PDA Log of Viktor Petrinko

Started by Tom, 28-10-2011

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Username: Andrew
Password: *******

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-------Welcome Viktor------
-------Start Log------

Today is (OOC: I will add a date when I get on the server next time), I am Viktor Petrinko, and I am just now starting my PDA logs. Even though I have likely been in the zone for. . . Months? Years? I've lost track of time, and as it seems I have also lost track of my old self, and of my memories which where torn from me. Not much is certain as it seems as though no one remebered me when I 'came back' and that I don't remeber a single solitary memory from my pre-monolithian existance. Its a shame really. But- Maybe not. Maybe there is a higher reason for my memory and personallity being cleaned. Maybe I was a terrible person, or a blind man in my past life, not much is certain. Though it has became painfully obvious that there is no way back to the past to meet this Viktor Petrinko-This man of the past. There is no way for me to be who I was pre-monolith or pre-zone, there is no way for me to even KNOW how I was (Though apparently I was a doctor in my pastlife which benefits me greatly in my zone endevours, and it seems as though that is a family trade as my sister is also- or was going to be a doctor, she also practices medicine in the zone). I am a new person. I suppose one may also find it absurd that I call myself 'Andrew' at times, though that is in NO regaurd at all "Ukrainian" or "Russian" (Names of what people call 'nationalities') it is what 'Puppy' calls me. . . Odd she says I remind her of a "Westerner". . . an "American" she used to know named 'Andrew'. . . Odd. . . Speaking of odd is it odd that I watched a woman cook stew? Everyone thought I was stalking or watching this young woman (known as Viktoria who is sister to a few dead Sabers and a live Saber) when in fact. . . I was watching her. . . Cook stew. . . is that odd? It doesn't feel odd but I get the feeling that what I did was socially unacceptable in the zone. (Though what does everyone else know, according to Skully and others everyone in the zone is insane anyway) I feel like I am rambling now and my thoughts are just contorted, stupid, unfocused, and most of all trivial. . . I suppose I should stop wasting time in writing in this "Log" (Logs are what most people keep. . . I can't figgure out why)

Until next time I guess.

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Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22