Re: |Freedom| Applications

Started by Pinball, 18-01-2010

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|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: |HGN| The Mutated Man
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:28764505
Timezone: EST.
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: A year or so.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 7 months, hiatus through September - November.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All three.

|In-Character Information|
Name:  Ilya Maksimov   
Age: 32
Family Members: Elana Maskimov (Mother), Vladimir Maskimov (Father)
Born in Kiev, Ukraine, Ilya was just a normal seven year old kid back then. There was nothing really extraordinary about him, he grew up with normal parents, normal friends, normal everything. When he turned 14, he started experimenting with all kinds of drugs: Weed, LSD, Meth, any other kind of drug you could think of. But, being "normal" was just too easy for him.  Ilya, also having a fascination with guns, or any kind of weapon, got a good job early into his adolensence, helping his father as a gunsmith, he worked with him until he moved out of under his parents roof at the age of 18.
   Ilya, during his young adulthood, partied alot, but he knew how to enjoy all the good things in life to moderation, Ilya still worked on guns to his late 20's, he loved to shoot, but Kiev was no place for Ilya, he hated it there, Ilya knew it was time to get out of Kiev. Ilya heard of a place with unlimited wealth,  research, and  all the opportunities to reaveal it all to the public, but mostly the wealth, The Zone. At the age of 31, Ilya takes his Makarov, a fresh change of clothes, and about a weeks worth of food, water, and drugs in a duffle bag, and heads for the Zone.
   In his first year of zone, Ilya is utterly scared of everything in the dark woods of the zone, usually staying in Loner camps all day, only going out to hunt for the occasional artifact, Ilya has no idea what he was getting himself into. After getting enough money to buy himself a decent weapon, Ilya went outside of the STALKER camps more, due to feeling more secure with being able to protect himself from mutants, and other dangers, he started getting his hopes up about the Zone. Ilya made himself known to most of the STALKERs at the camp, and to some Freedomers along the way.
   Onto his 2nd year into the zone, Ilya wanders out alot more, into areas he has never been into, keeping himself alive by picking up low-grade artifacts, and selling for little to nothing, Ilya needed to set himself onto something solid to keep him alive in the Zone. Knowing about Freedom and their ideas, Ilya finds that he would make a great addition into the Freedom family.

(Please excuse this horrid story, I wrote this at about 4 AM, and these words are just slurring out my mind.)
Skill Set: Good marksman (When he isn't drunk, and or high.), Charismatic.

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: To expand the Zone for the infinite opportunities of wealth, scientific opportunities, etc.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Chances to improve my RP skills, playing with other players in a serious, and fun way.
Why should Freedom pick you?: I can RP pretty fine, can handle the big ordeal of being in a big group
How well do you know Freedomers?: ICly, Pipson OOCly, Everybody.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC aka Leshiy Vaelyom

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: A player acting out an injury they got through RP. Example: A Stalker was shot by a mercenary in the leg. The stalker should act as he can only limp on the leg he was shot in, and can't run.
Define Metagaming: Using OOCly knowledge for ICly use.
Define Metaspeak: Using emoticons and or acronyms ICly. I.E. :D Lol xD.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): When you kill a player ICly without a valid reason or no RP behind the killing.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes.
Will you actively use the forums?: Mhm.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Sticky, Ari, SGT. Spartans.


I'll give you a chance, don't lemme down.


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN-STSA| IronDeity ]CW[
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:18616412   I can ban myself thank you very much.
Timezone: -5 GMT (New York/Philadelphia)
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Last Kiel App was about 1087 hours, this one is 3052 hours.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: A good while
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Kiel Tokerov
Age: 28
Family Members: Mikhal Tokerov (Twin brother), Viktoria Tokerov (Sister), Burian Tokerov (Father), Katrina Tokerov (Mother)
Backstory: I am the second child of the Tokerov family, twin brother to the Ukrainian soldier, Mikhal. I came to the Zone for reasons different than that of my brother, wishing to know more of the area by seeing it myself, rather than by listening to the stories in bars around my hometown of Odessa. Unlike my brother who joined the military and was sent to the Zone to prevent knowledge from escaping, I plans to learn all I can and share it with whomever wishes to know.

When my brother and sister both returned from the Zone, they told stories from very different points of view. Mikhal spoke of how it was a cursed, unnatural place. And Viktoria told of how people, such as Freedom and some Stalkers', only wish for the secrets of what happened in the area in and around the city of Pripyat and Chernobyl, to be knowledge accessible to the worlds scientists and adventurers. These stories became a pivotal stepping stone in my decision to see it all for myself. One day, I simply packed up some basic necessities, and made headway north to Kiev and then to the Cordon border, slipping through gaps in military lines with the help of others. Though I was in Freedom before, there seems to be a large gap in my memory, we atributed it to a coma I woke from, funny that I didnt even know how I got into one to begin with.

Skill Set: I am good at heavy lifting and, well thats about it right now. Heavy lifting.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone should be open for study rather than closed off.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Easy, Freedom is my home away from home here.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Because I'm awesome.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know the bossman, Yuri Babikov. Well, former bossman now I suppose.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Uhhh, some bubble-headed guy i think.

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: I
Define Metagaming: Dont
Define Metaspeak: Need
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): To
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Explain
Will you actively use the forums?: This.
Recommendations from Freedomers: Who needs recommendations.


If you can convince me ICly to not flip a lid. :>
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Midgetonic
STEAM ID:STEAM_0:1:31262687
Timezone: GMT + 1 hour United kingdom
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 2 monuths
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: not long
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Shadow of chernobyl

|In-Character Information|

Name: Nikolaevich putin
Age: 25
Family Members: aleksanr putin (Father) widinska pentrenko (Mother)
Backstory: I was born to a rich father and a poor mother but my mother told me I was born to a rapist if she is serious or she was referring to my Aleksanr but they named me Nioklaevich shortened to niko  . my father was a brute of a man who continually abused me and my mother, mother had no choice but to stay with him because she could not support me and herself without his support there were many nights where I heard screaming from the room my father and mother until finally I stole as many rubles from my father as I could and then set off to Ukraine. at Ukraine I heard about something called the zone but never paid any mind to it at first I tried to enlist in the military but was rejected for a unknown reason, after that I went to study construction at a nearby college for 2 years those times were tough with lots of broken knuckles and fingers but I got through it. then i began the life as a humble tradesman working late shifts in order to reach the dream of simply owning a house, then began the dark side of my life: I was walking down a street on my way to work as usual but there was a suspicious gentleman who seemed to offer me a loan; at the time I was short on cash and wanted that house so regrettably I took the offer then began the good times: i got the house and it was small but it was a home and I always respected that but one day that "nice" gentleman  came to collect his money but i told him he needed to wait. a few nights later he came round again; again i told him to wait but then he got angry and told me if i dint get the money by tomorrow i wouldn't wake up tomorrow, at that point I  got worried and tried everything to get the money but still didt have enough so I hoped he would understand I went to him and gave him all I could but he still said the same thing "get the money"  but I said I cant then he said "you are not waking up then" I went to bed paranoid. at about 2.00am I woke up to the sound of a bottle breaking i went to check it out but I saw nothing so I went back to bed but i never slept at about 3.00am i heard the sound of a ZIPPO lighter and a Molotov cocktail heading straight for my house I barely managed to escape the fire but I got out alive. it was then that I listened to story's about the zone "vast riches, wish granters and freedom from the outside" i asked him " where is this.... zone" he replied in Chernobyl Ukraine" with the memory of my house burning i set off to the zone. at first I had a bit of difficulty getting into the zone with solders and "shoot on sight" sighs but I managed to bribe one with all the rubles i had, then when i was in the zone i was welcomed by the major factions of the zone firstly "duty" who think destroying the zone is the best thing to do and "freedom" who think the zone should be free to any and all i thought nothing of "duty" and asked a freedom soldier "where do i sign" he pointed me to a nearby building that was very run down but never the less I entered. the first sight I saw was a buff man in his 60s with a beard like snow reminding me of my father I asked him " where do I get the job" he said "you've already got it" arming me with a pistol some ammo and a med kit I set off to protect the zone from "duty's" thugs.

Skill Set: A colledge education in counstruction

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: to keep the zone free for any and all
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: to protect the zone and be a bro
Why should Freedom pick you?: becuase i will buy you lots of weed and nyan cats
How well do you know Freedomers?: as a rookie not much one bought a beer for me once thoagh
Who is the Freedom Leader?:
Yuri Babikov
|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: The roleplay of a injury sustained say being shot in the leg the player walks slowly
Define Metagaming: The use of ooc information in game
Define Metaspeak: LOL :D LMFAO
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): The random killing of a person or persons
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Always
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes
Recommendations from Freedomers:


|Out-Of-Character Information|
Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Barlow
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:4468082
Timezone: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: 9 Years Roughly.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: 2 Years.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yes.

|In-Character Information|
Name: Deniska 'Deadeye' Mikhailov
Age: 48
Family Members: Vladimir Mikhailov (Brother), Viktoria Mikhailov (Mother), Alexei Mikhailov (Father)
Backstory: Deniska was born in Kiev, Ukraine. His family was the stereotypical eastern family, Hardworking butlacking in funds reaching poverty in the hardest of times, His father hunted livestock he took it as a sport and also a jobas he took his stock to sell up in the markets to feed his family who were developing very quick. Vladimir was 2 years olderthan Deniska who at the age of 7 got invited to come with his father hunting for a certain amount of days a week teaching himall he know's to he can carry on the families survival but he didn't accept his fathers invitation since he was more inspirated to learn more of the scientific route rather than be the hard brute his father imaged to be which left Deniska at the age of 5 to have his future choice given to him at the right age. It was two years later Deniska's father approached him asking "You can carry on my skill's because I know you are capable of much more than I could ever do, But you must allow me to show you and to do that you can come with me on my ventures out, It's your choice". Deniska has always been inspirated by his fathers work and always waited for the day his father would recognize him against his brother considering he was actully interested in what his father does for a living instead of his brother who wanted to take a different path so he accepted regularly going out with his father every week. At the age of 12, Deniska got given a present by his father. It was an Air Rifle from the market in Kiev which had a snapped binocular lens used as the scope with pen markings for the ranges. Since the age of 12 he has practised through the harshest of weathers day in day out mastering what his father is teaching him, Deniska had something special about him he had what explains as this chill like an instinct of when he has the perfect line of fire in his scope and always seemed to hit his target though his father said would not be possible at the range of the Airsoft Rifle. It came to the age of when Deniska was 17, His father retired from doing his work and Deniska was the only one keeping his family alive whilst his brother Vladimir was elsewhere to follow his Scientific career possibly still in Ukraine in a special University or Facility, At the age of 20 Deniska wished to move out of his home to find a new area in Ukraine and start a fresh new life, He chose a nice quiet village near a city known as Pripyat. (This is before the first disaster.) He had a small but cozy shack surrounded by forests which he continually wandered into for practice with his fathers rifle which he got given before he left his family home.Disasters have happened now the Zone, It is actually unknown why Deniska still remains in the Zone and even more mysterious why he now has a black-eye but maybe you will hear it from the tales in the Zone he wanderers around talkingabout, Apparently he is now known as 'Deadeye' often referred to his notorious range shots and his eye-patch around his left-eye but he has been reported to now be using simple automatic-rifles perhaps he has lost his rifle or had it stolen or even the reason he's still in the Zone, But whatever the case is.. Somebody need's to get him onto their side and hand him a Sniper Rifle.

Skill Set: Highly skilled marksman with additional hunting skills, Rough knowledge of maps.

|Faction Related Information|
What is Freedom's ideology?: That the Zone should be open for the public to see.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Dedicated community, Out to help rookies who are in need.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Skill's that can be put to use in the battlefield or on just general patrol's.
How well do you know Freedomers?: Used to be in Freedom a while back but I roughly know some of the members.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: Leshiy Vaelyom AKA CC

|Other Information|
Define Injury RP: Self-explanatory, You will be roleplaying damage to your character for example if you were to be shotin the leg you would be required to roleplay the effects of that this also applies to radiation.
Define Metagaming: Metagaming is revealing OOC information IC.
Define Metaspeak: Using smilies or bad grammer known as 'l33t sp33k'.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing random characters with no purpose for example a stalker you never heard of and you decide to shoot him in the face if you can think of an excuse.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: All actions I perform will be all my responsibility.
Will you actively use the forums?: Already do.

Recommendations from Freedomers: None.

Pending, speak to me ICly


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Brandon Lent
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:25572027
Timezone: EST
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Three/Four years
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Register Date is 12-02-2011, however I played for about a month and a half or two months before registering.
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: Yep

|In-Character Information|

Name: Seva Perp
Age: 26
Family Members: Outside of the Zone.
Backstory: I grew up as a normal kid. I had an entire family, my two older half-brothers, my younger sister, my mom, and my dad. I was not too poor, but not too rich, either. Middle class, I guess. I always considered the world a way that your mind lets you see it. You know, the world is really just whatever you know. My life before the Zone is only really known to me, as your life is to you. I went to a full education, before hearing about the Zone. I eventually showed up here one day and came in with a Makarov. I built my way up to an AK-74M and Colt. I eventually found Freedom, whom I began to question.
I met Lesh and Adam one day directly, and we went to the sunken boat together. Then Zombies came in, and we fought them off together. We went back to the base, and I asked Leshiy about Freedom. Adam gave me an application, and now I'm trying to work my way into the Freedom ranks as a recruit. I already have my own gear, so supplies shouldn't be a problem. I prefer to leave most of my backstory private, as there's a lot of skeletons in my closet that I don't really seek to open. Scar tissue doesn't heal as well the second time.
Skill Set: I used to go to the gun range and fire all kinds of weapons when I was younger. I used to do weight training, and I ran almost every morning for many years. I know how to field strip and manage the AK-series weapons, and I'd love to learn how to take care of NATO weapons, as well. I am able to use heavier armours thanks to my muscular build.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: To spread the zone's influence as well as study it and co-exist with it, bettering humanity using friendlier tactics, as Freedom believes the Zone to be a being, rather than an area.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Freedom is the ideaology that I agree with, spreading the influence of the zone, studying it, rather than destroying an ecological myrical.
Why should Freedom pick you?: (IC) I get along well with all of the Freedomers. (OOC) I get along well with all of the Freedomers.
How well do you know Freedomers?: (IC) I've spoken to them a lot, and I enjoy the different people. (OOC) I'm friends with all of the Freedomers.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC (Leshiy 'Spray' Vaelyom)

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Roleplaying an injury attained in a scenario, for example roleplaying the fact that you got shot in the leg, you're not really going to walk anytime soon without some serious medical attention.
Define Metagaming: Using information gained out of character as in-character
Define Metaspeak: Using emoticons or acronyms that wouldn't normally be spoken, such as 'Noob' or ':D'
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing somebody without an in-character reason, but mostly considered killing somebody without a reason/without roleplay to back it up.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes..
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes..
Recommendations from Freedomers: You could ask anybody to see if they support me.

Accepted. Again. ngionaf
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


|Out-Of-Character Information|

Steam Friends Name: |HGN-FOTO| Gamerheadᴴᴰ
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:16415872
Timezone: UTC-7
How long have you been roleplaying in Garry's Mod?: Can't remember.
How long have you played on the |HGN| S.T.A.L.K.E.R. RP Server?: Long time
Have you played any of the three S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games?: All of them.

|In-Character Information|

Name: Alexi 'Zero' Merkov
Age: 23
Family Members: Somewhere in the "Zone."
      I was sitting down, minding my own business when suddenly a short conversation with a Freedomer named Adam led me to write this application. Where do I begin? My name is Alexi Merkov, and I was basically brought to the Zone. At first, this place scared the hell out of me, but I began to get my bearings, and find myself striving in the irradiated area. After a long period of time, I met a few people here and there that helped me with my journey, but I'll go into detail face-to-face.
      During my time here, I was hired as a mercenary to find a man that was supposedly somewhere in the Zone, but after hunting this man for weeks, I decided to give up on the job, and make myself drop off the radar so my contacts couldn't find me. I would like to say I'm safe from my employers, but I can't promise that.
      I began life as a normal STALKER, finding artifacts, and other treasures to sell and become rich, but I soon learned that there was too much competition, and a lot of people in the Zone "Cheat", so I began to stick to bases of major factions and make myself comfortable there. And that's where I met Adam, he was a quirky Freedomer who decided to sit by the fire next to me. He just began to ramble about stories that I didn't care about, but each story had to do with Freedom. I became curious about Freedom, so I asked questions about the clan, which soon led me to agree with their ideals.
      I don't know if Adam was exaggerating, or if he was telling the honest truth, but this place of wonders, and horrors needs to be open and studied.
~(This seems to be Alexi's signature.)
Skill Set: Field Medic, Close range hand to hand, Sub machine guns.

|Faction Related Information|

What is Freedom's ideology?: Freedom is a clan of anarchist stalkers who fight for free access to the Zone.
Why do you wish to join Freedom?: Because I feel Freedom will improve my Role play experience in SRP greatly.
Why should Freedom pick you?: Because I am a good role player and know how to use medical role play properly.
How well do you know Freedomers?: I know some of them well but others not so much.
Who is the Freedom Leader?: CC-Leshiy Vaelyom

|Other Information|

Define Injury RP: Role playing in the server with a significant injury.
Define Metagaming: Using out of character information for in character uses and knowledge.
Define Metaspeak: Using smiley faces and/or slag acronyms that you wouldn't say normally.
Define RDM (Random Deathmatch): Killing someone without an IC reason and/or killing someone without any role play or reason.
Will you take responsibility for your actions?: Yes, I will take full resonsability for my actions.
Will you actively use the forums?: Yes, I will and do.
Recommendations from Freedomers:

Talk to me IC