Public Investigation of Erik Volosk - 23/12/2010

Started by Blake.H, 23-12-2010

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This is the public investigation of Erik Volosk, This is between Adrik Zaitsev, Erik Volosk and Kostya.
Any posts other than Turkeys, Myself or Lokter will be removed.

[u]In Character[/u]


[u]Out of Character[/u]

In Character
**There is a voice recorder in the center of a table in a conference room in Kiev, it begins recording...**
The information recorded will be available ICly to all Ecologist once the discussion is over.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


In Character
@Andrik, He lacks experience, Fails to do as told, And has only caused trouble.

Out of Character
He doesn't act very cannon, Spawns a whole shit load of props that don't even make sense, Doesn't listen to anything I say.
Needs to go play STALKER again before becoming a ecologist.


In Character
@Kostya, All right lets hear his defence.

Out of Character
Wanna see what he has to say.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


In Character
I dont see what I have done wrong, I used the databse to find contracts we had open, and assigned them to those requesting jobs.

Out of Character
Complete lies.
1) Turkey. your rarely on.
2) No-one told us how to build the bunker. It wasnt only me who contributed, others built stuff aswell.
3) If im given a weapon, then why isnt that canon. If theres 2 controllers outside and someone hands out weapons your not going to say "Im a scientist, if the mutants break in im going to stand here"
4) You storm in and wreck every RP we have tried to do.
5) "Fails to do as he is told" is complete rubbish. You told me to hand over the gun in LOOC, dont bring that into IC.
Loken Vaskyl    || Defiance || Alive


In Character
@ Erik You sir, have done nothing right. You hired a stalker a job, Then left never paying him, He assaulted me

Out of ChComplete lies.
Quote1) Turkey. your rarely on. HA! it's funny, I just got  out of school for break.
2) No-one told us how to build the bunker. It wasnt only me who contributed, others built stuff aswell. Hmm. maybe not putting the lab outside of the bunker?
3) If im given a weapon, then why isnt that canon. If theres 2 controllers outside and someone hands out weapons your not going to say "Im a scientist, if the mutants break in im going to stand here"Another example of uncannoness, Your a scientist, You call in the military, Hide under a desk, And wait. I said it was uncannon for you to have a viper and be like, "I doesn't fraid of controllers"
4) You storm in and wreck every RP we have tried to do.I don't even, I don't storm in and wreck any roleplay, When I come to the server everyones like "o deer, he gonna make me do something END RP NAO" /sidenot Your a team of ecologist btw, Not a single ecologist out trying to beat the others.
5) "Fails to do as he is told" is complete rubbish. You told me to hand over the gun in LOOC, dont bring that into ICaracter I asked you icly also, I demanded oocly you do something and your like "your not taking my stuff"


In Character
I paid him, It was 100 rubles for the work. However payment was delayed becuase of the problem with mutants assualting the compound.

Out of Character
1) Great for you.
2) It was a single server rack and I only put it there cuase the canadian guy said it was his job to "fix the servers" and asked me to. It was just outside the main hatch.
3) I never said I wasnt afraid. I just said I was given it becuase the controllers said STK and I didnt have a weapon.
4) You did. I was trying to RP the situation with the controlers with Tom and Commisar, you walked in and told everyone to get inside and that "we werent paying". No one ends anything when you join. Your just such a crap leader to manage to contradict everything you say.  SideNote. Not much of a team when for 90% of the time Im the only person on an Eco character.
5) I didnt see and IC commands. You were too busy punching up peoples props. Not to mention, the only possible OOC thing you could have taken was the Viper, you still took all my money and my pistols. AND my ammo. AND KEPT THEM FOR YOURSELF.
Loken Vaskyl    || Defiance || Alive


In Character

Tell that to the that violently attacked me, and broke our monitors.
Also, You verbally harassed other members, I know this because I got reports of you doing so. // Both l-oocly and ICly.\\

Out of Character
Quote1) Great for you.
2) It was a single server rack and I only put it there cuase the canadian guy said it was his job to "fix the servers" and asked me to. It was just outside the main hatch.A single massive server rack, Two filing cabinets,And a whole bunch of other useless props that would never be out there if you had any cannon knowledge of the ecologist
3) I never said I wasnt afraid. I just said I was given it becuase the controllers said STK and I didnt have a weapon. Then why  did you fight over giving it up, We honestly don't need any weapons unless we leave the bunker, but you walk around the whole zone "science man with viper 5 in lab coat" and you even threaten stalkers with it
4) You did. I was trying to RP the situation with the controlers with Tom and Commisar, you walked in and told everyone to get inside and that "we werent paying". No one ends anything when you join. Your just such a crap leader to manage to contradict everything you say.  SideNote. Not much of a team when for 90% of the time Im the only person on an Eco character.Lol. Dumbass. I joined in because you where being a dumb fuck and arguing with admins, Atleast thats what I was told, "omg no you cant do that", Acting like you make all the cannon stuff from stalker, When a controller physical uttered into the PA, You flipped shit and threw a fit, Yes, Controllers can mutter into a PA system, Also, It's chirstmas, Just because your family doesn't love you enough to be a family to you, Doesn't mean we don't have social lifes.
5) I didnt see and IC commands. You were too busy punching up peoples props. Not to mention, the only possible OOC thing you could have taken was the Viper, you still took all my money and my pistols. AND my ammo. AND KEPT THEM FOR YOURSELF.How does this even relate to you not reading IC messages, You got ADD or something also. I was punching your PHX props because good sir, Every prop you've ever placed in the bunker, Has been something I would see if I joined a build server.


In Character
I must say Kostya, i'm not happy with the way you have dealt with this. It seems your information is flawed and probably unreliable.

And Erik with regards to what Kostya Said about you using unreasonable and unprovoked force against him, and verbally assaulting other KZRI members, what's your side on it?

I am keeping this all in mind - please continue.

Out of Character
Keep it Civil you two. Raging and caps wont get you anywhere. And if i see even a hint more of flaming or flame-baiting you'll be stood down from your position in the ecologist.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


In Character
I deny any allegations of "verbal harrasment".
You cant talk about morals, after all. You took MY property for yourself.

Out of Character
Quote from: Turkey on 23-12-2010
Then why  did you fight over giving it up, We honestly don't need any weapons unless we leave the bunker, but you walk around the whole zone "science man with viper 5 in lab coat" and you even threaten stalkers with it
I have never ever done that, I have no ammo for it. I gave it back to commisar.

As for "flipping out" you will find that was the canadian eco character. Who had been attacked by controllers earlier in that week, he was having some emotioal issues related to the mutants. I placed a few lab stlye props, becuase its a lab. I wasnt aware how it was built. But we needed something for passive.

As for your canon argument. If you want a replica of the stalker world. Go play stalker. Not everything can be canon in SRP, we can try our hardest. but there are limitations.
Loken Vaskyl    || Defiance || Alive


In Character
Yes, but the reports read otherwise.

Again, You lack experience needed to be here, As leader // IC leader, More technically put \\ I demand he be returned to kiev, Bunker 12 does not need this man.

Out of Character

I have never ever done that, I have no ammo for it. I gave it back to commisar.

As for "flipping out" you will find that was the canadian eco character. Who had been attacked by controllers earlier in that week, he was having some emotioal issues related to the mutants. I placed a few lab stlye props, becuase its a lab. I wasnt aware how it was built. But we needed something for passive. Flipping out OOCly for a IC thing. Just a few props /me walks into the bunker to find a sofa blocking he lockers, A bunch of wooden chairs in the lab, And a whole bunch of filing cabinets and monitors outside of the lab. o ok

As for your canon argument. If you want a replica of the stalker world. Go play stalker. Not everything can be canon in SRP, we can try our hardest. but there are limitations.
How in anyway IS NOT USING a Viper 5 on a ecologist a limitation


In Character
After going through the Information you will both be returned to Bunker 12. I expect you to return all of his equipment Kostya. I will be keeping a close eye on both of you.

Out of Character

To Summarise: You both have your knickers in a twist. Turkey stop being a hard ass on him hes a new ecologist. Teach him, dont scold  him.

As for you Lokter, Respect - RESPECT YOUR FELLOW ECOLOGIST. And i suggest you read this And listen to this:

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"