Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Subject: You assholes!
Author: Nikki

HOW COULD YOU HAVE KILLED HIM? You fucking....this paranoia is insane. Fuck you both.


Subject:Re:You assholes!
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: He is responsible for the death of many freedomers as well as RyanJones, He was as low as they get, i would have killed him later anyway.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


**PDA Message from Tyr**

Well Blaze's death is a bit of a suprise, but do you have the body?


Subject:Blaze lives?
Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message: Well i had a rather.... Intresting person come me today and tell me i have one hell of a fight on my hands, he started to rebuild my exo, said he's going to make it stronger and better than anyother, also mentioned that Seth is going to get "Hurt" watch yourself seth... He will be back tommorow to finish the Exo... We have a majour problem on our hands...From my contacts they tell me blaze claims to be the Devil, So whos up to kill the Devil? Seems i dragged myself into this, so I'm taking this to the end, See yea on the other side bro's.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:Blaze Lives?
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Devil my arse, hes some cunt who has some voodoo magic up his sleeve. Did it occour to you Goose that this dude fixing up your exo might infact work for Blaze? Watch him.

I'd rarther get "hurt" then "killed" to be honest, so swings and rounderbouts really heh. We both got ourselves into this Goose, i'll back you up and you back me up, thats how we roll. We will deal with this shit as it comes.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject:Re Blaze Lives?
Author: Goose Cheanikov
Subject: I got your back to the end bro, and I stand right beside this guy as he's working so if he pulls some shit he will find a bullet in his head, and the man who told me that blaze claims to be the devil well I will bet my life on his information how ever his source came straight from the"Devil" himself so I don't know what the fuck is going on there but I sure as he'll know that if blaze did manage to survive by some act of god. He won't live much longer even got myself some holy water for some good laughs(that shit burns, nah just kidding). I'm going to see who I can round up in the next couple of days never hurt to have a little extra help and who knows he may bring his little whore along with him. Killing them both in one day that would be an acomplishment worth a party.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Depressed
Author:Leonyd Mikhail
Message: I've really depressed over the last few weeks and I am considering going home but I have another reason to stay.But does anyone have any anti-depressants?


Subject: "Hello from Hell", "Wish You Were Here!"
Author: Khorn
Message: I'm sending this message to Freedom.
I've hit the bottom level of hell, or better known to most, Pripyat.
I've been shot here more times then in the time I've been in the zone.
I took a shot from a shotgun to my arm, my arm is completely fucked up. But I can still move it.
I can't return yet, I still got something to do.

My chances of return seem to get worse and worse with every thing I kill, I lost a lot of ammo getting in, I doubt I will have enough to get out.

*Message cuts out instantly*

((As I said, his chances of returning in one piece become greater with the number of people actually wanting him back.))


**PDA Message from Tyr**

So Goose and Seth are rambling about something that makes no sense to me.  On the other hand, Pripyat is a really dumb place to be.

(OOC) I have no idea why you guys would've considered Blaze dead without a PK.


Subject:SVD anyone?
Author: Goose Cheanikov
Subject: I've got a G36, now i'm wondering who should get my SVD, im not giving this tojust anyone you need to show me you are a good shot and worht it, i don't want to give it to some rook then have them get robbed by duty,Cough*Leo*cough, but serisouly prove to me you deserve it.

// Double post FTW :P

Quote from: Goose on 19-05-2010
// OOC i know hes not dead without a PK but i've spoken with radek for a while about his characters back story and yea it actually makes sense to me why he lived/lives i knows hes not dead without a PK

Celtic: Fixed double post for you :D

~Goose Aw.... You removed one of my posts... THATS THE HOLE POINT OF A DOUBLE POST silly wabbit xD
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: RE: Depressed
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Its called go smoke some weed and down some moonshine, you will  be as happy as larry in no time at all.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: (no subject)
Author:Thomas Wainscott
Message: **Its an Audio recording, It apears as though Tommy acedently triggered it and went to the freedom Network, In the Recording two songs can be heard, both of them sung and played by Tommy.

Against Me! - Baby I'm An Anarchist

Against Me! - Sink, Florida, Sink
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Re: SVD anyone?
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: Well , I think I've proven  I'm no "Monolith" ,or how you call them, anymore...? Since I shot noone of you people... *laugh* Anyways, a SVD sure would be cool, and since noone else wants it... And I'm the one who usually isn't high , so I wont randomly shoot people with it , eh...? Also it would give me a bigger chance to take out one of those Monolith guys ,to prove some more I'm one of you guys. Spot one , give me the coordinates , I'll blow his head off... Not like with an assault rifle.... Running there ,getting spotted ,then getting some bullets into the ass... well ,you know what I mean...? Would love to have it *heart*

Regards , Mika / ミカ


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Mika you are one of the people i am considering, so far.... the only one, uhhh Leo no, Just no....Boriam our sharpshooter has a VSS and i never see the bastard, Seth has got a VSS,Tom dosen't want it, So you are most likely getting it unless someone else can change my mind.....
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Nikki

Uh....I kind of want it...


Subject: Re: SVD anyone?
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: Uhhh , I guess then I can forget about it... Not...? *sigh* *sadface*


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message:Really? Okay, well then shooting contest anyone? Today at the base, im not going to set an exact time, just when were all there and nothings going on,

// Because of the failscopes this will be completely RP no actual shooting
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: We can all take potshots at Schelk, would be a great bonding experiance.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject:Re:SVD Anyone?
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Hell yea, Schelk go get changed into Seths exo, Hehe This should be fun.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: Yeah, that sure would be fun... I'll take the AP rounds!

// Goose come online in SF


Subject: Re:SVD Anyone?
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Goose would you know that I would lose the SVD the L86 was one time.


Subject:Re: SVD Anyone?
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Leo, How long did you have that L85? Yea that is why.

// At my grandparents will be home in a bit and come on
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Re: SVD Anyone?
Author: Nikki

Message: I still have my original LR300. Just saying...


Subject: Re: SVD Anyone?
Author: Mika Yamada
Message: Well , you can have my Groza if I get the SVD , just saying. I'm now on money at the moment anyway.... I don't even have 3 grands...


Subject: Re: SVD Anyone?
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Goose I am working my way to another L85.