Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message: Just give me three grand and i'll buy you a new one
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: I am getting it on my own time Goose.


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: We don't need any more SVD's. Like 3 people have them, donate the cash instead and we will buy some more G36's.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Audio Recording-Final Day,
Author: Arron Vladkeis
Message: *Clicks and shuffeling* Alright, last day as a rook, cant wait to get into Freedom for real, im so nervous. *Faint thumping that sounds like walking*
Still got one more day though, gotta go to my post and pretty much do nothing, how bad can it be? *The thumping grows louder as he steps onto asphault* Anyway I just thought id log this for me to listen later when I got bored or something, *Walking stops as he stands and lights a ciggarette* *Clicking of a lighter* *Whispering in the background* Alright, lets get back on the road *Voice 2: NOW!* Oh shi-! *A loud thump is heard then the sound of crackling as the PDA hits the ground* *Groaning and shifting sounding like someone dragging someone* *Voice 2: Brothers, take him inside and prepare the brainwasher, we have a new brother**Voices 2 and 3 in unison: Yes Patriarch**More shifting then a salm of a blast door*

Date: May Fifth-Present Year

// The point of this is to clear up some confusion as to where Arron went, I know im not supposed to post here unless im in Freedom but the point is that the audio log submitted late and is just showing up now a couple weeks later.


Subject:Life hates me.
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: So today... He came... Blaze he blew the doors of the bar, wounded Seth got shot to shit and then dove out a window, i grabbed Quake, a STALKER and went off after him i procceded to check the Sewers in our sector where i can across this thing... A blood Sucker thing. It was on a wall i didn't know if it was dead or not so i fired some rounds into it's head, i went into the room to find a STALKER she was sitting on the ground, she talks with a monotone voice, kind of like me, well alot like i have been lately... She said her name was Love, It really is Lubov, some weird stuff started happening she kept saying "He's comming" she just... Kept repeating it.. i heard some foot steps comming from behind me, i changed my mag i readied my rifle, Blaze walked around the corner, I fired two rounds into his chest as Quake came from behind and fired a mag into his back, Lubov cut the wires on my exo imbilizing me, quake was about to shoot her when Blaze fired a mag from a Desert Eagle into him, Veronika came a bit later tried to calm us down, tried to stop me from killing him, Lubov walked over to ren right infront of where my rifle was aimed, i fired about four rounds into her back, She droped to the ground, she didn't move, I moved my aim down to blaze, with a pretty big sturggle and slow movement, Quake began to stand up, Blaze shot him again, I fired the last 24 rounds into blazes chest, mind you only about 10-12 hit him.

Veronika melted the wires of my exo back together, i could move again it was a temp fix that held up, A STALKER walked in he was a deceying corpse, i loaded a new mag, he shot Quake again, then he shot veronika.... i fired five shots into his chest he just stared at me, the bullets did nothing,he claimed he was Inferno, the man who fixed my Exo, He also claimed to be blaze, the sucker thing tried to drag blaze's bodie away, so i went after it and shot it about five times, Inferno disconnected my Battery, veronika crushed his skull with a crow bar, The rest of you guys showed up.... Erin reconnected my battery,

Blaze IS dead, He's gone and never comming back.
I'm hearing voices in my head, I'm trying to ignore them but.... It sounds like inferno, I don't know what the hell is going on... I just want this nightmare to end, Lubov is alive, she want's to kill me, She told me she has a loaded M203 with my name on it, Just another person i have to kill that i don't want to... But i know i won't hesitate, and i won't regret it either....
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Re: Life hates me.
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: Hrmph... Well ,one less problem to worry about. Blaze is a serious bitch. I just got some cuttings tough... Lucky day for me.
Anyways ,if you see that bitch again... Just call me, tell me where you are and I'll come over. Moments later her head will explode right in front of you eh?


** Mika is now wearing a winter-camo top, an urban camo cap and urban camo trousers ... ** // See STALKER Sheet thread :


Subject: Good Bye
Author: Nikki

I'm going home. From there I am not sure what I will do. I can't take this any more, the killing, the danger just isn't for me. Perhaps we will meet again at some point. Tommy, I love you, please don't follow me.

Veronika Maslov

((See you all in 2 weeks. Nikki will be back))


Subject: RE: Good Bye
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Best mechanic I ever knew, don't blame you for leaving.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: RE: Good Bye
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: Bye... Sure was fun with you, even if we had some problems at first... Hope you find luck at home... And Tommy.. You stay here my bitch. *laugh*

Anyways People, I can now support you with supplies since I got some... connections... // I got accepted as trader. I will still be in Freedom ,so Mika is a Freedom Trader now :P


**PDA Message from Tyr**

The Freedom headquarters have chosen a candidate who they see as being fit for leader.  That candidate is Seth Gecko.  I will be going back to my old sector and never again coming back.  I left my exo and FN with your armory though since you guys supplied it.  Stay free.


Subject: Tyr is leaving?
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: First: What the fuck? Second: What the damn fuck? Third: What the big fucking fuck?!

Anyways , good luck out there then... Got nothing more to say, even if I haven't seen you arround alot.

Uhrm and just to say, since I'm a trader now... A nickname would be cool. So if we're going out for a fight, or non-freedomers are arround ... Just call me 'Azara' , that's all.


Subject: Nick name
Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message: ummm is that really necessary i used to go by Shadow and I just said fuck it cause everyone new who I was already

Tyr is leaving? Huh just when I started to like the guy oh well see yea bro
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: L85
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Goose I am getting the L85 on my own time so think of the 2k I gave you as a donation. So for the time being I am gonna use this shotgun I found I kinda like it. Not that I lost my gun.



Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: The fuck are you bitching about now,i never said anything about an L85, and you do realise that is what we do with the donation money, buy new weapons, ammo,medical supplies,food,vodka, We supply you. Don't do What Mika did and buy another SVD i mean what the fuck we don't need two SVD's and Three VSS's
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Author: Mika Yamada
Message: I'm actually having a shotgun now Goose, and since I'm the new Quartermaster, you, my bitches, can buy your stuff directly from me for the selling price. But STALKERs have to buy it from me more expensive.. I want some money too ,eh?


Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: please tell me you didn't sell that SVD such a waste of money.... And Leo I've got an L85 right now but since YOU don't want it I think vlads been doing a pretty good job and he's been with freedom about long enough to become a seedy , what do you think Seth, Promote Vlad to seedy and give him an L85?
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:Re: L85
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: ... You told me that we have enough snipers and now you blame me for selling it... No comment ,really..


Subject: My Return
Author: Khorn
Message: I finally made it back from my surprisingly-NOT-suicide-mission.
I honestly did not feel like I would have returned... I'm alive, yet I don't know if it was worth it...

*Silence takes over for a bit*

The pain from the wounds inflicted on me are mostly subdued by the morphine and of course the 'smoke'...
Though the remaining pain will probably last until my dying breath, I hope none of you had to go through with what happened...
It is most unbearable...

I wonder now though, with what I should do though, I have no arm remaining.
Holding a rifle will be difficult, firing it will be impossible.
And I can't really lift much. Really, what should I do? It's highly unlikely to get a prosthetic out here.

I mean it's hard enough to open a bottle of fucking vodka now! Pitiful, no?

Oh well, I guess it's 'A Farewell to Arms' then...
I got bigger things to dwell upon.


Subject:Re My Return
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: I think i know where i can get you a prosthetic arm, Matthias said if he had to amputate my arm due to the nerve damage he would be able to get me one, so i'll call him up and see how much it'll cost to get you one, until then, stick to pistol's and meager duty's like helping out around the bar, might be able to help Erin with some stuff, Losing a limb.. There's not much you can do about it, but you do have to live with it, Hang in there.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:Re My Return
Author:Leonyd Mikhail
Message:Goose if you and Khorn get arms I need fingers for my left hand.


Subject:Re:My Return
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Leo.... the fuck is wrong with you, You can't get prosthetic fingers only limbs, serisouly...
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Auto Message
Author: Mika Yamada - Auto message program
Message: Hey uhrm... I programed this to let people know uhh... well , I programmed this so my PDA automatically sends this message when I haven't used my PDA for about a day. ( because I'm used to turn it off. ) Well. If you get this message, I think I'm dead... Or captive or something esle... First would be the most common. Urgh... I don't really know what to write into this program. So I'll just say... Goodbye. Was fun with you all. And start hoping my soul finds peace ,eh?! And don't forget me ,my bitches. *laugh*


Subject: RE: Auto Message
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Made me cry... she was a good Freedomer, and a better friend. I'll miss her... and condolences to her sister who recently showed up.

Stay free Mika.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Leaving
Author: Kasumi Yamada
Message: Well ,since I found my sister... even if she is dead... I'll go and try to leave the Zone. I have nothing else to do , and really nothing what holds me here... The fighting , the killing.. that maybe was something for Mika ,but not for me...  I preffer the normal world with all its boring jobs.. soo... See you...