Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject: People.
Author: Andrick Nesterov
Message: See what I taught him people, first thing he has said that was true and most likely isn't going to have a big fuss started over it. I think he wants everyone to start fighting outside of the Network, you know, with their hands.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)

emperor bobby

Subject: An Interesting Turn of events.
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: This is the part where i would complain about being robbed, and how the bandits have fallen from a respectable faction, and how in my day we didnt set up ambushes to steal from the good hearted, i'd say all that, if it wasnt for My daughter i long since thought dead Decided to stop by for a visit!
this pda can't express how Happy i am That she is alive, and how confused i am that she seems to know everything about me... I want to introduce her to all of you next time i see you.

emperor bobby

Subject: An Interesting Turn of events.
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: This week is gettign better and better, My cousin nikolai and my brother Dmitri have also showed up, but dmitri has moved on to a different part of the zone now, but im not concerned.


Subject: An Interesting Turn of events.
Author: Khorn
Message: You're right Boris, it's just getting better and better now that you have a family following you...

//But really, best thing to happen is Melon TV. Best time waster I made for Freedom Bar.


Subject:New to the channel
Message:New to this whole channel thing, go easy on me....
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Subject:New to the channel
Author: Yohan Solicks
Message: Dont worry bro,They wont.. Also dont go behind base I had to take a shit and I couldnt make it too a proper bathroom or far bush.


Subject: Privacy
Author: Nikki

As you all know me and Tom are deeply in love. That means we do things with each other not for the entirety of Freedom's consumption. Please give us our privacy unless you want to wind up like that old asshole Boris.

For those who don't know, Boris is in the hospital with a destroyed face, possible brain damage, and bruised testicles. We tolerated the jokes when they were just jokes but we draw the line on people trying to take pictures and videos of me naked.


Subject: Privacy
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Lock your doors, and keep a vog handy. Thats what I do.

Further note. A chap called Hugo hangs around the base, watch this bastard like a hawk and report anything suspicious that he gets up to straight to me. Don't let him anywhere near the bunker, where the baby is.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Privacy
Author: Andrick Nesterov
Message: Uhm, holy shit.

Well, Boris, if you so happen to get the chance to read my message, give me privacy when I am training in my room, unless I grant you access. This goes for everyone, unless they are my rank or higher.

Also, I am coming back in a week or so, if anyone will be dishing out ass whoopings, it will be me. (Nikki, and Tom.)

Still, holy shit. I thought it was bad when people took pictures of me dancing on a stripping pole.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)

emperor bobby

Subject: Privacy
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: Yeah, yeah it's true, I was returning from a midnight stroll and walked into freedom's bunker, to see a rather untamed party in full swing, Ms.  Maslov, who i wish to apoligise to in person, rather then over the network. I am Terribly sorry that i breached the "Bro Code" as Leo put it, And Would like To say i hold no grudges against Thomas, or Nikki, however, i would Like to speak to both of you in person later on, Oh, and i Don't have brain DamagamAGAMage....


Subject: Privacy
Author: Andrick Nesterov
Message: I seriously suggest you don't go into detail unless you want this shit to happen again.

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SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Subject: Privacy
Author: Erin
Message:To tell you the Truth, I had the worst 3 Days of my life. And when i look here its you going into Detail about everything. We don't need to know its their buisness. So end it here. Thank you.
Freedom all day BITCHES!

emperor bobby

Subject: Privacy
Author: Boris Leninkov
Message: you know, I think your right, I'll just take out some details in that last message, i dont want to get my face beaten in again...


Subject: Privacy
Author: Leonyd
Message: Stop fighting over network it pointless,and makes you look stupid no offense to everyone.


Subject: Privacy
Author: Erin Riebel
Message: Noone is fighting. Now hush, And no Boris. Just leave it all out and just say you fucked up. End of Story and you don't get your face bashed in.
Freedom all day BITCHES!


Subject: Privacy
Author: Andrick Nesterov
Message: Now, I can understand if you think this is an argument, Leonyd, but, it is simply all of us telling Boris to shut the hell up. Now, go make me proud and do what everyone tells you to do, Leonyd.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Subject: Privacy
Author: Leonyd
Message: That's what I've been the past few days.


Subject: Privacy
Author: Erin Riebel
Message: Doing everything everyone said, Thats fucking right. Matt told you to shoot him and you actually did it dumbass!
Freedom all day BITCHES!


Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: I've been gone for a while, not like anyone noticed, who did leo shoot, and im not telling you where i am.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Privacy
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Suffice to say, Leo's days are numberd. Everything will be better explained once you get back, sorry Goose.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: The Shot that won the Idiot
Author: Khorn
Subject: If I'm reading this right, you said Leo shot Matt?

If that was Matthias and he is dead, I'm gonna be pissed. I need a new fucking arm!

Fucking Military... And fuck that Church guy too, if you see him.


Subject:The shot The one The Idiot
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Who said i was going to come back? To be franq, i don't trust you, and i need to keep Kiss away from freedom base, Draw your own conclusions... Or kill Blaze.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:The shot the one the idiot
Author:Seth Gecko
Message: Trust who you want Goose. But Inferno is behind this, trying to pit us against each other. Blaze is helping us out.

Inferno is messing with Erin, so don't think for a second i'm not doing what I bloody well can to give that bastard what he deserves.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject:The shot That won The Idiot
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: I don't know what the hell im supposed to beilive... if i tell you what i saw, he'll kill her, i don't trust blaze.... He killed Ryan Jones and countless freedomers. I don't know what to do... I havent heard form kiss, I haven't seen her in a while... i can't go back to the base... i don't know...

Quote from: Khorn on 16-07-2010
// Goose, did you just change your other PDA message below mine? Or are you saying you don't trust me? Or is a message cut out?

// That Wasnt directed at you khorn, it was directed at everyone
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:The shot that won the Idiot(//:You all messed up the subject)
Author: Khorn
Message: I'm starting to wonder, what happened to Freedom? A lot of issues in Freedom have nothing to do with Freedom itself, but the people in it. I feel like we went to far with blending the name of Freedom into our own needs.

Not trying to be an ass, but how will the other groups of Freedom responds to all that has happened to us? They can't keep supporting us with stuff if we use it for our own gain.

Not sure if any of you will get what I'm trying to say, I just feel like Freedom is no longer Freedom.

Meh... So much weird shit, maybe it's the pot, maybe it's the-

Odd, I just got a message from someone? It couldn't be... Could it...?

Ah, crap, I don't need this again.