Thing

Author: Thomas Wainscott

Message: Waaaaaait a minute. . . Changing Dog? What do you mean Changing dog?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: RE:RE:Dog Thing

Author: CC

Message: It's like...Some weird changing dog sorta bullshit..One second it's a pooch..and you look away for like a second and it's some sorta chick or some thing like that... Uhhh.. It's really weird; like it seems like it appeared in an exo for a bit and that was weird too.. I get a bad feeling about it...Some sorta creepy transforming pseudo-dog bullshit.. Anything ring a bell?


Subject: Re:Dog Thing

Author: Thomas Wainscott

Message: Oh lordy, you guys still have to deal with that thing?? Ha I have some terrible stories about that thing if your talking about what I think your talking about.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject:  RE:Dog Thing

Author: CC

Message: Yeeaaah.... Apparently so; This is my first/second time seeing the blasted thing. I don't get a good vibe at all from the thing.. Is uhh.. Do you know any way we can y'know.. Get it away? Or something like that..?...Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.


Subject: WOOOO!
Author: Anastasia Starvoski
Message: Thanks for letting me join! I'll try and make it worth your guy's time and such.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: I'm back in the sector!
Message: So for the inactivty was out on a exploration trip.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


[OOC] To make it clear the server is up, it was down twice so that caused some confusion. Cleaned up the thread.

If you get the chance hit me up on steam Sgt-Spartans.


Subject: Official change of power
Author: Yuri Babikov

Message: It took me a while to get this, but better late than never I suppose.
I was in Freedom for fourteen months. You know how it goes, living through the good, the bad, and the ugly. It seems corny as I type these very words, but that hardly changes the truth. Most of the guys and gals I started this with are what's beginning to feel like long dead, and it's only fitting that I step down.
That's not the reason I'm retiring though, by far. I've grown too cynical, and recent events haven't helped. I was enthusiastic to start; tried my best, reached for the stars. I had a vision, and by the time I had the means to actualize it I'd lost my way.
I spent the past couple of months trying to make Freedom stable enough to run itself, 'cus we all know what the changing of hats does. Ctislav was most obviously the one for the job, and some of you guys shaped up nicely enough for it to finally happen. I'm glad to call him and at least a majority of you my friends rather than subordinates (but there's always some exceptions). I don't want to be too nostalgic here, so I'll make the rest of this quick. I'll still be around, but you know that. I don't pretend to have any authority, but I'll still try and help. If anyone thinks I'm butting in I can just as easily retreat to my own path, as history tends to repeat itself. Only time will tell, eh?
Leaving it at that, and see you all later.

Subject: While I'm still here, more mercenaries.
Author: Yuri Babikov

Message: Figured I'd report one last thing, surprised you didn't do it already Akim and Adam.
Several bursts of gunfire were heard yesterday, and our investigation led to a group of deceased Stalkers. A dead foreign mercenary was found not too far away. No patches or identification, but noticeable equipment. His PDA revealed he was part of the supposed team that gunned down the group, and a flash drive contained records of several large deposits to an out-of-country account. Went on a wild goose chase across the land all the way to the military's sector. It was clear until something happened that I will never mention for the love of god or I will drop dead on the spot, and retreated back to the tunnel.
That's when they hit with a RPG warhead into the side of our cover, followed by two more as we escaped.

I'm putting this up here simply to inform you all, because I fucking hate mercenaries. Especially westerners.
Stay on your toes, 'n' good luck.


Subject: Dignity.

Author: Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika

Message: I.. I can't believe it! I let my guard down, and this happens? FUCKING.. NEUTRAL... ZONE..

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


Subject: Re: Dignity

Author: Artyom Pipson

Message: What the hell?


Subject: Re: Dignity
Author: Joel Riebel
Message: Profound and detailed posts gentlemen, profound and detailed posts indeed. I feel very enlightened.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Update

Author: CC

Message: Well ladies and gents! I think it's about time that I drop a line on here and make things official here. There are a few things I want to discuss with you and some points I need to make! And possibly discuss a new rule that I'm going to put in order...So here we go!

-As you all might know already I have killed the leader of Duty; Shot him in the face and had a merc drag him back to their base with a message and all of that good stuff..Yeah. So with that out of the way I doubt Duty will be able to function for at least another week..

-The barracks is just a little crispy after a certain incident with some strange-ass bugs..Things are under control right now but we'll need to get a fire extinguisher and something else just incase. . . .

-Radio Tower: We are going to claim this for good and have some official guards there all the time; But I don't know when we're going to get this into order.

-ON THAT NOTE, the lake...Ohhh boy..The lake....Yep...The lake.


•All Freedomers will have the ability to go out and walk around in the Zone under circumstances..These being:
(Before we go into details, I will let you know having a hound or higher with you, you do not need to abide by these rules)
-If you have a group of anyone whom is Geurilla or lower, you must have atleast two other Freedomers with you and must report to CC before you leave the base, let me know where you are going and report to me regularly.

-For those who are junior officers such as veterans, you must atleast have one person with you and must report to me in order to go our on a patrol or for other needs.


This is all a work in progress, but you get the idea.



I would like to discuss that if you are going to go out to fight you must have my strict permission if I am around; Unless it involves the helping of stalkers very VERY nearby (I.E., the radio tower..Which is our territory.). Other than that, I would like to lead expeditions and such any further than that UNLESS I give you my direct approval to do such. Not to sound like a hardass, but I need some of the action too , eh?

After all this reading is said and done; I decided I'd reward you fellahs. So I found a peanut. Cheers!



Subject: <$#%@54gf#%2>

Author: //:Gfh####^$(^#@


**Bursts of static can be constantly heard. The same rhythm repeating itself over and over again.**


Subject Re: "<$#%@%$gf#%2>"

Author: Artyom Pipson

Message: Jesus fuck! Who the hell is this?

Edit: This is probably some old freedomer trying to troll us or one of the dildos from another faction attempting to post on the network. Either way, CC you got to remove this dude from the network. 


Subject: Re: <$#%@%$gf#%2>
Author: Yuri Babikov

Message: Yeah, I'm still here.
"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." It appears someone has a taste for Shakespeare, I blame mercenaries. I'll look more into this in the morning, but you guys best get 'someone on this'.


Subject: Re: <$#%@%$gh#%2>
Author: Arkadi Gavrill

Message: I'm going to label this the work of the Monolith until I'm disproved. They love the weird cryptic shit, do they not?