New Duty Leader Applications

Started by Silver Knight, 18-10-2010

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Silver Knight

Commisar is going to be standing down as Duty leader, due to several reasons, mostly due to inactivity, not on his personal leadership skills as Duty leader.

We are now looking for a suitable replacement for Duty leader, as all leaders, you must be on the server, quite literally 24/7, be able to handle pressure (Aton) and have good communication and leadership skills.

Duty is a faction who in all reguards should be 1st\2nd biggest to Freedom and is one of the major backbones of SRP.

Please discuss this topic in the other read.

Please follow this format:


Rp Name of Character:
Bio\Description of character:


Why do you want to be Duty Leader?:
Have you any experience in leadership?:
What is Duty's Ukranian Name?:
What Does Duty Stand for?:
How Active are you on the server?:

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period



Rp Name of Character: 'Stone'
Age: 21
Bio\Description of character:


Why do you want to be Duty Leader?: Because that's quiet simply the only faction I like and I think I would be a good leader.

Have you any experience in leadership?: I'm leading The Sanctioned at the moment and this character was a sergeant in duty with him I have led many battles and defenses. EDIT: I forgot to mention I was leading the mili mercs for a while. EDIT 2: I've also led a merc group called the Outcasts who waged a war against the monolith and in a way, won.

What is Duty's Ukranian Name?: Долг

What Does Duty Stand for?: Duty is one of the larger stalker clans in the zone, a paramilitary faction, they believe the zone should be destroyed as it corrupts people in their opinion, they fight with their nemesis  freedom because their beliefs are not the same, freedom thinks the zone is a blessing and there for people should have free passage into it,  while duty thinks it's a curse and should be destroyed. Besides freedom, they fight against all who try to extort the money of stalkers such as bandits and mercenaries. Other than that they fight against the horrors of the zone which is the mutants.
How Active are you on the server?: I'm online almost every day.