Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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emperor bobby

Subject: Duty Orders?
Author:Boris Leninkov
Message: This Includes Infants and Pets.


Subject: Specialisations
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Need everyone to post their specialisation, so I can add it to the dossiers.

// So I can put it next to yo names in the roster, so we know what we are dealing with, Kay?

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Quote from: Mrtasker on 09-02-2011
// So I can put it next to yo names in the roster, so we know what we are dealing with, Kay?
// And they could be touched up quite a bit.
Also, I won't be around for who knows how long.


Subject: Specialisations
Author: Serhiy Mykhailo
Message: I am a sniper..


Subject: Captured

Author: Sergei Petrov

Message: Darya Amka just got captured by Duty on a 'recon' mission alone, she is wounded, apparantly Nikolai authorised her scouting mission.

"It's so much easier to see the world in black and white.... Gray? I don't know what to do with gray...."


Subject: Captured
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I'm on it.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Captured
Author: Nikolai Leninkov
Message: Nikolai, what the hell are you doing "authorising" "recon" missions? You're not even an officer, not even a FIGHTER. If she dies, her blood is on your hands.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Subject: Specializations
Author: Nikolai 'Frost' Slovak
Message: I believe I am Assault.


Subject: Captured
Author: Budny, Mykola
Message: Apparenly the new guy, I think, Mak was shot while in Duty territory. Stupid bastard! Told it was at the same time, round about too. God knows how long Rookies will survive if they don't follow orders!
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Subject: Specializations
Author: Johan 'Swede' Ek
Message: My specialization is being a medic.


Subject: Captured

Author: Sergei Petrov

Message: Er... Nikolai I meant the leader of Freedom Nikolai, you. So I'm guessing she was lieing if you did not know about this?

Edit: Also the situation has been resolved, Seth bargained for her release successfully.

Subject: Specializations

Author: Sergei Petrov

Message: On that subject, I am a sniper.

"It's so much easier to see the world in black and white.... Gray? I don't know what to do with gray...."


Subject: Captured

Author: Maksym Sirko

Message: Sirs, I hope you can forgive my stupidity regarding the hostage situation yesterday. I was guided by my emotions rather than my head and I assure you it will not happen again. I have learned my lesson. In my defence, however, all did not go awry as I killed at least one member of DUTY and wounded another.

Subject: Specialization

Author: Maksym Sirko

Message: I am specialized as a Scout.


Subject: Specializations

Author: Darya Amka

Message: I am a scout AND a medic.


Subject: Scouts

Author: Nikolai Leninkov

Message: Scouts, I dont know if you know this or not, but just becuase you're a scout DOES NOT MEAN you go running off on your own into the Duty sector to do "reconaissance". Thats retarded, and needs to stop. If you want to do out scouting or whatever, ask an officer first. They'll go with you, or at least give you instructions on what your task is.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!

emperor bobby

Subject: Specialisation
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: Assault.
Also, Has anyone Seen a Mentally Handicapped Mercenary Running around in a  Woman's Merc Suit? or am i going crazy? Please tell me soon.


Subject: A-Team Tryouts
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: On the weekend I will be holding intensive assessment of the A-Team prospectives in your given fields of expertise. This being said, A lot of skill and commitment will be required to pass my scrutiny.

Boris, Sergei Petrov and Serhiy Mykhailo. Make sure you're around on the Weekend.

I'm also looking for any more applicants, so if you think you have what it takes say so now.


// I'm only going to accept the best roleplayers, I couldn't care less about STK skill as any mug can do that. As i'm going to be creating some A-Team events along the line and i'm only going to want the best roleplayers to be a part of them. Think of this an an incentive to boost your effort in the roleplaying arena.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: RE: A-Team Tryouts
Author: Mykola "Wolf" Budny
Message: Seth, I'll happily try out for the A-Team. The only downside is that I will most likely be trying out as an assault due my ability to only be allowed to try the Sniper specialization when I get to the rank of Fighter. If I reach that rank beforehand, I tryout as a sniper, otherwise I'll be trying as an assault.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Subject: Specialization and A-Team

Author: Kiel Tokerov

Message: First off I finally figured out how to work this Network-thing Ive always hated PDA's. Also, I would like to be an assault or scout here in Freedom and figure I'll humor Seth and attend his tryouts if permitted.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Subject: A-Team tryouts

Author: Maksym Sirko

Message: Seth, while I realize I might not be the best candidate in your eyes at the moment, I'm eager to prove myself and would love an opportunity to try out for the A-team, if you'll let me.


Subject: Strange meeting regarding "Child of the Zone..." URGENT

Author: Maksym Sirko

Message: Approx. 21h00: Started taking incoming from unidentified targets; small arms and explosives. One casualty - Serhiy (in stable condition, but will need further medical attention ASAP). Approx. 21h30: Met with the source of the incoming, a man named Hugo, aka Maitre. Hugo threatened to blow Freedom base sky high, said he had it rigged with C4. He said he would disarm the explosives, but it may be a good idea to get a specialist to check around the base, just incase he was lying. Hugo asked for a message regarding the "Child of the Zone" to be passed on to Seth. Offered to aid Freedom in the fight against DUTY. Mentioned Military and Ecologist involvement with the "Child of the Zone," as well as a personal vendetta against Seth and Erin.

I don't know much about this, Seth. I have some more details but I feel I should share them with you privately.


Subject: ^
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Ah for fuck sake... I thought this crap stopped.

Talk to me as soon as you can Maksym.

After the shit he put Erin though.. i'm going to end that clown this time around.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


// I thought Hugo got blowed up, then Monolithed later
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


// Who said its really Hugo, also we went over it sf :).

emperor bobby

Subject: Hugo
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: I thought Hugo was Dead and buried, Jesus, i havent heard that name in ages. Let's Finish the job Right and Proper this time.


Subject: Hugo
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Right you are Boris, right you are.

The one who takes him down gets an automatic place on the A-team.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer