Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject: Uhhh...

Leshiy "Spray" Vaelyom

Uhhh guys... I got Yuri layin' here in the med bay... Someone by the name Adam in a Beril come to entrance of the base and then me and Misha proceeded to help us lift him onto a bed. He has a strange tranquilizer thing in his leg... Somethin' about a bloodsucker tranquilizer or some shit.. Anyways, he's out cold and he's not respondin' to shit. The new recruit (newer than me) Misha checked his vitals and said he was all good.. I'm just gona wait for for a few hours to see if Yuri comes-to anytime soon.. 'gona be a long night. Other shit happened, but I suppose Yuri will tell you the rest. All I really know is that I still feel kinda weird after going down those tunnels, my head feels sorta light still.. Bah... Anyways, I might add onto this is no one else goes on about what happened in those tunnels. It's not really my place to do that at the moment. Hah... But it is kinda funny seein' Yuri all knocked out and shit;don't see that every day, kinda sucks though. Anyways I'ma see if our loveable orange vending machine comes-to. I'll let you know of anything if I don't pass out haha.

P.S: Yuri, if you're awake and reading this, that Adam guy told me to tell you "he's sorry how things turned out the way they did, and that he'll be ready whenever you're ready to call on your favors".. or somethin' like that.. dono what he meant but I hope you get more outa that than I did

P.S.S: I guess you'll also read about that stuff about callin' you a vending machine too.. Bah oh welll.

Leshiy out.


Subject:Uhh... Ghosts?

Author:Leshiy "Spray" Vaelyom

Message: Uhhh... A lot of weird shit's going on today, apparently Kristine got possessed or something and someone killed a stalker inside of our base.. well I guess there's a first time for everything.. Will update later, on guard.

Leshiy out.


Subject: Back when I'm back

Author: 'Bro'

Message: Have to move quickly, this guy only has a matter of days to live without medical attention. I'm moving now and will be back when I'm back, sorry.
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: When do you actually need Cullinary?
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: Vat... are you trying to say cooking skill?
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: Yeah.
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: It's for the women, of course. Which is why we don't see that skill much.


Subject: Shot

Author: Leshiy "Spray" Vaelyom

Message: Ugh this fucking sucks.. I've been shot AGAIN.. I think this is the worst time by FAR... fuckin' hell, my whole body hurts, like I've been hit by a train or some shit and I keep on coughing up blood... Not much, but still. Mikhal said I should be fine.. I'm going to see if I can walk.

Leshiy out.


Subject: Patrol

Author: Sabre

Message: Took Wolf and Leshiy with me for a patrol. Anomaly fields all over the place. On our way back, we stopped at the tunnel to decide upon passing through to have a quick look in the other sector. Silenced that idea right-quick, Monolith moved out just as we got ready to go. Exchanged fire and both sides fell back. On an earlier note, I went to keep an eye on the Military routes from a distance, activity is low at this time.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Author: Dweller

Message: I've been on recon for a little under a month. Without Yuri's full knowledge. I got involved in a gun fight and was injured for a while, Until i found a stalker bar.
They Re-armed me, Pulled that shit out of my mouth and bandaged me up.
I told them of my problem with my radiation and they have given me a vacination of somekind, Apparently it will slow down the radiation and i will have full control.
I feel refreshed people, and i'm ready to take the fight to the enemy.
Yuri, Forgive me, My friend.
I am here again, To offer my full commitment and friendship again.
P.S Anyone who doesn't know what i look like....I wear a SEVA and i could do with a Weapon at the minute...Nudge Nudge Yuri. I have alot of scars on my face and i know quite alot about the zone. Hope to see you newbies around, haha.
KIA, Body not found. PDA Discovered.
Kergert - Initiate Kergert Active.
Location unknown.
The Jester
Active/Alive - Location zone sector
Urban Mercnary Suit|Groza|Vogs attached


Subject: Monolith

Author: Leshiy "Spray' Vaelyom

Message: What a fuckin' week; I can't seem to get enough of those Monolith boys these days. First I get shot up yesterday..or the day before that..I can't remember.. I was too busy puking blood all over the place and then the good doctor patched me right up. I still feel like shit.. but atleast I'm not on the brink of dieing now.  ANYWAYS...... Onto something new, we were attacked twice.. not once, but TWICE by monolith today, a HORDE of them too. I got one square in the head with my sniper and I'm pretty sure I got one other before Mikhal, Kristine and I scared about 6 + of 'em off! Ha! Not as tough as they look when they're out of their fuckin' rat tunnels! ..Anyways other than that it was a perfectly normal day with nothing really interesting going on! I also forgot to mention I might've saved two stalker's lives by blasting a bloodsucker in the head! I didn't even think I could hit it but I proved myself wrong, haha!

Also! Welcome back Dweller, I don't really know you right now but from what I read it's good to have a seasoned Freedomer back in the loop so to say and it's good to hear that you're also doing better! Hope to see you around the base sometime and we can kick it and shit.

Leshiy out.


Subject: Duty skirmish
Author: Pavel Kaminski

Message: Had a little encounter with Duty today.  At least six of them came through the tunnel, and we opened up on each other.  Along with some stalkers, we pushed them back and they retreated.  Dweller got two confirmed kills, along with another unconfirmed.  Stalkers got most of the loot, but Serhiy managed to scrounge some 7.62 ammo and medical supplies.


Subject: Duty skirmish -Related-
Author: Dweller

It all started when i sent a Stalker, That was working with Duty, To see what Duty was doing.
It also turned out that he was a bandit, We got the information that we needed and i let the stalkers deal with him. Soon enough we went down by the tunnels and saw six - eight Dutiers at the end of the tunnel, Aiming towards us.
We ran to the tree line and set up while Serhiy gave us sniper support. I warned them off before anyone opened fire, But they still advanced, Guns aimed.
We opened fire, Withing the first few seconds one of them went down and they fell back.
I got Two confirmed Kills and one possible Critical...Stalkers ran in an got most of the loot before we could, But in my eyes it doesn't matter. We remained Victorious and they never came back out of their pathetic hole again.
Also, The bandit that i let the salkers kill, Said something about Duty rigging their elevator, So be careful if you are thinking of using it, Could be a trap.
KIA, Body not found. PDA Discovered.
Kergert - Initiate Kergert Active.
Location unknown.
The Jester
Active/Alive - Location zone sector
Urban Mercnary Suit|Groza|Vogs attached


Subject: Changes
Author: Yuri Babikov

Right, well Yehevniy is either dead or really good at playing it. Either way, he's out. As such, we're quite short on leaders at the time being, and I can't do everything by myself forever. Going to be some changes happening, don't muck up and you wont regret it.

OOC: Pretty much means some roster sorting based on performance and activity.


Subject: Explosion
Author: Pavel Kaminski

Message: I was sitting outside, and all of a sudden there was a huge explosion inside.  I went in, the wall behind the bar was caved in with three stalkers lying dead under the rubble.  The staircase was gone too.  I talked to some of the Derelict  boys, and apparently one of them saw a bag under the staircase just before the explosion.  Another mentioned some military documents strewn about, but I didn't see a bit of it.  Someone doesn't like us..


Subject : Another Explosion
Author : Serhiy Mykhailo

Message: Okay, Me and pavel were making a makeshift ramp to the armory, when some Stalker is trenchcoats walked in, Claiming they had information about the first explosion...Well before we could even talk another bomb exploded killing them, me and Arkadi survived with some minor wounds. We've put the base in a lockdown and searched it throughly.

No other bombs have been spotted, we still have no idea of who set these up...Probally the same person blew up the stalkers by putting some bombs in their bags...I'm not sure. We need to investigate this furthermore.


// OOC I have not been on steam to contact you Yorty, Im having alot of family issues, and haven't been able to access my gaming PC. I will not be able to for another 2 months, possibly. I do not want to be kicked out of Freedom, but I can't say I will be able to participate in RP much until im able to get back. Yorty, if you want to talk to me try and email me.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


Subject: Bombings

Author: Leshiy "Spray" Vaelyom

Message: Has anyone gotten more information on the bombing? Also; to Pavel: I believe that the documents that you're talking about don't have any significance to what happened. I think that was just something that a trader wanted for a mission.. Some papers that he kept on losing or something like that. Anyways I think we're going to have to look around more to find the asshole who fucked up our base, seriously not cool.

Leshiy out.


Subject: Some Things That Must Be Done

Author: Bro

Message: If we're suffering such attacks, maybe it's time to set up a temporary lock-down. I know none of you would want it, but somethings just have to be done to save lives here. If things continue as they are, the building will be completely demolished by the end of this month and we will all be gone.
One thing we can do in the mean time is cancel out Monolith for this. They always taunt us in some way once they've attacked something, they're attacks are to attempt to scare us to leave. So, if nothing has been heard from them, it's not them.

Back to the lock down, it may be needed to give us time to simply create make-shift access routes to the three levels of the base. Giving us the time to rebuild the walls to some extent, with the lack of materials we actually possess.

[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: When do you actually need Cullinary?
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: Vat... are you trying to say cooking skill?
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: Yeah.
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: It's for the women, of course. Which is why we don't see that skill much.


// That shit where Sabre and Goose went on a rampage either has to be redone or its voided. . . so is any other time Iron has been "Re-activated" due to saying "Brother Sabre"

                                        Code Words
since "These are not the Droids you are looking for" -Obi Wan Kenobie

Meaning if he does have a U.C.K.I its a different word, and he'd have the "U.C.K.I" tatoo on the side of his neck, which he doesn't so that means he has no code word. . . HURRAY! SHIT STORM AVOIDED! :D
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Bathroom

Author: Mikhal

Message: Someone clean that bathroom, before I clean your clocks. Show some initiative, and bravery, and get in there like you've got a pair.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Subject: Re:Bathroom

Author: Serhiy

Message: Hahaha, That stalker throwed shit everywhere and there is urine everywhere...good luck to who is doing it...maybe good luck to me.


Subject: Radiation/Anomaly maps, Mercenaries

Author: Mikhal

Message: I had a Stalker get me a full mapping of the radiation and anomaly fields in our sector as well as part of the Duty sector. The maps checked out.

Also, the mercenary named 'Stone' approached me asking if he and his men could find refuge within our walls as they are in need of a home in safety and away from the Military and its prying eyes. I authorized temporary use of the unused apartment building for them at this time. Yuri, I need you to discuss further with 'Stone' yourself, so you may give your grace or denial in your own words.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Subject: New Sector

Author: Leshiy

Message: Ahhh... I see that we've moved to a new sector; and RIGHT when I was getting used to the one that we were in! .. Anyways, I think that this base has much more oppourtunities than the other base, definatley.  Also! ALSO! It is much brighter! The only thing that I see is bad about our base right /NOW/ is that there are totally fuckin' creepin' buildings all up in our base. Oh, that and there are anomalies friggin' everywhere..And radiation! BUT other than that! It's a pretty grand base! I really need to go out and explore though so I'm going to be goin' on regular patrols with the permission of Mikhal or Yuri. Once we get more supplies into this base, I have a lot of ideas we can do for the defense of our great 'lil camp-town-base.

Leshiy out.


Subject : Arena

Author : Serhiy

Message : After i got in the new sector we(Leshiy,I and Mikhal), after fighting alittle in the ring, decided to make an arena it was kind of succesfull we just need a trader and someone that supply us with Tranq's or we going to use rubber bullets. We shutted it down for some time since Church went away to do some bussiness and he had all the tranqs.


Subject: No Subject

Author: Leshiy

Message: Okay uhhh.. So a lot of shit's been going on.. To all of those whom DON'T know yet, Mikhal has been shot and his sternum was shattered by a sniper rifle round, he's been bed-ridden for many days now and seems to be in great pain whenever he tries to move... Also on another note, our eco 'friends' came in and threatened us under bombings of our base and the killing of myself to take Mikhal in for 'Testing' they said they were going to fix him but they could have at least asked. I swear to god if they mess with him in any way that doctor's going to get a bullet in his head..

On another note! There have been plenty of shit-talking stalkers around lately, one found himself dead the other day, I won't go into details but there's not really a need for those kind of individuals in the Zone in the first place.

ANOTHER note is that the sniper has struck again..or at least SOME sort of sniper... Some random stalker in brown trench coat the other day was shot in the gut and I treated him; He should be fine but we really need to get to the source of this asshole who's shooting at us, I'm tempted to dig a hole and wait for the asshole to come by.

Not much else has really happened but we should really go check up on Mikhal, I don't like that attitude that scientist and his asshole bodyguard gave me and how they TOOK one of our own... Just thinking about that pisses me right the hell off.

Leshiy out.


Subject: RE:No Subject

Author: Yuri Babikov

Message: Vangraff (or so I assume) took him? That cocky son of a bitch has some explaining to do or he's going to get it. Threatening us with the military is one thing but taking one of our own guys is another. We've got some work to do tomorrow, be there.

As for the sniper, I'm on the case. I wont go into any details, but keep an eye on the damn ridge when on guard duty.


// going be inactive due to my trip to europe be back in two weeks


Subject: what the christ
Author: Yehevniy Petrom
Message: what the fuck ok so I went to have a drink, and now I am in America

i do not know where the exo is, it may have been confiscated when I went on the plane, I am not sure

fuck, everyone's looking at me weird

wait no i am still wearing the exo

send a helicopter or something jesus