Operation: Scorched Earth

Started by Corocan, 21-03-2012

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District 9 - Soundtrack - Track 1
"It was an usual calm and peaceful day that day, but I can safely remember the details, despite the horrors."
"Comms, this is Tugolov, requesting permission to take air, over?"
"Request acknowledged, you have permission to go the skies, over."

"The skies were clear that day and I sat inside the abandoned warehouse within the DUTY confines, as a friend of mine strummed his guitar and told us a tale..."

"Confirming we have just passed the Chernobyl Blast Zone, target approximately 10 kilometers away, over.""Understood, Tugolov, proceed to target and keep communications with HQ, out."

"We all took a stroll around the base and chat it up with some friends down in the Bar. You had all types of characters down there. Many of them were enemies, even. It's odd how disaster can bring out the worst and best of us all."

"This is Tugolov, target is in sight, preparing to release all arsenal, over."

"Affirmative, Tugolov, proceed with mission, out."

"This is 105th Battalion, we are in position, over."

"Understood, this is HQ, wait for Tugolov to release the payload and move in. Eliminate all possible threats, take no survivors. It's been a long time, gentlemen. Bare with us and we'll all make it back home. HQ, out."

"I remember as we headed down to the Bar, there's was quite a turnout there. Lots of Dutiers crowded around the bar table to get some drinks after a long hard day. We'd heard multiple loud hums from outside of the bar. We ignored it, but then we heard a lot of banging. It sounded almost like thunder and soot literally fell from the cracks of the wooden boards. We all assumed it was an emission and continued with our activities. One of the rookies went upstairs and we heard yelling at that point. We all ventured up simultaneously and what we saw still surges through my memories. I'll never get the sight of all the brimstone and fire, the fallen and destroyed buildings and the smell of burning corpses. The rookie was sitting in the corner, still vomiting. I crept outside and slowly ventured through the area."

"The night was illuminated by all the fire and the death. For moments there was nothing by the faint cry of the dead and those calling out for friends followed by the crackling of the fires that roared around everyone. Too bad the near silence didn't last forever. I heard a large amount of gunfire and battle cries. Then it all suddenly subsided. I made out the figure of an exoskeleton decorated with the signs of a Dutier limping towards me. I saw three figures pop out behind him and instantly I got onto my belly and rolled under a few sheets of metal. Almost instantly after that, two shots flared out and the limping figure dropped dead. I watched careful and still as the marching figures trotted past me, the sounds of their boots clamping against the ground. I rolled out for a second and saw six more figures with headlamps on their masks moving towards me and I quickly returned to the safety of the sheet metal and watched them pass the bar."

"I was glad they had missed me. As soon as I knew it was clear I got up and returned to the bar, only to find Dutiers and other Stalkers. As I walked in they asked me what I had saw and I told them. As I looked around I expected to see fear in their bodies and the desire to flee to fight another day, but instead I saw them all pulling out their weapons, ensuring there was ammo inside them, even the Rookie pulled out a Makarov. All these men who wanted nothing to do with eachother suddenly began to pull together so they might all live. I guess it was time to join in..."

"Everyone fan out, find and eliminate anyone you see. Duty has gotten too smart for their own good and now it's time to trim the branches and burn them. Let's remind them we're still here and we know where they live! Be happy the Bomber was able to make a drop. Now we can just walk in and ensure the whole place burns."


Look's like a really good event, when is this happening?

"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


It's a suggestion. Tbh I want to use it to knock out two birds with one stone, in that meaning I want Duty and Military to both get active.


A good idea but what about the anomalies in the air?


Quote from: Gonztah on 21-03-2012
A good idea but what about the anomalies in the air?
Quote from: Corocan on 21-03-2012
"Confirming we have just passed the Chernobyl Blast Zone, target approximately 10 kilometers away, over"
I dont know how some bomber could maneuver around all aerial anomalies for 10 kilometers. Unless the bomber have best handling in the world and pilot have eagle eyes seeing all anomalies.

Lucky Pig

BOMBER not a helicopter mind you. So it would not be bopping around only 200 or so meters from the ground, but high up so the anomalies would not affect it.


Quote from: Lucky Piig on 22-03-2012
BOMBER not a helicopter mind you. So it would not be bopping around only 200 or so meters from the ground, but high up so the anomalies would not affect it.
Problem is there is nowhere said where are borders where anomalies cant "spawn". And if they would drop the bomb, there is still fairly big chance that bomb would get damaged in mid-air and that bomber could have problems with navigation.


Quote from: Lucky Piig on 22-03-2012
BOMBER not a helicopter mind you. So it would not be bopping around only 200 or so meters from the ground, but high up so the anomalies would not affect it.
Zone is just damaged noo-sphere. The anomalies are up to the point where noosphere ends.
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Also why would they bomb Duty instead of Freedom? IMO Freedom is a bigger enemy to the Army than Duty is.

Lucky Pig

And atm DUTY is more active than the others atleast when I am online.


Quote from: Lucky Piig on 22-03-2012
And atm DUTY is more active than the others atleast when I am online.
Then youre online at wrong time. Since both Duty and Freedom are active atleast when they have to.

Lucky Pig

Yeah you could say that as I'm from the Europe and I suppose most factioners are from America so...


Guess this event sort of doesn't matter because we're going to get a wipe soon anyways :/


Quote from: Corocan on 23-03-2012
Guess this event sort of doesn't matter because we're going to get a wipe soon anyways :/

or you could do it before the wipe happens.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Steven :D

Quote from: Jake on 23-03-2012
Quote from: Corocan on 23-03-2012
Guess this event sort of doesn't matter because we're going to get a wipe soon anyways :/

or you could do it before the wipe happens.
My thoughts exactly.


Sounds like a huge STK fight before wipe to me

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 23-03-2012
Sounds like a huge STK fight before wipe to me

and why not?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


This is actually pretty cool...AND HUGE STK PLOX