Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Subject: Incoming Wardog, Yay
Author: Raikov Dostoevsky
Message: Yo. I got yelled at by HQ to actually announce my arrival, which I feel diminishes the dramatic hilarity of running up in rookie clothes and demanding a SEVA, but whatever. My name's in the author slot, as you can plainly see, and i'll also be taking up the mantle of Spec Ops leader. Gotta tell you, I don't know what to think about this assignment, since according to my briefing the last one got ripped in half by a teleporter. What the fuck do you guys get up to down here? Anyway, i'll be around later in the day, making my approach in a while. See ya there.

//bitch don't be triflin homie

// idk what ur talkin about

// I will set T-Pain on you bro watch it


Subject: Re;Incoming War Dog, Yay
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: I give you two day's, before you are killed by some unexplainable shit, And i am given another reason to kill someone.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: RE: Incoming War Dog, Yay
Author: Raikov Dostoevsky
Message: Two days my ass. Bet you I last a week.


Subject: Re;Incoming War Dog, Yay
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message:Dib's on his wallet, and rifle. And if you last more then a week, I'll buy you a vodka, Maybe.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Incoming War Dog, Yay.
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I'll have his boots.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Re: Incoming War Dog, Yay
Author: Joel Riebel
Message: Oh? They sent anouther one. Cool, Ill have his Gas Mask and side arm.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

emperor bobby

Subject: Re: Incoming War Dog, Yay
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: Haha! I like the sounds of this guy, It'l Be Nice Having a Squad Leader Again.


Subject: The room.
Author: 'Ray'
Message: I've taken the 'room' to the right of seths. I will be leaving my stuff there. I just wanted to inform you.

// I AM RG4 NAO! :D


// removed OOC posts
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: VGhlIHRpbWUgSSBtaXNzZWQ
Author: VGVuZWwgQXNpcmU
Message: TG9vayBhdCBhbGwgdGhlc2UgeW91bmcgcGVvcGxlLiBTbyB5b3VuZy4gU28gRnJlc2guIEkgd29uZGVyIGhvdyBtYW55IG9mIHRoZW0gaGF2ZSBzZXduIGEgbWFuIGJhY2sgdG9nZXRoZXIgaW4gdGhlIGhlYXQgb2YgY29tYmF0LiBUaGUgZmlyZSB0aGF0IGJ1cm5zIGZyb20gdGhlIGJsb29kIG9uIHlvdXIgaGFuZHMuDQo


Subject: Re:VGhlIHRpbWUgSSBtaXNzZWQ
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: What..... My brain hurts.... To much code, Where the hell is a techy when you need one? Oh wait they are all dead.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Re:VGhlIHRpbWUgSSBtaXNzZWQ
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I think he said, "I'm a massive gaylord, please violently attack me whenever you see me."

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Author: Joel Riebel
Subject: Cracked the code
Message: Hey all you fucknuts I have tech experince and I decoded it, It says.

"Author: Tenel Asire
Subject: The time I missed
Message: Look at all these young people. So young. So Fresh. I wonder how many of them have sewn a man back together in the heat of combat. The fire that burns from the blood on your hands."

Don't know if thats a metaphore or something, BUT Tenel Asire is a legend, I heard about this dude up at the Military warehouse soooo. . . Needless to say he is made of fucking awesome, Don't make fun of him eh?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Author: 'Ray'
Subject: Re:cracked the code
Message: Please.. Show me.. Your number... Scrambling.. Skills...


Subject;Re;cracked the code
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: I thought you died, anyway Tenel Asier a long time ago I was in freedom under his command I think I am the last survivor unless Seth was around then however I do not remeber him being around then.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Wofl Company
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Our generator was blown up today by two Wolf company mercs, me and Joel tracked them down and killed them. Wofl company Mercs will now be considerd hostile, so don't save your bullets just for Duty and the grunts.

I suspect those mercs were hired to do the job by that slaver, Hawk. So keep your ears to the ground for any information concerning this.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Quote from: Goose on 23-10-2010
Subject:Re:Wolf Company
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: They will be dealt with, and so will hawk, Just give me a few days.

// Removed OOC posts and i merely reacted to a post, I don't know weather or not this information is true ICLY but coming from the -leader- of freedom i would believe so, Take it to SF keep it out of here, if you have a problem talk to me don't need people spamming an IC thread,   Now please people, Stop posting oocly in here.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Wolf Company
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Turns out, Duty dun' it. Duty in their everpreasent state of cowardice hired these mercs against us, we killed four of these Mercs and suddenly they want to call a truce, which I accepted in return for them to turn on Duty.

I still do not trust these clowns, even less so now that they've turned on their own employers if you see them watch them like a hawk. They are no longer hostile.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Wolves
Author: Ray
Message: Those mercenary's are not that bad, I had fun with their leader. We was makin' bets inside freedom  bar , to see who could break a bottle with a throwing knife, We also played a drinking game.


Subject: RE: Wolves
Author: Nikolai
Message: Yeah. That retard blew off most of his squad's funds in just a few minutes. I think this is the first time I've seen mercs paying, not the employer.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Subject: RE:RE:Wolves
Author: Ray
Message: Whoa! Whoa whoa! Why so hostile? They only blew up our generator, Plus we have made peace.


Subject: Wolves
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Not so sure about that, they popped round today with a new "leader" claiming my deal with them was off. We might have to kick them in the teeth again, im'a think it over.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Wolves
Author: Nikolai
Message: I honestly wouldn't even attempt a peace treaty or truce of any kind with them. They're mercs. If someone pays them to do something, they do it, regardless of weather or not it requires them to shoot up thier "allies". I suggest taking some sort of action against them before another one of our generators has an accident, or our eniter base for that matter.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Subject: Wolves
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I was all for grinding them to dust, but to get the chance to send Duty's own mercs againsts them i'd not pass up. Not just because it would be pretty funny, more that it would send Duty a message to not hide behind mercs by showing how untrustworthy they can be.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Wolves
Author: Nikolai
Message: True. We could use thier untrustworthey-ness against them. The only problem might be finding a suitable target. I mean, Duty doesn't exactly have generators out in the middle of no-where like us, now do they?
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!