Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Overheard a monolith man today speaking to some trader. Pointed out something about Goose will be tracked down and killed. God speed Goose, hopefully we can overcome these hard times and prevail against the Monolith again.


.// I hope they dont start coming after us and expecting themselves to be immune to PK/PI, they aim to (I think anyway) PK us or put us in a camp, ironically one I built for them xD



PDA Message from Goose Chesnikov(Lorik)

I do not doubt them tryin to come after me for the death of their leader so for the time being im am going to go by a diffrent name and remain masked, also i may be out of suit alot to not attract attention
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


PDA Message from Seth Gecko.

Ya'll might have been wondering where I disappeared to, if you remember me at all.

I had a zone epiphany to keep it short, I just had to get away from all the fighting, and bloodsucker tentacles.

In any case i'm back now and ready to kick some various arse, or run away from said arse if the situation calls for it.

Regards, Seth.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA Note from Thomas 'Tommy Boy' Wainscott.
Killing three pieces gave me piece of mind that there will be less of a chance for STALKERS to suffer the same fate that my brother did, However A large group of STALKERs last night ran into base saying that they had taken over/ Burned and looted various things out of Yantar... Including some "Brain washing device". They said that they had Damaged the device to a pretty extreme point to were they would need to get a new one. I even checked, There was Smoke rising from Yantar.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


PDA Message from Goose Chesnikov

It appears we are safe for the time being as i should be, after the death of three pieces a couple of his men were hunting me so i went into hiding today i was informed by my loyal friend and inside man that the ones hunting me are traitors of the Monolith so i grabbed my old suit and joined him and a few others to stop this menace, one was banished from the monolith the other i am not sure i think he is being re brainwashed, but Father Relan came to me knowing i was not one of them, He asked if i would rejoin them.... i told him i have loyalties that i can not abandon apparently he understands and let us all go, Ryan and seeker you two showed up at the most inconveient time EVER i was about to drag the traitor out and away to kill him my self but i cant now i dont know where he is but his last name is.... Well i cant remember it right now but i will find out and if you ever see him put a bullet in his head or banish him from freedom territory he is not to set foot on it at all cause if i see him do it he will take a bullet to the face, Anyway im back to my normal name and i have no need to hide my identity i trust these men it sounds odd i know but i just do...

**A few hours Later
Hah i remember it His last name it is Borislav if you find him kill him.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


PDA message from Krawen Fox


Right now, Im very confused...of all the Monolithians I have killed, I have never seen anyone show sign of wanting to betray their tell me now, what am I supposed to do if I see them? Out of what I've heard, there is one on our side, but in that case, who? And are there more than one?

Also: Welcome back Gecko, I must say I missed your shenanigans.


PDA Message.

Ye' blow them up, is what ye' do. 'Cept Gooses inside man...also I dunno what happend last night as I had a buisness deal to attend to somewhere else, but we currently have...some special equipment.

3x RPG-7, unless Kravets used mine, and his own last night. .// Authorised by Tundruff
8x Rocket .// Authorisd by Tundruff
1x Car, thats mine and none of ye' dare drive it. .// Needs no auth.

Also I have rigged my place to be a last stand for Freedom, it has an underground bunker, the roof is reinforced and there are one or two traps on the door, I'm clearing empty boxes out today to make room for us all aswell, there are also places to flank from aswell, its pretty good.

If Ryan, or Kravets have any orders for "Special" equipment, then I'll try and get it to them...just PDA me, or post it here.

- Wine.



PDA Message.

We now offically only have one RPG left, and one rocket...fortuantly I will be getting another and four rockets next week, day isnt confirmed so for now we have to either take cover when them Choppers attack, or shoot them down and hope to god it dont miss.




PDA Message from a random Freedomer.

Guys...wheres Wine? After that raid last night he hasnt been here...



PDA Message from Ryan Jones


Rumors are going around that he's been capped by Military.  I'll try to send him a personal message his PDA to check on him since everyone seems to believe the rumor at his point.


PDA Message from Ryan Jones


No word from Wine whatsoever... I'm done being optimistic, we'll hit the Military back for him.  Also I'm changing the radio frequency and sending the message out to all Freedomers in action.  Be on the lookout for any word of Wine.  We're getting him back.

Contact me if you can't figure out what the frequency is.


I will be on the lookout for Wine, how long ago did we lose him? Because i saw him two days ago but that might have been before the incident. Hopefully we can get him back.


PDA message for Krawen Fox


This day was fucked up. At first things go as normal, I talk with Ryan and Vik about some shit, I get a new weapon, meet the new rookies and shit like that. Then, we find out that Duty may be humping military's tree again. And after that, I try to save the life of a crazy person with a purple wound. and it required three guys just to restrain him. It ended with him killing himself talking utterly random shit about polar bears and operah, and something called the "grey skull" or something. He launched himself in a wall, and now he is dead. I figure I'd store the corpse for further investigation, might discover something interesting, or I can just practice my medic skills. Also: You all should know, there are things you don't want to see that I have stored somewhere in the base. Quite morbid stuff really. I think I will have to take some time off after this, maybe inspecting the shit closer for a few days.

-Krawen out.

OOC: Ill be away until tuesday.


Gone for a two days, I hear something about my brother being close to the zone? Thought he was dead, but maybe he isnt. If I find him, it would take a great load off of my shoulders so that way I have just one more person watching over my back. Should be back within 48 hours, wish me luck because I'll need it. Although I did find a G36 on some dead guy, that should help me a lot. Hopefully you guys aren't in need of a medic for some time.

                                            ~Seeker Sherble


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

So if you havent heard the story yet, gotta funny tale for ya'll.

Nothing much was going on around the base, so I thought it was be a better use of my time to go out into the wider zone, and see if I can spot anything worth reporting on. Not long into the trek I see this military squad wandering around yantar right, so I deicde to tail them for a bit, see what they were up to right. Followed them around for quite a while, then the grunts spotted me hiding in a shrubbery, so I book it in the opposite direction trying to lose them, see. I'm running so fast I suddenly find myself falling face first down down a rather lenghty hill in the direction of the monolith base, so you can imagine what im feeling right now, being chased by a military squad and falling face first towards the mono base, so my bowls are pretty much empty by now. It also turns out there is a very big lack of decent hiding places round there, so I hid in a conveniently placed bus. I thought it was a pretty good idea until I looked up and saw around 4 heavily armed grunts breach in waving their guns around like sparklers.

I stuck to my long standing survival code, if you're ever surrounded by enemies, and have no chance of escape cooperate as best you can and make sure you don't looks stupid, and make yourself seem important. This little trick worked wonders as they didn't do me in and leave me for dog chow. They dragged me out of the bus, and brought be before the high and mighty general himself, who was standing on a pile of debris. The situation speedily deformed into an old western filk, as one of the twats decided it would be funny to do that old "I shoot at your feet, and you gotta dance away the bullets!" I cooperated, and added some Seth flare and did the robot, the robot infront of the general, goose found this incredibly funny. (I'm thinking about maybe forming some sort of zone dance company, contact me for details.)

Unfortunaly for me however, my dance did not impress everyone, including these two scumbag mercs that offerd to stab me, and string me up by my legs and beat me with sticks. But it seemed that my dance skills were sufficient enough that it earned me my life, hooray. They brought me back to their base, after I made it pretty clear that if those mercs touch me, i'll stop cooperating and start making a huge fuss, I can do a pretty mean headbutt as learned from the streets of manchester.

Turns out some of the military grunts are actually pretty cool guys (and girls), had a couple of nice chats about army philosophy, played a short game of eye spy with my guard and got acquainted with this women, who I belive was called Kyrstal (Kind of a hooker name but I managed to force myself not to bring that up.) which I later tried to seduce, but ended in an eye knife gougeing threat, so I put a hault to my plan on that front.

Here comes the juciy information, while I was there I heard someone being refered to as "Wine", and this character was in none other then a SEVA suit so this is most likey our wine. This guy and the military were acting pretty friendly with each other, he even activley took part in defending their base. What the fuck guys.

I later learned that they were planning on trading me off for two of their guys, I tried to persuade them otherwise, as two military prisoners are quite valuable to us. But alas they went ahead with it, I was pretty up in arms after I heard they were calling in a chopper to cover the trade off.

And you guys know the rest, both sides met over the underpass weapons lowerd, and smoothly echanged prisoners with little agression. Krystal even put some ganja in my pocket for the road, witch was darn nice of her.

I have to give my thanks to all of you guys who got me out of that, I owe you all one. Cheers.

On another note I would like to bring up the matter of diplomacy with the military. Seriously guys one day this hostility is going to be the end of us, the military could possibly have limitless reinforcements and supplies, and what do we have? The odd stalker wondering into the base and joining up.

I know you guys will all think im crazy but one of us has to bring this up, and either the military or us will have to start talking to the other one first, and I know it ain't gunna be the military so it might aswell be us. I know our ideals clash with the militarys directive, but duty is the real enemy here, and i'm not saying go outright peace with the military, we just need to put a stop to these pointless conflics that cost the lifes of many decent freedomers.

All in all, adios.


Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA Message from Ryan Jones


First off if you ever see Krystal again, don't hit on her you idiot.  Second she's got a tendency for confiscating weed and has no where better to put it than us, which is why she gave it to you.  Regarding your diplomacy idea, I've spoken with the Military General before, trust me he's got no interest in any sort of cease-fire and neither am I.  While DUTY wants to destroy the zone, you must not forget the Military are the ones keeping it locked up and shut away from the rest of the world.


                                                                              PDA Message from Austin Creed

Trust me, I have no interest in the broad, seeing as I am, as you say it, OLD, and she has something to do with my brothers death. I would literally hit on her, as in hit her with the blunt end of my Shotgun..

And fuck Military, There already thinking of going back with Duty, I don't really want that happening..


PDA Message from Ryan Jones


We'll end it if they do decide to ally again.


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

For the record, I only hit on her in to try and facilitate my master plan of escape.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Back from my journeys, I guess I had you're luck with me because I did in fact find my brother. I thought he was dead but i guess not. If you see him around be nice to the man, he seems very mean but once you get to know him he can be a very nice person. His name is Shiff Sherble.

                                                 ~Seeker Sherble


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

He came up to the base today asking for you Seeker, but you weren't around.

I don't know what he wanted.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


PDA Message from Goose Chesnikov

As most of you have found out Ryan is dead..... he was buried up the hill beside the tree infront of the base, a note to all of you stop going off by your self or you will end up like Ryan, Today none of you were reliable so i had to pay a merc to help me save Austins ass, and then went and walked bto out of duty base later no thanks to any of you so what is this the secound person i have gotten away from the military, and the first one from Duty, don't expect much from me im shot to hell my shoulder is hurt, my arm is fucked and i've got some bad gashes from a sucker on my chest, so all of you leave me be.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


PDA Note from Thomas Wainscott
Correct me if im wrong... but didn't you tell us to stay at base while you were rescuing Austin? I do belive you did.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


PDA Message from Seth Gecko

And another "for the record" I did chip in 1000 big ones for Brandons ransome.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer