Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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*On the news today, said random location that Petrom was at, came under bombing by some PMC corporation because PMCs' and mercs are cool and stuff. He perished in a shower of gore. Or was horribly disfigured. Or got crushed by debris. The end.*
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Subject: Monolith attack and info.
Author: Arkadi Gavriil

Today, the Monolith attacked our base, they didn't get anyone of importance though. A mercenary and I provided covering fire to help the STALKERS run to the bunker.


Subject: RE: Monolith attack and info
Author: Mykola "Wolf" Budny

Told you that eliminating that blasted Preacher was a good idea, Yuri. If only you let me and Serhiy get the shot on him, it would have been perfect. Monolith basically gone and room to focus on the other immediate threats.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Subject: RE: RE: Monolith attack
Author: Mikhal
Message: Preacher 'Goliath' is dead as of tonight, at the cost of my arm. You're welcome.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Subject : RE:RE:RE: Monolith attack

Author : Serhiy Mykhailo

Message : Thanks good Goliath is dead, We only need to kill Three pieces now...


Subject: RE:RE:RE:RE: Monolith Attack
Author: Mykola "Wolf" Budny
Message: Three Pieces... That's the man we want gone. Forget the Preacher, we want the king of the house of cards gone.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


(OOC) Going to be gone for seven days if you need something just forum pm me. im using my phone to post or reply. ~reorp


Subject:What the FUCK? (IMPORTANT)

Author: Leshiy

Message:Okay what the shitting bullfuck is going on? So I come to the bar this morning, waking up. (I stayed up all night) And I see CHURCH dragged the burned body of Arkadi into the base... Now there's a whole 'lotta bullshit goin on and I think I can smell it. He tells me that he had saved Arkadi (Which I believe to an extent) and brought him to the base..I treated his wounds and have him in bed now.. But here's what's really fucking strange, one of our boys that were wearing a seva have a hole in their fucking face, dead as a god damned doornail laying on our roof. Like seriously, what the fuck is going on that people can just waltz in and fucking shoot our boys in the face and run off with our trader and burn him alive? Poor bastard... Will update in 30 minutes or less..


Okay, I got most of the story from Arkadi, I had to make him write all of this bullshit onto a pad while he was laying down.. None of the stalkers really know what was going on back there or they weren't there at all but what Arkadi told me was that someone called.. Eastwood or whatever came here and took him into the woods and burnt him alive.. I'm not sure for what reason but he told me that he had two mercs with him and I'm assuming that's the reason to the corpse on the roof..Fuckin' hell.. Poor bastards didn't deserve this..I'm going to clean up the body on the roof and try and get more info from Arkadi... I'm going to fucking KILL whoever did this to our boys; I'm in no fucking mood to be messed with right now.

Update: Body is disposed of properly... If ANYONE knows anything about these mercs or "Eastwood" Let me know...Some stalkers are in for a fuckin' rude awakening.

Leshiy out.


Subject: (No subject)
Author: Yuri Babikov

Message: Did you say Eastwood and Church? These are the sorts of people I fight, they treat lives like currency. I've had my doubts about him but this confirms it.
...But this is nothing new, I've seen and lived through my fair share of conspiracies and traps. I don't believe Church "saved" Arkadi, and I swear I will get the truth from him or I'll hang his corpse for the carrion crows just as I will to the man or men responsible for this. I wouldn't call this happening right after Arkadi becoming our trader a coincidence. Keep note of any traders that come in or out.

I want everyone on guard twenty-four seven, even when you're taking a break you stay watchful. You keep your weapons out and loaded and make sure no one else's are, especially Mercenaries.


Subject: What the FUCK? (part 2)


Mikhal was acting strange after the event and I think the Monolith called him out towards them. They were pretty ballsy at the graveyard sitting outside of our base; We shot those cocksuckers up and made then run off their tails tucked between their legs.  Church helped us out, along with other stalkers. I paid the stalkers who helped some cash and whatnot; Mikhal seems to be fine but I'm still iffy about Church...He doesn't just FIND Arkadi on fire behind our base..Something doesn't fit right with me..

Leshiy out.


Subject:  No Subject
Author: Mykola "Wolf" Budny
Message: I knew I should have just fucking killed Eastwood all those months back instead of just shattering his kneecap. This is bloody ridiculous. I am going to assume Eastwood is a big ol' "shoot on sight" and blow his head off when I see him.

Also, the Monolith. I don't think they're too happy that Mikhal murdered the Preacher. Worst case possibilitiy: he becomes the new Preacher. Keep an eye on Mikhal from now on, god knows what they may be trying.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Subject: I return bearing gifts
Author: Archibald 'Joker' Jung
Message: So I've been on an extended vacation back home in England and while I was blasting lines and getting drunk as a skunk at some backwater bar in London I suddenly had a great desire to return to you fella's. So sometime in the next 2 weeks I'll be dropping in with a large goodie bag of fun toys and substances to share with my favorite group of party animals. Joker out.

Characters - Stalker RP
Diederik 'Ghost' Sigmund - Mercenary - Alive
Archibald 'Joker' Jung - Freedom Trader - Alive
Characters - Crussaria RP
Durinos Rahl - First Wizard - Alive


Subject:  Female STALKER                                                                           Author: Milan Miloslav                                                                                Message: So, before I went back to sleep, i had walked into the medbay to see a very torn up female....She was missing an left eyeball....had claw marks on her back, and her leg, tendrills marks on her legs also, but the weirdest thing.... There was a bite mark on her neck.. a thick green fluid was in her blood but not alot. I also found alot of....salivia all over her, she was completely nude, so i gave her some rags to wear just for desency. I just want to know... what the hell happened to her?   (OOC) she is ther ic untill monday. i will use the real character when i get back home. still posting from a mobile.


OOC: Missing an eyeball, bite mark on neck and claw marks across her neck? I'm surprised she isn't dead. Though, we did have someone survive even though he was burnt by gasoline...

Also, tendril marks? You mean plant stems up her legs...? How odd!
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


(OOC): I would rather you not flame. Only two people know what entirely happened to the stalker. The claw marks weren't on the neck it was her back. Kranzer is the culprit i already know, but... the substance/his salivia or the stuff that is in her blood is keeping her alive. If you have a problem with to Rov. Im trying not to meta.


OOC: Sorry, I meant back there. I got rid of something saying back as it made no sense then quickly rewrote it, oops. Anyway, I am not flaming. I am questioning how she survived having no eye. Still, by tendril marks do you mean the things plants use?
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


(OOC) I just described how she didnt die. thanks to kranzer. I meant tendrlls as the tentacles on a bloodsucker`s mouth.


Subject: Voodoo Mumbo Jumbo
Author: Khorn Kvik

Good to hear the Zone's friendliest faction is still getting plagued with buullshit hijinks from random stalkers and zone anomalies.
I just don't understand what you guys get into to bring this kinda party to your own door step. Out of all the places I visited, I think Freedom's base can be officially labeled as the most dangerous place to go.

You guys are a riot. A barrel o' fun. Entertaining to the end.


Author: Milan Miloslav                                                                                  Title: Sector 42                                                                                                Message: I made my treck over to the sector 42 freedom base. staying for two days.. and a couple hours. Have some buisiness i had to settle with a trader named Nick, Getting along well with the stalkers,traders, and other freedomers. The image of that mutilated girl remains in my head... She was gone.. or had disapeared this morning... (OOC) I have two days and atleast 13 hours left before i return. yay i cant wait.


Author: Milan Miloslav                                                                        Title: One day left.                                                                                      Message: I have heard about arkadi.. is he doing fine? Im worried about that even more now. anyways.. im returning in a day and a half...I miss everyone at the moment. Hope to return sooner. My friend should be back in the zone just for an unfinished trade.


Author: Milan Miloslav                                                                                Title: Fucked up stalkers.                                                                        Message: It turns out... the trader was impersonating nick... This "trader" tryed to sell a female stalker to me... I dont want to tell the whole story, but the female stalker is free of this man. Since i haven`t seen much activity besides monolith and mutants in sector 42... Im bringing this female to our sector. wish me luck tomorow. (ooc) a total of.....21 hours or so. seya tomorow afternoon stalkers.


Subject: Leshiy 'Lo'Gosh' Vaelyom
Author: Alek Basara
Message: Leshiy is gone... I cant put it here right now, find me or Yuri later.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Subject: Leshiy
Author: Pavel Kaminski

Message: Some asshole on the radio said, "Spray is now Learner Spray."  Fuckin Monolith got him.


Subject : Leshiy and other happenings

Author : Serhiy Mykhailo

Message : It's confirmed Leshiy got inducted into monolith and Basara dissapeard after heading to Military base, Ren told me he left his PDA at the safebox..and Yuri would have the key to open it....Honestly the situation is getting very bad...




Message: Землі скоро наша ще раз...

(OOC) Omg D: I'm going to miss rping with you guys in the base <3 I luv you all no homo. >:I You all better message me on SF!... D:< ILUGUIESDONTHATEMETOOMUCH

Side note if you're interested (translated):
(It's originally in Ukrainian so you could prolly read it in the first place ..ICly :3)


Message:This land shall soon be ours once again!...