Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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// Incase any of you are wondering, RG4 has been removed from Freedom and his character is dead as a pancake. Frankly had enough of your shit Rg4, you make us look bad and you don't even try and improve yourself.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Fighting
Author: Dan
Message: This is experience speaking here, and a little common sense.  What happens if three of you end up in a brawl, and fuck yourselves up so bad that you can't fight? I'm sure the military would find it amusing when they come to raid, seeing only a couple of Freedomers capable of shooting a gun, and the others nursing broken faces.
The fact of the matter is, we all need to let our egos rest. The next time you guys get into a dick measuring contest, I'm sure that tear gas will make you think twice.
Lysergically yours.


Subject: I'm back!
Author: Kasumi Yamada
Message: Well, I finally returned. Russian Military became some kind of boring. And all day they said: "Prepare for a war, the americans will sure start it!" Anyways, I got some scarrs and some combat training... Yeah... Should help.

Oh and, if you guys keep on fighting yourself I will put my gun so deep up your ass that it comes out of your mouth, understood? Hehe.


Subject: Gone
Author: Thomas Wainscott
Message: Me, Brandon, Nikki, Sarah, Left the zone, Its been fun for a bit I guess. See you guys, But in case I don't Good Morning, Good afternoon, Good Evening, and Good Night. Good bye for a bit My trusted friends.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Gone
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Good luck in whatever you get up to Tom. You've been an amazing Freedomer, and a better friend. I'll miss you.

And Nikki. I'll always be fond of you for making me that awesome wristblade i've almost killed myself with, on many occasions. Cheers, and I wish you and Tom all the happiness in the world.

Brandon. Its been awesome and hilarious seeing you again bro.

Sarah, whoever you are. Good luck.

Stay Free. Guys.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject:The Ghost...
Author: Akayla Akoi
Message: And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness apprehended it not. The Darkness has humilated one of the sheep of Seth....She began to kick, I began to scavenge,I left the used at the flocks field, she is useless now. I begin my new life. She is like a old rag....She showed me what Seth abuses each day..I am one who cant be touch, but I can touch you.... Weak you all are...I am a god amongst you peasents... I can never die...I am Hugo"Maitre"Vamio you ugly cunts. I am master...... You people dont get the whole picture do you...
My child is born and and shall haunt you Seth...Now I must say one last thing. I AM RICH MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!

You know good ol Hugo hasent change you sorry faggets. Seth you should of killed me when you had the chance.

emperor bobby

Subject: The Ghost...
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: Akayla, What the hell are you talkng abo- oh. Uh...What is that faggot doing with Akayla's PDA?


Subject: The Ghost
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Suppose I should have killed you, but then I would miss this message and you making an absolute melodramatic ass off your self. Well done, chap.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: RE: The Ghost
Author: Schelkarov
Message: Sorry there Hugo, but I walked up to a fucking bloodsucker pack meeting yesterday and had a nice cordial chat with them. Some little shit with a god complex isn't going to scare me, or any of us for that matter. I swear to god though, if Akayla got captured AGAIN, she is fucking GROUNDED. Getting goddamn ridiculous.


Subject: RE: The Ghost
Author: Khorn
Message: I've been suggesting that for awhile. She is too impulsive and rash. Every moment she puts herself in danger, is another moment we all get put into danger.

After today's picnic down by the swamp, I'm a little bit beat from helping people.

Speaking of moving, I'm tired. And... a bit dizzy. Too... much...blood loss, for this week...


Subject: Emergency
Author: Erin Riebel
Message: I just got a Call for a family Emergency. ..  I really got to go, So i will be back soon. Bia'

// Well, Im taking a Road trip. . . So Be back Either Sunday Monday Tuesday.
Freedom all day BITCHES!


Subject: Re: Emergemcy
Author: Joel Riebel
Message: Be sure to tell me how everyone is big sis, Tell the family Im sorry n' such. . .

-Joel Riebel
~Stay free.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: RE: Emergency
Author: Schelkarov
Message: I expect a plushie when you get back.


Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Well... When i came up to the Sector, I forgot my cache of high explosives, Including my RPG and a couple blocks of C4, So... I'm taking a trip back down to the other sector i will be gone a few days, about three or four, But when i am back we will have lots of fireworks.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"

emperor bobby

Subject: Supplies
Author: Boris 'The Comrade' Leninkov
Message: I love the sound of the KABOOM! Mwuahaahaha!
also, I'm kind of pissed off with this "Suit Regulation" bullshit, I miss my old suit, The one schelk Gave me, I don't like this one, maybe it's because Leo had one...


Subject: What a day
Author: Hashish
  Let's see... I smoked 3 blunts, taught Erin how to roll one, caught the base on fire, killed a bloodsucker, got a bong from an Ecologist, shot some robots up with Seth, got high again, Akayla put a gun to my head and threatened to kill me, and got my stash of pot after losing most of it in the fire. Busy day.


Subject: Holy shit?
Authour: Joel Riebel
Message: You smoke Pot?! ITS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Uh...
Author: Hashish
  So apparently I ate a grenade last night...


Subject: Uh...
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Balls to that mate, I ate a cactus once.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Uh...
Author: Schelkarov
Message: That was, by far, the most epic thing i've ever seen. Seriously, this kid is Leo, except he's actually fucking epic. Leo: Smoked controller dick, lit an entire apartment complex on fire just because he had a hissy fit about his room. Hashish: ATE A FUCKING GRENADE.


Subject: Heh.
  He smoked a controller dick..........?


Subject: Hi
Author: Zel
Message: HI, I am the new guy, Whats up?
I'm Gay!

emperor bobby

Subject: Partying
Author: Boris leninkov
Message: Hello everyone! I finally get Signal from here! Sorry i have not been around the base recently, i did'nt desert incase you were wondering, so dont shoot me. I've been on a little break from the everyday life of the base, went up to the garbage with some old friends, Niko, dmitri, Ivan, All my old pals, weve been drinking and Shooting mutants for the last 3 days, Ivan even found an old boat that still floated, we shoved it into the water and niko and dmitri pretended they were "sea Bandits" i try and tell them that sea bandits are pirates, and they throw beer bottle at me. I plan on staying up here for about...2 more days, maybe i get connection maybe i don't, I do not know, Anyway, Best of luck to your comrades, And Introduce me to the new guy when i get back someone eh? Also, I'm looking forward to Finishing up my Seedy Celebration in the garbage, And starting my "scout" celebration with you all! I'm sure you all can't wait for the 'Comrade'...


// Let this be known, Welek today minged duty base with rope writing shit and painting their base he was removed from freedom, if -ANYONE- Dose that shit you -WILL- Be in trouble, You -ARE NOT- Helping the current situation so shut the fuck up.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


*The Body of a Generic Freedomer with a wound to the side, the knees, and the crotch, with a head shot wound is found in the bar*
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22