Ranking system.

Started by Aresty, 19-09-2010

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Trader Ranking System

Thanks to the new script, traders actually have something to earn from ranking up.
Traders who will apply and that will get accepted  will recive the basic trader flag/permission/whilelist.
The basic trader flag will only sell food, medkits and something else.
To have acces to better gear, you'll need to have IC contacts with the black market, or any other company which produces the weapons/suit/etc.  You won't have those type of contacts from day 1. You'll have acces at them after a certain amount of time, and when you have enough experience to get to the next " level ".

Weapons and suits are now divided into tiers. The weapons have 3 tiers, going from the worse weapon to the best one, same for the suits.

I'll decide who will get promoted and who not, based on the things you will do on the server, but if you are active and doing missions, be sure that you are up for a promotion very soon.

Also note, that Killabreu's concept is a good start if you want to get organized and do things the most realistic way possible. In the stalker way, that is.

   ¤  Master Trader ―― Sells everything and has every trading flag (Other than faction related) (T, r, l, I, R, e, E)
   ¤  Barkeep ―― Expert Trader, can only buy good items Access: (T, r, l, I, R, e)
   ¤  Faction Trader ―― Faction  trader, can buy basic items and has access to faction armory. Access: (T, x)
   ¤  Made Man ―― Respected Trader, can only buy medium items Access: (T, r, l, I, R)
   ¤  Associate ――  Average trader, can only buy basic items Access: (T, r, l)
   ¤  Apprentice ―― Basic trader, can only buy basic items Access: (T)