Poll - Map Change

Started by Dug, 14-06-2011

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Which map do you want the server to change to?

0 (0%)
31 (47%)
Sector 42
19 (28.8%)
4 (6.1%)
2 (3%)
Stay on Occult
10 (15.2%)

Total Members Voted: 66


Just to make sure everyone is happy with the current map or not.
That's why the poll is up.

If you want we can make a poll for server 2 aswell.


Occult is a cool map. But it quickly get's boring. Too linear in my opinion.

Chernobyl is a okay map, but it's too flat and has too few buildings and stuff.

I just generally dislike Garbage.

Sector 42 is a great map, but it's too large and it takes too long to get around to places.

Redemption is a pretty good map as well, but when it's divided into three sectors... It just feels wrong in some places.

And Redux... No, just no.

Overall and in all honesty, I'd actually like to return to Redemption, at least just for a few weeks. Yes, it's messed up when divided into three sectors, but I miss the times with the Arena, the Bar, Freedom being witty guys (drinking their arse off and making shooting competitions)...


I'd have to agree completely with Nova, however I'd prefer returning to Sector 42, I feel the atmosphere cries out STALKER better on that map.


Yeah, Redemption is a map I'd like to come back, I like the map personally. Yeah the three sectors is sort of annoying, but atleast the map is a good size compared to others.
Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.



Redemption. Perfect size and atmosphere for the amount of players we have had in the past week


S42 is my least favorite map, so no

I vote Redemption, considering it was a great map, and needs to be back on.


Voted Redemption as well, I wanted it to be our map for a while. We may have not been on Occult all that long but there's so many damn issues with the map. It was nice while it lasted.

Redemption does have some issues with the choke points, sector and other shit, but it's still pretty decent. Large map but not much 'lag.'
The only major issue I can think of is the Military controlling an entire sector, essentially taking away a third of the map from the Stalkers.


Redemtion for all the reasons above.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


They ain't around a lot anyway so it won't be an issue.
Other than that, I just hate the feeling of it being boxed in.
Also my graph card doesn't like occult.

Either way, I voted for S42, because I had some great times there.
And because it has a lot of space for everyones RP needs.

Silver Knight

I really want to do another revised version of sector 42 and shrink it in some places and fill out others. But it's like trying to paint over a painting.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Steven :D

Redemption, because I love that map


Well remember folks we need enjoy room for everyone and yet not be crazy big or crazy small. I think redemption is decent size and enough size for all factions pretty much. It is a bit squeezed up but I love it. I think we should either stay or go redemption.

Plus the underground on redemption is awsome for monolith.


Yeah but it doesn't like minor factions space wise.


I think we should change server 2 to something like Ghost hunt again as well, since I think be nice to have a smaller map for seperate roleplay once in awhile and for some events and shit.


I think I can change maps so that shouldn't be a problem.


Redemption already wins. Just do it Dug


I have to agree with redemption-you can find peole easily,but when you RP somewhere,most likely some another person bumps to your RP.

So I voted for S42 large map,and some good moments I had there


Voting is done. Map change imminent.

EDIT: Looking back at my previous votes, there would be 35-50 votes. There for I will unlock the voting.
But the map will be changed to redemption for the time. If any vote outnumbers Redemption in the mean time map will be changed to something else.


*Bump* I tried running an event with all our latest additions to SRP new anoms and npcs, however even after cleaning some of them up Redemption was too laggy and it crashed eventually as to where on Occult I could spawn anything and it would work.

We are going to try S42, any change is good change. If S42 proves more stable we will stay on it.


Seems to lag the same to me, maybe even a bit more. That and the fact that Sector 42 is really ugly makes me want to go back to Occult.


Any chance you can change server 2 soon.


Quote from: Renay on 15-06-2011
Seems to lag the same to me, maybe even a bit more. That and the fact that Sector 42 is really ugly makes me want to go back to Occult.

How do you see S42 ugly?
I mean..underground for example is a pretty nice place,or that train underground..Bar and random houses.


Quote from: knife_cz on 15-06-2011

How do you see S42 ugly?
I mean..underground for example is a pretty nice place,or that train underground..Bar and random houses.

A. You can see off the edges.

B. I think the ground texture looks like puke.

C. There are floating bushes, grass and even buildings.

D. The map simply looks like something that was made in a hurry.


You pay too much attention to unimportant things.

As for Rav, what do you want it changed to?