
Started by deluxulous, 20-08-2011

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With Killabreu leaving, I am going to be bringing in a lot of changes.

Squads are being overhauled and given actual use. Active members are being rewarded, and inactive members are now in the process of being removed. Everything's being prettied up, too. Other shit will happen as well, the main thing being rank distribution.

Post to acknowledge that you have read this post, and to confirm activity.

People in question of activity are... nobody.

Steven :D

Eyecandy away.


I did not read this post.


I know I'm not in duty, but pistol, I'm still awaiting a repsonse on my app, as you said to me in steam you'd change it but your internet was derpy and it hasn't changed. Thanks.


This is really good for Duty. And why did Killabreu leave?  :'(


Pistolkid, I just came back from Europe. I had a loa post on it and everything. Also I got a new computer so I have to redownload everything.


Steven :D

Quote from: Gonztah on 21-08-2011
This is really good for Duty. And why did Killabreu leave?  :'(
Various IC reasons I believe.


I've seen Recreas on a good amount. He only stays in the server when there are people in Duty on.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: meetdadoom on 21-08-2011
Pistolkid, I just came back from Europe. I had a loa post on it and everything. Also I got a new computer so I have to redownload everything.
That's cool. I was just checking because I haven't seen you around much.

Quote from: HitMan5523 on 21-08-2011
I've seen Recreas on a good amount. He only stays in there are people in Duty on.
Alright. I haven't seen him online almost ever, he must get on super early for my timezone.


Lots of leadership changes happening right now, good luck mate.
"|HGN| G-Man: Dont know what loli is, but i'd lie if I said I havn't seen some of that hentai stuff."


Well I was active, and yes I'm totally not in your time zone pistolkid. Atleast I only get on in the evening for me which could be just the moment when you're sleeping, or decide to do something else. But that's not a problem anymore at all. I'm leaving you guys again, I'm afraid that it's rather annoying to have most members in a different time zone. Not to mention the recent leadership changing is a bit confusing. But that might be just me, I suppose.
For now I'll say Duty goodbye and I hope you get things back on track again.
I'll talk with you about it later Pistolkid.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves