Ole Nostalgia StalkerRP

Started by RAPTOR, 15-01-2012

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Imo there was alot more drama and issues back then, requiring skilled admins.
Now however, - meh. There's only a RDM maybe once a month if ever ;_;


Quote from: ThY on 17-01-2012
Imo there was alot more drama and issues back then, requiring skilled admins.
Now however, - meh. There's only a RDM maybe once a month if ever ;_;

just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


There was nowhere near as much drama back then. Due to the half-broken script that didn't save items very reliably admins were pretty generous with refunds and people didn't bitch constantly about getting killed. The factions actually fought and all 3 were active. Loners had stuff to scavenge because there was less of a "DON'T SPAWN ANYTHING EVER" attitude amongst (wow Google Chrome your spellcheck doesn't know the word "Amongst"? gg) the admins/Silver Knight so things would get spawned all over the place just for fun.

Yes it made it harder to advance since you may have a nice suit and a nice gun one day and then log on the next day to find it was gone (I remember I had a particularly unlucky string of characters that just never ever had anything saved. Freedom went through at least 5 suits for my guy alone just because every time I'd log it'd be gone) but no one cared about gear much so it didn't matter. Imagine if we had that kind of bug today. The amount of whining and bitching would be enormous.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 17-01-2012
There was nowhere near as much drama back then. Due to the half-broken script that didn't save items very reliably admins were pretty generous with refunds and people didn't bitch constantly about getting killed. The factions actually fought and all 3 were active. Loners had stuff to scavenge because there was less of a "DON'T SPAWN ANYTHING EVER" attitude amongst (wow Google Chrome your spellcheck doesn't know the word "Amongst"? gg) the admins/Silver Knight so things would get spawned all over the place just for fun.

Yes it made it harder to advance since you may have a nice suit and a nice gun one day and then log on the next day to find it was gone (I remember I had a particularly unlucky string of characters that just never ever had anything saved. Freedom went through at least 5 suits for my guy alone just because every time I'd log it'd be gone) but no one cared about gear much so it didn't matter. Imagine if we had that kind of bug today. The amount of whining and bitching would be enormous.

most of this is an exaggeration, but one fact stays and it has to do with items. flags(whitelists, for those who aren't familiar) used to spawn with the sweps not item weapons, although you could still drop them and re-flag and get a new set of weapons. when this was removed, it made the items very valuable because they got more rare -- people got more obsessed over them. there also was no ammo, you got about 450 bullets when you used a weapon, but if re-used you could get more. this also reminds me that suits could be simply 'used' while not disappearing and you could share your suit with everyone, but they didn't save on the character if it was 'used'.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Paintcheck on 17-01-2012
There was nowhere near as much drama back then.
I disagree alot, shrug. Everyone has their own opinion.


Yeah, suits dissapearing when you equipted them in inventory, ammo dissapearing.
Also I remember last day on Cakescript, all of the suits got duplicated twice or more, thats why we went on this current script.
However I do not remember any dramar or anything, maybe I just never cared- but I remember back on older version of redemption.
DUTY guarding whole their sector, having guards at the tunnel to freedom, and freedom on the other side of tunnel.Everyone who went past had to be checked if they arent "spies".
Yeah, that was my first day on stalker roleplay.I miss the duty/freedom activity


The only real drama was between the admins alone.
Constant fight for power who is in charge and admins teaming against other admins.
I was more of the neutral chill guy doing my own business.
That's why i went inactive mostly, Didn't want to get involved with the admins bitching at eachother ;)
now im back though.
I chill quite often.


Working for Doom Burgers old trader and torturing him with food whilst I ate it infront of him.  Good ol' days.

Steven :D

Quote from: Paintcheck on 17-01-2012
That was Wazer Wifle bitching about Dragonskin armor. Google it.
I remember when the Military (with Wazer Wifle) went into the train tunnels behind Duty Base on Chernobyl, and then he asspulled having Dragon Skin to save himself from dying, after being shot point blank with like a shotgun. Back when Dutch & Kitten Mittens played SRP that is.