Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject:Re:I'm alive again..
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Tom... What did you do.. i would really like to know, And i am also assuming that you are no longer interested in the little mission we discussed.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Howdy
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I'm not even going to ask... Welcome back Tom, and Nikki.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer

emperor bobby

PDA Message from Boris Leninkov
Gone to Mourn Sister's death In my hometown. Be back Soon.


Subject: Oh man...
Author: Khorn Kvik
Message: Boris got into Freedom?
What a 'pleasant' surprise.
This outta be a good for a few laughs...


Subject: Oh man...
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message:I hope he can tell us stories and give us toys like Santa Claus


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message:I've been to Pripyat alot, stayed in an old building there before the second explosion.Its nothing but Monolith,Mutants,Anomalies,and Radiation.


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: I'm sure you have Leo.. i'm sure you have. Maybe thats why you're so retarded, traumatic experiances in Pripyat?

Goodbye Vasili, and good luck.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: RE: Wandering
Author: Schelkarov
Message: Leonyd. You are not a badass. Get over it.


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Still giving me shit I see.

Ace of Hearts

Subject: Wandering...
Author: Vasili Reznov
Message: They're just messing with you, Leo.


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Everyone does

Ace of Hearts

Subject: Wandering...
Author: Vasili Reznov
Message: Why do you think that is, Leo? It's because you take it seriously! Just ignore it, they'll stop.


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Khorn Kvik
Message: If you see my arm, could you bring it back?

Also for Leo, stop doing weird shit and maybe you get less attention. Though I'm sure you like the attention you receive.


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Or when he stops acting like an idiot, and making us all look bad.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer

Ace of Hearts

Subject: Wandering...
Author: Vasili Reznov
Message: Can do, Khorn.

It feels like I haven't left, hah. Haven't stopped messaging on my PDA since I set out. I 'oughta turn this thing off for now.



Subject: Wandering...
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Its simple don't be dicks or assholes to me and I'll stop doing weird shit.


Subject: Re; Wandering/Homebound
Author: Valentine 'Kiss' Savko
Message; I've been up north. It's tough to get there, let alone inside. And Leo, I think I've gotten farther then anyone's expeditions, and there's no way you could've gone farther then me. Speaking of expeditions, I'll be home soon. Get my bunk ready Seth. How are you guys by the way?


Subject: Wandering...
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: I've been in zone since 05.


Subject:Re;Wandering/Home bound
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Kiss.. I need to speak with you ASAP as in before you even step foot in the base... It's urgent.

// As for you leo your backstory dosen't make sense and stop spamming this or i will start to delete your posts, Also, All OOC posts deleted
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Re; Wandering/Homebound
Author: Valentina 'Kiss' Savko
Message: Hold on, what's going on Goosey?


Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message: I'll Explain when i see you again, But it is urgent, Please Don't go in the base without me being there...
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: RE: Wandering
Author: Schelkarov
Message: Leo, you're an idiot, the only reason you're even still alive is because Seth keeps you in here for some stupid reason, and you haven't been in the zone since 2005, that much is completely fucking obvious. You have the survival skills of a dead moose, the brains of a coked-up hampster, and the strength of a two year old. If we gave you an exo, i'm almost positive that you would manage to trash it somehow within the hour. How many guns have you lost? Shut the hell up, stop trying to convince everyone you're a stone cold killer, and stop being a fuckin' idiot.


Subject: RE: Wandering
Author: Khorn
Message: Talk about hating on the poor man...

Besides, if Leo had an Exo, he probably crush himself in it.


Subject: RE: Wandering
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Wouldn't be simple for you guys to stop being complete assholes to me and I won't do the stupid shit I do.

emperor bobby

Subject: My Return
Author: Boris "The Comrade" Leninkov
Message: Hey everybody! guess who's back from Moscow? I'll give you All a hint, Hes strong, Charming, and sexaaay.