Re: |Freedom| Network

Started by Dug, 17-01-2010

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Topic: Military "War"
Author: Tyr
Message: My opinion is simple, there will be no war, not in the near future.  The Military just hit us hard right before Viktor died.  Then when he got killed that took out an important officer.  I am looking into possible people who could fill the lack of leadership we had in Viktor.  In the meantime I suggest we look into some better equipment to balance out the odds.  Possibly some G36's and the like.  When I see us looking like a capable fighting force, we'll be fighting.


OOC: If you're talking about that one military guy we captured, there was no torture involved. The loner I met shot him, but ask me to help to drag him to base. The only thing that happen was a couple of questions were asked than a Freedomer being stabbed in the neck.

So yea, no torture on our part. But when he returned to his base, that's another story.


Topic: Medics
Author: Keyla
Message: Well ,I havn't seem the medic-squad-leader around for a long time. Tyr could you please find out where the hell he is and let him talk to me , or else choose another leader , since Freedom neads more medics. As you said , I should apply for them ,but I can't if that guy isn't arround.


Topic: The Shack in freedom base. . .
Author:Thomas 'Tommy Boy' Wainscott
Message: Me and Nikki have our work stuff in their so yeah.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Topic : RE: The shack in the freedom base. . .
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: And if you hear some bumping around... or other such suggestive noises, you should knock.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Surprise?
Author: Goose Chesnikov
Message: So Brandon what was this about a surprise that you had comming or something I had to leave before I heard more about it. Anyway a I spoke with a stalker in our base today who claimed to be Anthony Jones, Ryan Jones brother now I never heard him speak about his family or him ever being a Marine but if I catch any of you treating Anthony like shit expect me to come down on you with a fucking hammer I don't give a shit who you are. On a side note successfull raid/defense against the military stopping them from killing some stalkers good job guys although you were really slow to get to me for back up. But you got there just in time the bullets had just started flying. Oh yea if any one has some pain killers or a stone blood my foot would love you for ever.....
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Testing
Author: Schelkarov Gernetsky

Oi, is this thing even working? The buttons are so damned small... Someone help me out here. Hopefully this even gets on the Network.


Subject: RE: The shack in the freedom base. . .
Author: Thomas Wainscott
Message: Ha Ha Ha Seth. . . Your so hilarious. . .
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Loner Camp Battle report
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Yesterday, Goose sent in a report of an ongoing military raid on a loner camp and called for backup. I gatherd the troops and responded, albit more slowly then I would like, sorting out ammo and radio frequences took some time. I'm going to sort out some drills, so we can learn to assemble as fast as we can. We left the base, Myself, Tom, Andrick, Keyla, Schelk and a loner called Lassy and headed to the conflict, to help out Goose and support the loners.

We approached from the tree line and kept in cover, and echanged fire with a few soldiers inside the buildings, we brought down a couple of grunts and sustained no casualties of our own, which was pretty surprising. We moved in through the windows, and stormed the building with Keyla taking point with her spas. We came upon a grunt using a stalker as a human shield, unfortunatly there was little time to negotiate and we had neutralize the grunt by firing through the stalker, the stalker surived however.

During this time I sent Schelk and Andrick round back, to surpise them and hopefully catch them unawares. They even managed to catch themself a major, and I belive Schelk deserves an overdue promotion for his actions.

Goose managed to take out a grunt loading up a Groza with a Vog, which could have taken us all out in the building, so cheers goose. We rounded up the military survivors and I talked with their commander, and I saw fit to release them, seeing as this attack was not in freedom territory, and maybe that decision would save more Freedom lives in the long run.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Topic: RE: Loner Camp Battle Report
Author: Tyr
Message: Excellent call on releasing the troops, and let Goose know he gets a round of drinks on me.  Feel free to do training just let me talk to you about a few specifics first.


Subject: TV in Bunker ((Not part of the dupe but yesterday I fixed a broken TV and put it in there so someone can add it))
Author: Nikki
Message: Found a broken TV yesterday. Fixed it up. Needs a proper antenna but until we find one there's a pipewrench supporting a coat hanger on the roof that works...sort of. Enjoy guys.



Subject:Re: TV in Bunker
Message:We got a TV...? Hell yeah! Lets look for an antenna for that think people , we can maybe watch Po- ehhh , News on it!


Subject:RE: TV in Bunker
Author: Thomas Wainscott
Message: But you already use my computers for porn. . . Speaking of my old computer. . . Since you people looked up sooo much porn on it, I eventually said Fuck it and gave up. . . Well last night the military Attacked the base, Stole the computer thinking it had some important stuff on it Only to find that it only had Porn. "That PC we stole does it have anything usefull on it?" "Nope just porn. . ." "Really?" "Yep"

(ooc they thought I was full of shit. . . But it's a true story XD)
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: New computer for Tommy
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: So tom get that new computer i found for you set up yet?, Just don't ask how i got it, it was some creepy stuff, anyway im working on that Welder
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: No Subject
Author: Keyla
Message: Oy People , I found something really old in my Stuff ,so , do you want to laugh and see how I drew myself? Well ,here it goes...
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Well ,now go on and laugh ,but draw yourselves better!


Subject: Drawing
Auther: Seth Gecko
Message: Pretty cool drawing, and thats some jazzy armor you got there.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Subject: Military and their 'tastes'
Author: Khorn Kvik
Message: So on a related note, while alone in Freedom's base a zombie in military clothing attacked. After removing it's head I found a flash drive that had a stash nearby, but it was filled with gay porn that crashed my PDA. And the stash had a couple of folders filled with pictures too.

Milifags really hold true to their name.

OOC: I'm not kidding about this either, the story is true.


Subject: Military
Author: Keyla
Message: I saw some paper flying into mud today , well , it wasn't far from me so I decided to take a loot at it ... Well , it actually was some pretty sad picture ,but someone fucked up Military there alot. I'm going to upload it.
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Well , if you get the picture ,it is sad. She is holding a flower... But well ,someone fucked them big time there...


Subject: Awesomness!
Author: Thomas Wainscott
Message:Dude. . . Keyla that Pic you drew of me was pretty Bad ass. . . Here everyone come one come all. . . See this Picture.
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Heh I look totaly bad ass in that. . . Thanks so much Keyla
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Subject: Military
Author: Maksym
Message: That picture, it makes me feel sad for the Military and the girl. That's not war, that's Terrorism.


Subject: Re: Military
Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: That is some depressing shit..., Anyway... Got freedom a new military Grade welder today, Don't ask how they might not be so happy when they realise it's gone, Bought freedom Two new G36's Tyr is going to distribut those as he see's fit.
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: Welder
Author: Nikki

Going to have fun with that. Car project is proceeding nicely, got a transmission thanks to Tommy so should be good to go once I put it together.



Subject: RE: Welder
Author: Seth Gecko
Message: Freedom mechanised division.

Seth Gecko - Freedomer


Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message: That would be badass, can't wait to mount an RPK on a jeep do drive by's on the military base. We are simply badass, my next little project is getting my hands on a nice RPG going to ask around some trader's see if anyone can get me one of those babies can't wait.

Now an RPG is not cheap and the amount of cash it will chew up per rocket is one of the reasons i've been hoarding money but like i had just said today i bought freedom two G36's i've got around 40k left so im going to see what i can pick up.

Author:Goose Chesnikov
Message:Alright i'm so badass i have pink stiches in my face from a sucker's claw, two today got to taste my knife, i'm also so bad ass that we are not getting an RPG anymore,although i really wanted one...

// Didnt feel like double posting so meh
~"Victory isn't sweet, Victory is the absence of the taste of fear and stench of death"


Subject: What The Fuck Happened?!
Author:Thomas Wainscott
Message: Whay happened Oh. .  . Right after everyone left freedom base? I rebember making Jokes about Andrick being gay, Talking to Brandon and Lioness, Then I made a little something for Nikki. . . Then all the sudden Im on the ground. . . The Fuck?

.// Damn rolling system >.> Oh and Ping-Pong I refuse to dice RP with you lol.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22