Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject: Freedom
Author: Michael Roskalove
Message: Freedom is not all your personal armies for fucks sake, stop joining Freedom for personal bodyguards.

emperor bobby

Subject: Ignorance is Bliss.
Author: Boris "The Comrade" Leninkov
Message: I  read this shit to do with names i've never heard, inferno, being one of them, and i am -REALLY- Glad im just a mindless footsoldier. oh, by the way seth, if you see hugo, tell him to get the fuck out of freedom, please. He's been saying rather.... Lewd thing's about my Daughter, and I won't tolerate it any longer. of course, go ahead and ignore this, you are the leader of freedom here, So i guess ill punch him once and he will turn me into liquid goop, oh well.


Subject: Re: Ignorance is bliss
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Hugo's usefulness has run dry, You may waste the bastard if you wish.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Ignorance is bliss
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I'd really appreciate it if you left the bastard to me. After all hes done to Erin.. the things hes put us through. Owe that cunt some Sethy payback."

Seth Gecko - Freedomer

emperor bobby

Subject: Ignorance is bliss
Author: Boris
Message: Want to borrow natascha? it has been a wile since she saw use.


Subject: Ignorance is bliss
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Ya' know its really weird you name your guns. If you're going to name em' call them something manly.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer

emperor bobby

Subject: Ignorance is bliss
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: Uhm, no. that would be weird, natascha is my rusty blood stained Trenchknife. it's very good for stabbing. I'm not crazy.


Subject: Re: Ignorance is bliss
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message:So here is the new job, Bring hugo in alive, unconcious and quiety, kill anyone with/around him remove his pda all firearms, and check to make sure he has -Nothing- Aside from his clothes with him, if you feel like it remove those from him aswell.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"

emperor bobby

Subject: Re: Ignorance is bliss
Author:Boris Leninkov
Message: You are a genius, Goose.


Subject: Re: Ignorance is bliss
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: First person to break Boris's Arm's get's free vodka for a year.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Re: Ignorance is bliss
Author:Leonyd Mikhail
Message:How about we shut the fuck up and stop fighting on the damn network cause it pointless.



I'm still taking ideas on anything to do with Freedom, mainly the Squads and whatnot. So please if you have something to contribute pass it onto me via steam friends. Giving good ideas shows commitment to Freedom, and thats a good way to climb the ranks. Just sayin'.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Re: Ignorance is bliss
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: How about i snap your neck leo, and while you are dieing i crush your skull.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: RE: Ignorance
Author: Schelkarov
Message: I have no idea what kind of twisted logic you have Leo, but you're not being the mature one here, you just scream at everyone to stop fighting. Shut the fuck up, for the love of god.


Subject: Make love, not flame.
Author: Tommy
Message: Seriously, The similarities between the network and a special Olympics is just striking and sort of sad, Please stop being keyboard- Well Keypad warriors in you's guy's case, enough of the name calling, and all that stupid shit. Also, On another note. . . Nikki is like. . . My Fiance or future Fiance, So Nudy picture = your penis will "Magically fall/fly away" or you will end up like Boris with a FUBAR face so. . . Please tone down on the "I want to see Tommy and Nikki doing it!" or "I want to see Tommy and or Nikki Naked" or how about the classic "I want to video tape/take pictures of this and sell it/masturbate to it."
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: You Pussies
Author: Brandon
Message: Wow, I was talking to someone Today and found out that after i left, you all turned into Pussies. What the hell happened when i left? Did you guys miss me that much(Joking) But seriously. I heard its all Drama shit now With Goose and Andrick. I think i should go to the Zone and get everyone there High as hell and get it back to the old days. That would be a good thing. Goose Going after blaze even though supposibly blaze is trying to do some shit to help something. And Andrick. . . Trying to fuck some shit with this Bitch. Dude just stop. And thats it. I think im done, Ima go drink myself to death now. If i don't die ima be comming for you guys. Tehe
Freedom all day BITCHES!


Subject: You Pussies
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: First day back, and Brandon gets shot. By a Freedomer, by Boris. Welcome back Brandon.

I'll also use this time to make myself perfectly clear. Freedomer on Freedomer violence is no longer going to be tolerated. Jesus people, the moment we all start to fight each other is the moment we all get shot. For survival we must function as a group that cares for eachother, and watches eachothers back without hesitation. For example, If Boris was in trouble and only Brandon could help him out. He might hesitate to do so, because Boris shot him. Thats perfectly understandable, but that doesn't make it right. I try to pride our faction on our morality, our willingness to do the right thing even when the situation doesn't call for it. When we fight eachother, we look weak. And the weak don't survive in the zone. We are a family in Freedom, (most) families don't do this to eachother.

If any of you have a problem with anyone in Freedom. Bring the matter up with someone of Veteran status or higher, preferably me if you can catch me. And the situation will be solved without any gunplay, or broken teeth.

Cheers, ~Sethy~

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Re:you pussies
Author: Tommy
Message: Seconded, also. . . I barely know any of the rooks in freedom, I think we should al have either a  day were we party to get to know eachother, OR a day where we just start a fire and chat maybe strike up a few joints ya know? I remeber when I was a rook and thats what we primarily did and I knew everyone like family. . . Now I don't know any of you cept The older ones that where around when I was a Rook/Seedy.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: RE: You pussies
Author: Schelkarov
Message: I agree with Seth. I really shouldn't have to take time out of my brooding to throw Boris out of the bar and Brandon to some random corner. Also Boris, if you shot Brandon, you are officially fucked next time I see you. You will be -begging- for latrine duty. I'll get back to you when I think of something shitty enough.

emperor bobby

Subject: RE: You pussies
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: Yes sir.
also, He had it coming, If he tries to inject anything into my arm again, i WILL respond with violence, otherwise, I would Gladly take a bullet for him or any other freedom member. and would like to apoligise for shooting him in the leg, also, brandon, it's your own damn fault, next time, don't run away when the crazy old man yells "Stop or i'll shoot you!" just a heads up.


Subject: Rookies
Author: Khorn
Message: I'd like to give a heads up to you rookies, don't go and mess around with other factions again, or you will have to deal with me again. If you got orders to do something, go and do it. And next time you won't get off with wiping the bar down.

Also, Goose says he will shoot one of you, or at least Leo.


Subject: Re:Rookies
Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message:Not just leo, Anyone who has the idea to take three people on a raid the fuck around with duty is sure to be killed i don't care if you are rambo, Three people can not take on an entier base no matter how shitty they are, if you ever think of doing stupid shit like this again, i will shoot whoever had the idea and followed through with it, i don't care if Seth tells me not to, You went against orders, you -Will- Be visiting Erin or Akayla, Get over it.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Rookies
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I'd like an explanation, in detail. This is just unacceptable.

// You never attack any faction unless myself, or Goose gives the green light.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Rookies
Author: Brandon
Message:Drama Drama Drama. . .Why cant we all be Friends and Smoke a Load of shit! Sit at the Fire. . . Talk about how Gay goo- I mean. . . How cool Goose is. . . ANd just have fun, Dicks. Lets do iiit!
Freedom all day BITCHES!


Subject: Fighting
Author: Schelkarov
Message: I would just like to notify everyone that I have just bought a decent shipment of flashbangs and tear gas canisters. With Seth's leave, I may in fact throw either of these at any point when a fight between Freedomers or Freedomers against Stalkers that I judge to be fucking STUPID occurs. You all need to shape the fuck up, right now. I've had enough of this stupid shit. Tom's with me on this one, too, so it's not just me being a prick.