Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Author: Nikki

...And we want to give the possibly psychotic Monolith one of those?


Subject: Katana
Author: Khorn

And what is the chance of finding a katana and being able to sharpen it enough to cut through an exo, let alone a bloody?


Subject: Katana
Author: Brandon

The chance of me Finding a Little baggie of weed in a pile Of hay.

// And now. . . I am back
Freedom all day BITCHES!


**PDA Message from Tyr**

My kneecap is officially shattered, and the little DUTY raid made me walk around on it a bit more than I should have.  So I'm going to the Cordon and I'm just going to lay low for a while.  Hopefully after about a week I should be able to come back in fighting condition.  Seth is the ranking officer in my absence and temporary leader.


Anyone who goes upsatirsvin the bar and the last room on the left will see Goose asleep in the bed with his hole chest bandaged and multiple distinct blood spots where he was shot.

//my computer over heated and crashed so anyone who was rpin with me this is what they would see
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Alrighty then.
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: What the hell happend?

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Katana
Author: Andrick Nesterov

Earn it.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Subject: Re: Alrighty then.
Author: Arron Vladkeis
Message: From what I heard Goose got in a bit of a tussle iwth a bandit and the bandit tore him up pretty bad. Stuck around for the wasnt pretty.


Subject: Re: Alrighty then.
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: Yeah see he was planning on shooting Tyr for some reason me and Goose hunted him down Goose got shot I got a broken nose and lost a tooth.


Subject: Sit Rep
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: I wan't blaze restrained and tied down he is to be considered extremly dangerous, and hostile, aslo i would like to have Halo Killed on Sight if you see her don't take shit from anyone kill her. If anyone has any information on who else was involved in the Event's today tell me, don't make me beat it out of you because i will.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Removed OOC posts.


**PDA Message from Tyr**

I just received a message from Brandon Ortiz, relaying it to the whole network now.
Quote from: bto on 16-05-2010
                        **PDA Message to Head Freedom**

This is a Message From Brandon Ortiz. . . I have gotten Sick and I need to leave the zone. I will Be taking A Leave of Absence. I may Come back, If i am still alive.
I will be Leaving soon, So send a Replacement as soon as possible. And i guess this is it.

// Look at my awsome Huge lettering.


Subject: Replacement
Author: Schelkarov
Message: Well, I guess i'll just have to fill in for the Veteran position. Such a shame. *wink emoti-whatever here*


Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Great....Just great....He better not die, i think i will go insane if i have to know of another friend dieing. And holy shit has no one heard anything about Blaze yet... mother fucker.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Brandon
Authoer: Seth Gecko
Message: Guh. I just brought him a new Seva too.

Aaaaand on to Blaze. We need to find this douché and give him whats coming to him, alot of you seem to be "friendly" with him and this has to fucking stop, if I see anyone withholding infromation on his whereabouts, I won't be the usual mellow Seth. Onto the other suspects, I was told that Jayne was in the bunker after the shootout happend, this makes her a suspect. Find her and question her.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Brandon
Author: Andrick Nesterov
Message: That is a lot of people leaving. Speaking of which, I may actually be leaving soon as well, I am having a lot of problems here of late. But, I may stick around a little bit longer to resolve those problems.

*OOC* My other computer was raped by God's finger, I won't be playing on server for a while, hopefully I'll be on some time, but until then, I'll be SF-RP'ing.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Subject: Happy Trails my Friends
Author: Andrick Nesterov
Message: Well, it has been fun, sorry that I couldn't say good bye in person, but, I'm leaving the Zone to marry my girlfriend, Nova "Autumn" Lutrova. Maybe some day I'll be back, maybe not. Anyways, it was a lot of fun, I earned many friends along the way. Tommy Boy, take care of Nikki, and Nikki, you have been promoted to Blackbelt in my class.

I love you all like family, I wish the best of luck to you and your future endeavors.

This is Andrick Nesterov, signing out.

*A picture of Andrick waving off with Nova is attached to the message.*
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Subject:Re: Happy Trails my Friends
Author:Leonyd Mikhail
Message: I hope you to have good life I hate to see you go,now we don't get brownies.


Subject: Re: Happy Trails my Friends
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: Have a good life Andrick, best of luck to you two.

One lest person to look after... One less thing keeping me alive...
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


//Just so you all OOCly know I am going on a camping trip next Sunday and will be gone for 2 weeks. ICly Nikki is going back home during that time to check on the family and will not be telling anyone, she'll just desert (though Tom knows...and he's going to follow her out since HE has a vacation irl coming up. So Nikki and Tom will not be around for about a month. Just be aware.


Subject: Up and ready to kick more ass.
Author: Schelkarov
Message: Well, after that little shootout with the merc and the other two, I was off my feet a bit. Getting shot three fuckin' times does that to ya. But now i'm back on, ready to get back to asskicking and whatnot. Oh, and i'm not dead. There were just a few mercs on my back, and I had to shake them off a bit. Don't worry, they're... taken care of, to sound mysterious.

//I plan on being much more active now, due to us losing more Freedomers. Gonna revive this shit m8s.


Subject: I'm leaving to venture further north.
Author: Maksym Olesky
Message: I just wanted to say, before I start.. You guys have been great. I'll have many fun memories to go back on. Freedom has been one of the best events of my life.
But, I'm leaving for a while. I want to adventure the northern reaches of the zone, I haven't been too deep yet. I heard there's untold riches, I will come back with a bag of rubles, if I make it back. I will miss you all for the time being.
[OOC] I'm the quartermaster and I'm not active enough anymore. I need a break from SRP for a while, It's getting kinda boring recently and a break will help me find joy in SRP once again. Every time I take a break it's so much better when I get back. Sorry for doin this also, but it's better than me just taking up a spot that could be used by a more active player.


Subject: Schelk is back.
Author: Leonyd Mikhail
Message: I went back to base after taking a walk came into the base and guess who was there Schelk.Told me he pulled some Batman shit off and gotta away from some mercs.


Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: He's dead i think... I'm sure... The two bullets to the head say so... Man.. I can't seem to figure out whats going on... Maybe i shouldn't have gotten out of bed... flying through windows isn't fun, Anyone know where my gear is? A milfag just walked on into the bar and i couldn't do anything, He just stood around like he was welcome to.... the fuck is going on.... I need to find... Martin Creed...Soon.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Author:Seth Gecko
Message: Myself and Goose moved on him while he was in the bar, had a little scuffle, shot him and drove him out of the bar. Unfortunatly we were unable to question him before we shot him in the head, he fired a grenade from his weapon which hit Goose in the chest, tore him up pretty bad. I then fired a full mag into him from my Vss, if that didn't kill him... well he must be a wizard. After he was surely dead he was surrounded in this crazy ass mist... and just disapeard, hopefully this is the last we see of him. If not, I think he got the message.

And Goose, get some rest and heal up. We need to go after Halo next.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer